Anyone out there getting ready for Irene?

jd338 Posts: 14
edited October 1 in Chit-Chat
I have a lot of work to do today clearing off the decks and battening down the hatches. Anyone else out there in the path of the storm? Be safe!


  • Where are you?
    Irene is right off our coast right now.. I'm in fl.... pretty windy but no big deal here. I hope she weakens before hitting anyone .... lots here in central fl. without power from the wind alone yesterday, so make sure you have batteries and flashlights..... and remember, if they say evacuate... DO IT (coming from a floridian, that's serious..LOL)
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    We're in Boston... waiting for Sunday to come....
    Got our supplies last night. If the Hurricane takes a more easterly path, it's destruction for Boston so I am watching closely...
    Stay safe and God bless!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I feel like I'm supposed to, as the weather indicates we are in the path of extreme risk. However, we're just planning a hurricane party. :)
  • I'm in Virginia! Hoping it isn't going to be as bad as they say - I'm glued to the TV... got the propane, flashlights, candles, card and board games, foods and waters and hoping for the best!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    stay safe everybody that is in irenes path we in the uk are praying for you all i hope its not bad :) god bless
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    I'm in Wilmington. The forecast pushed it east of us by a bit, but we're in a really flood-prone area so we spent yesterday putting the bed, sofa and tables on cinder blocks and packing stuff up high. Going to stay with family for the weekend to be totally safe and comfy, but I hope the apartment fares well!
  • we are in Virginia and just out of the coastal reach but i have called in the family in Norfolk to come inland.. still set for high wind rain and possible tornado's..ready with supplies just in case we loose power
  • lms32164
    lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
    I am in Maine but more inland. We are going to be picking up the yard, getting groceries with canned food and plenty of water, battery operated flashlights and radio. I don't fear the floods where we are but I do expect there will be a big mess from the winds. Stay safe everyone. God bless!
  • ah_mander
    ah_mander Posts: 23 Member
    Im in Maine and boy, its crazy to think that were getting a Hurricane!!! We are all ready to go though, hoping everyone in the path stays safe!!!
  • jd338
    jd338 Posts: 14
    I am west of Boston so the path is still very unknown could be the flood of the century or nothing! We are doing some trimwork on our house and the carpenters were here early hoping to finish before the storm...I am going to get some supplies today and gas for the generator (I hear the local target has been stripped of anything useful). We have a small farm so the animals are more my concern....need to shore them up today. Be safe everyone!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm in CT, gotta clean off the deck tonight when I get home.
  • kristinaohno
    kristinaohno Posts: 113 Member
    I'm on the Jersey Shore. I'm really scared. I am going to be heading to my boyfriends for the weekend, he lives in Middletown. Still kind of new the shore but a little not? If that makes any sense. Today I'm grabbing some stuff from the foodstore and helping my dad with whatever else he needs help with. Gotta make sure I take all my stuff out of my car to, ya never know. Hope everyone stays safe.
  • bakersduzin
    bakersduzin Posts: 60 Member
    I'm in South Jersey, so I'll be getting ready for the storm after I get home from work today (I think the latest is that it should hit around here tomorrow night). Need to stock up on batteries and candles! I'm just not looking forward to my basement flooding :/
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm in Raleigh, NC and they are forecasting moderate winds (30 mph) and rain. Not too bad considering.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm in Connecticut and already have batteries, flashlights, toiletries, non-perishable food, etc. Also, I'm getting in my gym workouts before the storm hits. I'm not going anywhere once Irene comes up this way.
  • I am in SC.. We need some rain!! Hope all is well for everyone else!!
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    i'm on cape cod where in the last 17 years i've been here, 'hurricane' seems to mean 'wind and rain'. there's a vibe in the air and everybody's doing what they should (hubby's putting all the lawn furniture away and tying all the gates closed), but i tend not to get too worked up. working at a grocery store i'm not sure what to expect the next couple of days, though...and the red sox moved their sunday game up to play a double header on saturday so clearly they are expecting something to happen! :)
    be smart, that's all you can do! mother nature will do the rest.
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I live in VA BEACH ,VA! I'm about 8 miles from the ocean front..scared becuz its me,3kids and a cat..husband is in the navy so they made all ships and subs go out to sea away from the storm. Got almost everything put away from the backyard. Went to walmart yesterday to grab more water and they were completely out of water,bread,canned goods,batteries! Please keep everyone along the EAST COAST in your thougths and prayers this weekend that the flooding and wind damage isnt too bad!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I'm in Maryland, on the peninsula. And went to get supplies last night. They evacuated ocean city which is 30 mins from here, I'm hoping it loses strength. When we went to the store to get batteries, there were none....anywhere!!! And barely any water. We had to stock up on baby water cause that's all that's left. But I plan on staying with my brother since he is all GIJoe and is constantly prepared for this ****. Plus his house isn't surrounded by trees. He also is a store manager of a grocery store so he hoarded a bunch of stuff in the back for us.
  • Judysiguaw
    Judysiguaw Posts: 12 Member
    I'm near the coast of North Carolina. We have done everything we can do, but I didn't sleep well last night worrying about what may come. I am still hoping the storm pushes further east and spares us the worst of the wind damage.
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