RUNNERS: Looking for Support for Running and Weight-Loss Goa



  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358

    I seem to stop and start with my weight loss and running. I regularly go to rosemary conley exercise classes, also do zumba once a week and wii fit plus along with running when I can - time is often an issue!
    If I can get my eating habits sorted I should get back down to lower weight then goal weight of 9 stone. Hoping keeping track of my food intake here will be motivation enough!

    I have run 5 k before but not in an organised race since 2009, planning to sign up for 5 or 10 k race for life next year depending how much my running has improved!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    hey! i just started the c25k 2 weeks ago, i am moving through it quickly though and am into the 3rd week! i am loving it!

    Name: miranda
    AGE: 27
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: Vegetarian, mostly vegan ( i eat eggs)

    UPCOMING RUN : Oct. 23rd "Run Like Hell" 5k in Portland OR
    RUNNING GOAL: to be able to run it!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    My kind of thread!! I would love to join in!! I started running about 1 1/2 years ago with the C25K program, ran my first 5K May 2010, first 10K Oct. 2010, and just kept going!! My 2011 New Years resolution was to run my first half marathon and to run an event every month of 2011...I am on track so far!! I ran my first half marathon in Jan. 2011, and so far for 2011, I have run 2-5Ks, 2-10Ks, and 4-half marathons!! I have lost about 50 pounds since beginning running, and have a little over 20 pounds to go. Staying signed up for events each month has kept me going and motivated. I am planning 2-5Ks in September, and planning my next half in November.

    Name: Tammy
    AGE: 43
    HEIGHT: 5'6''

    UPCOMING RUN 1: Sep 11 - Run to Remember 5K
    UPCOMING RUN 2: Sep 25 - Girl Scout New Day 5K (with my daughters)
    UPCOMING RUN 3: I still need an October event
    UPCOMING RUN 4: Nov 6 - IronGirl 10K (with my daughters)
    UPCOMING RUN 5: Nov 13 - Silver Strand Half Marathon
    RUNNING GOAL for half: under 2:30
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Still a semi-noob runner here. Started last fall with C25K and ran my first 5K in December, running my first 10K race on 11/12 (already ran 10K+ on my own) and looking for a 1/2 in December (the beauty of living in the South!). Already training for the 1/2.

    For weight I'm trying to knock off the 3 pounds that were hanging on after summer activities as well as tone up a midsection that has 39 years of flab to work through. Feel free to add me!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Name: Bobby
    AGE: 40
    HEIGHT: 5'9''
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: not really, trying to eat cleaner

    UPCOMING RUN 1: Move on Day 5K, 9/25 in Lake Charles, LA
    RUNNING GOAL: Under 26 mins.
    WEIGHT GOAL: 155

    UPCOMING RUN 2: 11/12, Cajun Cup 10 in Lafayette, LA
    RUNNING GOAL: Under 1 hour
    Weight Goal: 155
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Love this thread! Always like to find other endurance athletes because I can learn so much from them!

    I started running back in November 2010(at 282#) and worked my way up to a mile. For 2011 I made it my goal to do 1 5K/month starting in April and have managed to do just that - have done 5 5K's so far this year. I'm still really slow and have a lot of weight to lose, but running (and now biking) has become an addiction for me. Since November I've lost about 47# and I know that the running has played a huge role in that.

    Name: Jana
    AGE: 25
    HEIGHT: 5'3''
    GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 199 (by the end of this year - 170# by next Spring)

    UPCOMING RUN 1: Sept. 24 - Mining Days 5K
    UPCOMING RUN 2: Oct. 22 - Pumpkin Run 5 mile
    UPCOMING RUN 3: Nov. 10 - Turkey Trot 10K
    UPCOMING RUN 4: Apr. 2012 - Bentonville Half Marathon
    UPCOMING RUN 5: June 2012 - Summer Roundup Triathlon
    UPCOMING RUN 6: Oct. 2012 - Route 66 Mother Road Marathon
    RUNNING GOAL: to finish
  • Hey Runners! How is everyone doing this week? I was away with the family but managed to get two 10ks in - one speed workout and one (theoretical) tempo... it was so humid I had to take some breaks. I haven't weighed myself since I've been back. Don't think it was too damaging, but we shall see tomorrow.

    Loved reading about your goals and progress. Amazing goal-setting and race-planning motivation. I need to get my fall - winter 2011/2012 race plan laid out.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I did really well this week! 7 miles easy, 4 miles with sprints (no walking between!), and 12 miles easy!

    This week I will do 8, 4, 8, I think. Kinda sorta taper before the half on the 17th, then starts the hard stuff for the full!
  • Sounds like a good plan Katie! I'm into my taper for the half. Did a tempo 6 miles today. 6 miles slow on Saturday and then a few miles (maybe 3 or 4) on Tuesday and Thursday next week.

