new here...worried about alcohol...any tips?



  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    The road the health is paved with steps, each step building on the next.

    I used to want red wine all the time. As another poster said.. I love the smell, the taste, how it makes me feel. Suddenly one day I realized that I was on the road to becoming an alcoholic. So I gave it up for a while. Boy did I miss it. But now it's not a problem and I rarely think about it. I can also enjoy a glass with dinner every now and then. Or have 2 beers and then be done.

    Alcohol will really hinder your weight loss. It's extra calories with no nutritional value to your body. It dehydrates you, and alcohol turns into sugar when it's metabolized, which means it messed with your blood sugar levels.

    I think you hit the nail on the head though... "...I am bored."

    My trainer says that when I find myself wanting to eat just because I am bored.. to go DO something to get my mind off of food. Take a walk, do a work out video, do some push-ups, sit-ups and planks. SOMETHING to get the focus off of food and back onto my goal.

    Good luck!

    God bless!

    God bless!
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    I KNOW JUST HOW YOU FEEL! People on this site need to have some compassion! What the hell, some people eat too damn much and some people drink too damn much!. I have been battling 10 pounds to 15 pounds for 10 years! I love my wine and refuse to stop having a drink! I think cutting back is necessary and i am doing my best. Please do not stop cold turkey! Just try to best to cut back : ) I know you can do it because i have cut back but i still love my red wine on thursday night, friday night and even saturday night. It is all about balance my dear. LIVESTRONG : )

    And some people on this site need to find some willpower for their health and their future. Not make excuses as to WHY they need the one drink or why they need the one more glass of wine.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I appreciate everyone's input! And appreciate those of you who have shared your own solutions to this issue. For the record, I do not drink EVERY I am already able to make it through a few days without a drink and I have no problems. It is just that...I'm bored, and I love beer. I have already cut down a lot! I was just hoping for a few tips to help me continue to move on. I would like to be able to drink at least 2 nights a week, and I don't want to undo all the good I have done in the process.

    In that case just work the calories from the beer into your plan. I drink wine just about every day. Not because I need to, because I like to. I just make sure I exercise enough so that I can have the wine and still eat enough healthy food to meet my nutritional needs without gaining any weight back. In fact I am still losing slowly even though I've met what I had as my goal.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    You seem to be drinking the beer for psychological reasons. Is there another way to have your needs met than through a beer? Maybe you can substitute your beer drinking with healthy hobbies or other activities that will get your drinking level down. Maybe meditation or yoga could help relax you at the end of the day, and you can still nourish your body with a great dinner. There is a problem when a beer becomes priority over dinner. You know that, or you wouldn't have been posting about it.

    If you log your beers and make your food diary public, that may give you some accountability to help you succeed.

    (I have friends who are recovering alcoholics. They swear by AA. And, one's family swears by Al-Anon. Alcohol is not easy to give up, but it is worthwhile, they say. If you find that you, too, are an alcoholic, please don't be afraid to check these groups out.)

    Best wishes!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I have just done 13 days with no alcohol. It was a personal best. 13 days a personal best??? I love red wine, I love the taste, the smell and the way it makes me feel. I hate that I need it to feel that way.

    Congratulations!!! 13 days can be tough sometimes. Don't worry, you did well. :-)

    I love wine, too. I generally need to keep it out of the house. If I do buy it, which is rare, I limit myself to one glass a day. I don't have an addictive personality, as far as I know, but I don't want to test it.

    You are courageous to have taken control of your alcohol consumption. Every baby step is success. Keep up the good work! :smile:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member

    I refuse to believe that anyone who is trying to control their weight is an alcoholic.

    Quit cold turkey.

    huh? I'm not sure I understand this statement. I don't think it is a case of simply quitting cold turkey. I can definitely tell those who have (God forbid I say this!) vices and those who don't.