to all who think bananas and potatoes are BAD....



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    <3 potassium

    I track it in my diary to make sure I get enough. I get a lot from tomatoes, milk, spinach, and soy.

    I used to track it but I found that so many entries didn't have the potassium content that I nearly always had to go somewhere else to find it anyway. After hunting it down it seemed I was getting plenty so I just took it off.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Bravo c2sky!


    Thanks. I think the people disagreeing with me didn't read the article, like I'm stating that bananas and potatoes are the ONLY place to get postassium. Not saying that, just saying they're not bad. For instance, yesterday I had a small Yukon potato, only 110 calories (THAT'S HIGH?????), (with 780 mg of potassium) very satisfying with brocolli, and a nectarine on the side. And a little feta cheese. Very low lunch in calories, and over 1400 mg of postassium in the whole meal. I'm pretty sure that helped on my long run today.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I like potatoes but don't eat them much because of the carbs and calories. I LOATHE bananas with a passion. They are just plain nasty (to me). You can get plenty of potassium from other sources.

    This is what I was saying also................There are foods that provide more potassium then potatoes and bananas.

    Bananas because of the high sugar content, send me to a binge status..............

    I don't like potatoes and used to choke them down as a child, no matter how they were fixed. I was probably the only kid that didn't like potato chips and french fries.

    I would rather get my nutrients from foods I enjoy.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I like potatoes but don't eat them much because of the carbs and calories. I LOATHE bananas with a passion. They are just plain nasty (to me). You can get plenty of potassium from other sources.

    This is what I was saying also................There are foods that provide more potassium then potatoes and bananas.

    Bananas because of the high sugar content, send me to a binge status..............

    I don't like potatoes and used to choke them down as a child, no matter how they were fixed. I was probably the only kid that didn't like potato chips and french fries.

    I would rather get my nutrients from foods I enjoy.

    not a problem. As I've said before, if something works for you, great. It sounds like you're getting some healthy stuff inside. I just posted this because people often slam bananas and potatoes on this site. And for people who enjoy them, like me, I'm simply pointing out they serve a marvelous purpose. Enjoy!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Leave the skin on those potatoes! That's where the good stuff is. :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Bravo c2sky!


    Thanks. I think the people disagreeing with me didn't read the article, like I'm stating that bananas and potatoes are the ONLY place to get postassium. Not saying that, just saying they're not bad. For instance, yesterday I had a small Yukon potato, only 110 calories (THAT'S HIGH?????), (with 780 mg of potassium) very satisfying with brocolli, and a nectarine on the side. And a little feta cheese. Very low lunch in calories, and over 1400 mg of postassium in the whole meal. I'm pretty sure that helped on my long run today.

    Potatoes are not that high in Potassium. They have a good amount, but I have just visited several websites and the range for a Yukon Gold potato (and this is for a medium potato) is between 400 and on the high end 680 mg of potassium) - so that 780 mg is grossly over estimated.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Bravo c2sky!


    Thanks. I think the people disagreeing with me didn't read the article, like I'm stating that bananas and potatoes are the ONLY place to get postassium. Not saying that, just saying they're not bad. For instance, yesterday I had a small Yukon potato, only 110 calories (THAT'S HIGH?????), (with 780 mg of potassium) very satisfying with brocolli, and a nectarine on the side. And a little feta cheese. Very low lunch in calories, and over 1400 mg of postassium in the whole meal. I'm pretty sure that helped on my long run today.

    Potatoes are not that high in Potassium. They have a good amount, but I have just visited several websites and the range for a Yukon Gold potato (and this is for a medium potato) is between 400 and on the high end 680 mg of potassium) - so that 780 mg is grossly over estimated.

    Oh no! I guess it's not worth it then. I had better not eat them. In fact maybe I better had not trust any of the nutrition breakdowns on this site. Whatever shall I do?
    joking. Enjoy your day and whatever healthy food you can get and all the exercise you love! Peace.:smile:
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Bravo c2sky!


    Thanks. I think the people disagreeing with me didn't read the article, like I'm stating that bananas and potatoes are the ONLY place to get postassium. Not saying that, just saying they're not bad. For instance, yesterday I had a small Yukon potato, only 110 calories (THAT'S HIGH?????), (with 780 mg of potassium) very satisfying with brocolli, and a nectarine on the side. And a little feta cheese. Very low lunch in calories, and over 1400 mg of postassium in the whole meal. I'm pretty sure that helped on my long run today.

    Potatoes are not that high in Potassium. They have a good amount, but I have just visited several websites and the range for a Yukon Gold potato (and this is for a medium potato) is between 400 and on the high end 680 mg of potassium) - so that 780 mg is grossly over estimated.

    Back off a little! You stated in a post here that you do not care for bananas and potatoes and would rather get your nutrients elsewhere. Please give others the same option. Whether it is 400mg or 780 a potato is a good source of potasium. I dislike some of your nutrient sources, but I love bananas and potatoes. All this thread is stating is that they are good HEALTHY OPTIONS. I am a runner and a cyclist and bananas are a staple in that community, with plenty of benefits and no adverse effects. Some folk seem hell bent to vilify them but there is plenty of research and evidence to support their use as part of a healthy diet. If you don't like them don't eat them. But don't make them out to be some horrible food choice. That is simply incorrect. Give others some room! You make some good healthy choices that I don't care for, but they are good choices. So are potatoes and bananas.