Help me calculate the calories in this dosa?

Heya all!

So, I had Indian food last night. YUM. It was delicious!

I had meant to order idllis, but the waiter wouldn't let me sub them on the dosa menu, and the dosa menu had the sambar. Since I'd heard that dosa weren't THAT calorically bad, I ordered what was labeled "salad dosa."

Normally, I wouldn't care particularly much what the count was, because it was a treat and I figured that, since there were no chutneys or creams in it, that it couldn't be that bad. Plus, I had a lot of calories left at dinner time, courtesy of a hectic day.


The plate had 4 of them. My friend had one, I had another, and I had a spoonful of her channa thing (and several glasses of water, because I'm a spice wussy). At the end of that, I was full. Not stuffed at all, but pleasantly sated (spice always fill me up quick).

But that left me with 2 remaining dosai. They are in my fridge now, and I was planning to have one for lunch, and maybe the last one for Sunday's dinner. But now I want to know the calorie count. Since it was the randomly named "salad dosa," I can't look it up. It was NOT masala, either, since masala was another option.

Anyway, the dosa had a little bit of potato, carrots, bell peppers, and a smattering of onion. There was virtually no oil--when I put it in the doggie bag, the plate had the slightest, faintest sheen. I had drizzled on about a tablespoon of sambar. The rolled dosa was about the size of a Hot Pocket, but not as thick.

Any guesses?


  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Heya all!

    So, I had Indian food last night. YUM. It was delicious!

    I had meant to order idllis, but the waiter wouldn't let me sub them on the dosa menu, and the dosa menu had the sambar. Since I'd heard that dosa weren't THAT calorically bad, I ordered what was labeled "salad dosa."

    Normally, I wouldn't care particularly much what the count was, because it was a treat and I figured that, since there were no chutneys or creams in it, that it couldn't be that bad. Plus, I had a lot of calories left at dinner time, courtesy of a hectic day.


    The plate had 4 of them. My friend had one, I had another, and I had a spoonful of her channa thing (and several glasses of water, because I'm a spice wussy). At the end of that, I was full. Not stuffed at all, but pleasantly sated (spice always fill me up quick).

    But that left me with 2 remaining dosai. They are in my fridge now, and I was planning to have one for lunch, and maybe the last one for Sunday's dinner. But now I want to know the calorie count. Since it was the randomly named "salad dosa," I can't look it up. It was NOT masala, either, since masala was another option.

    Anyway, the dosa had a little bit of potato, carrots, bell peppers, and a smattering of onion. There was virtually no oil--when I put it in the doggie bag, the plate had the slightest, faintest sheen. I had drizzled on about a tablespoon of sambar. The rolled dosa was about the size of a Hot Pocket, but not as thick.

    Any guesses?
  • melissa91971
    add up what is in it. for instance how many ounces of meat..cheese..etc.
    don't forget to add in fat if it was cooked it oil or butter or grease.
    good luck figuring!
  • jawaria
    i would say about 300 calories...rough MIL makes them with PAM spray but if the rest did with oil it might add a feww calories....i still don't think it would be more than 3-400 calories.