    I've got a half pound or so to go to get to my goal weight for this run (132) and then the last 2 pounds will be the challenge for my fall runs.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hi everyone! So glad to find this thread. I'm on a running break at the moment while I go to PT for my IT band. I had no idea that it was so bad until the therapist started working on it. We suspect my many years of walking caused the problem originally. I've only been running for about 6 months, so that seemed to have really messed it up. Hoping to complete PT soon, so I can get back to running. I really miss it! I've been doing some strength training and riding the stationary bike, but they are just not cutting it for me.

    You folks who are training for half and full marathons really amaze me! How do you do it? I don't know that I have the stamina. I've started with 5K's, want to improve my time with them before I take on any longer distances.

    Thanks for the tips on walking breaks. I agree with walking at water stations, so you can actually drink your water. :drinker: But I'm excited to hear that walking breaks can actually improve your overall time. I will have to try that.

    Anyway, here's info. about me:

    Name: Kathy
    AGE: 40
    HEIGHT: 5'9''
    START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 148 (estimate - scale at home broke and haven't bought a new one yet)
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: not really, trying to eat more protein

    UPCOMING RUN 1: (possibly, if PT says ok) October 8th - 5K
    UPCOMING RUN 2: November 12th - 5K (I'm doing Girls on the Run with my 8 year old, so I really won't be running for time, mostly for fun!)
    UPCOMING RUN 3: November 24th - 5K
    RUNNING GOAL: Under 33 mins. (I've run two 5K's so far - April (36 min) and June (33 min) - I'm hoping to at least stay steady and possibly reduce my time)
    WEIGHT GOAL: 142
  • Kathy, You will see that once you are hooked you just want to gradually go a little further and then one day, you'll just be running half-marathons and then maybe marathons yourself.

    Great training/racing plan you have.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Kathy, You will see that once you are hooked you just want to gradually go a little further and then one day, you'll just be running half-marathons and then maybe marathons yourself.

    Great training/racing plan you have.

    You are probably right. Just a year ago, if anyone would have told me I would be running 5K's, I would have laughed in their face. :laugh: Now here I am running 5K's and (possibly) considering 10K.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I like this blog! I want to be friends with everyone here!!

    Name: Cora
    AGE: 31
    HEIGHT: 5'2''
    WEIGHT GOAL: 140 (I would be happy with 140, but I'd probably want to be in the 130's for longer runs.. that are set for far in the future)
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: I'm confused!!!! Do I eat my exercise calories? Is it ok if I only eat at minimum the 1200??

    UPCOMING RUN 1: Oct 2nd 5k run <-- first ever!!
    UPCOMING RUN 2: Nothing definite, but would like to do a 10k before winter. However, winter comes here quickly, so it might have to wait till next Spring :(

    I really need help with my diet while being a runner! I got a GArmin Forerunner 210 today. I'm very excited about using it tomorrow!!

    I was always trying to eat all of my exercise calories plus I had some really bad days because of birthdays and.. well.. it just being summer :) Now I'm going to focus on eating at least the 1200 and if I eat more because I'm hungry then so be it.. but I'm not going to focus on eating all of my exercise calories.. I need to lose the lbs to run farther!! Right?
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Cora - Good luck for your first race - you will love it! and hope you enjoy your Garmin. I want to get one myself so I can keep track of my pace.

    I have completed 5Ks since posting on this thread, and have one upcoming race on Oct 1. I just got new shoes that are much better on my knees than my old ones. My 'old' shoes were hard, curious if shoes get harder as they age.. or is it my body that just gets softer... not sure.

    Here are my stats:
    Name: Maria
    Age: 47
    Heigh: 5'9"
    Start Weight: 132
    Goal Weight (under 130): 128
    Diet: Just healthy, and avoid processed foods and bad fats.

    Upcoming run: Oct 1, 5K Run
    Running goal 1: Under 30 minutes.
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    Hi all - I have been dreaming of running ... This will get me moving I hope :)

    Name: Eileen
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 173
    GW: 150-155
    Diet: clean, unprocessed

    Edit - forgot to post upcoming race

    Oct 15 Newport RI - will run some portion of a 1/2 alongside my newphew who will be being pushed by his PT. I used to run a lot but had a plantar facia tear that was surgically repaired. I am cleared to run but dread the time it will take to build back up my distance. I fear I will be too impatient.
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    Name: Sarah
    AGE: 23
    HEIGHT: 5'1"
    ANY SPECIAL DIET: Trying to manage my macros

    UPCOMING RUN 1: September 17 - Christopher Newport University Alumni 5k
    RUNNING GOAL: Under 36:00
    WEIGHT GOAL: 125-126

    UPCOMING RUN 2: October 29 - Blue Moon Wicked 10k (Virginia Beach)
    RUNNING GOAL: No walking!
    WEIGHT GOAL: 120
  • I'd like to join all of you. I'm a new runner. Ran my first race yesterday - 2 miles. I took it slow, but ran the whole time, so I was happy with that.

    Name: Cici
    AGE: 31
    HEIGHT: 5'3"

    UPCOMING RUN 1: 5K, October 8th
    RUNNING GOAL: Finish