To all you weight liftin' ladies

TluvK Posts: 733 Member
What are you lifting? How long have you been lifting?

I want to know poundage, number of reps and sets.

I've been lifting for about 5 weeks now (and loving it).

Right now I'm doing:
Bench Press - 90 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
Squat Press - 115 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets

Obviously, I do other stuff, but these are the main ones I really want to improve on.

It is HARD to increase weight!! I feel like just a 5-10 lb increase feels like 20 more lbs!


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    What are you lifting? How long have you been lifting?

    I want to know poundage, number of reps and sets.

    I've been lifting for about 5 weeks now (and loving it).

    Right now I'm doing:
    Bench Press - 90 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
    Squat Press - 115 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets

    Obviously, I do other stuff, but these are the main ones I really want to improve on.

    It is HARD to increase weight!! I feel like just a 5-10 lb increase feels like 20 more lbs!

    Wow to your chest! Mine is craaaaapola!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It takes time to increase! Don't expect to increase every time. More like every 4-5th time.

    I do all kinds of stuff, mainly I work on increasing my squats, deadlifts and Olympic lifts. I do Crossfit which is a combo of weight lifting, calesthetics, running, sprinting, etc.. I really only do combo lifts, I don't do isolation lifts, like bicep curls, etc.. I've been lifting heavy for about 1 year.

    Squat: started at 45lbs now at 105lbs
    Front squat: started at 45lbs now at 80lbs
    Overhead squat: started at 25lbs now at 50lbs (<those are the hardest by far)
    Deadlift: Started at 50lbs now at 135lbs
    Shoulder press: started at 20lbs now at 50lbs
    Clean and jerk: started at 30lbs now at 65lbs
    Power clean: started at 30lbs now at 80lbs

    I don't bench but I work on increasing my push ups, I can do 50 real ones now in a row with short breaks between each 10. I am also working on pullups.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    What are you lifting? How long have you been lifting?

    I want to know poundage, number of reps and sets.

    I've been lifting for about 5 weeks now (and loving it).

    Right now I'm doing:
    Bench Press - 90 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
    Squat Press - 115 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets

    Obviously, I do other stuff, but these are the main ones I really want to improve on.

    It is HARD to increase weight!! I feel like just a 5-10 lb increase feels like 20 more lbs!

    Wow to your chest! Mine is craaaaapola!

    Is that good? I just don't have a frame of reference because none of my friends lift heavy. To be honest, I didn't think it was very good, but again, I don't have much to compare it to.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I use to weight train heavy prior to baby #3 and herniated disc, I was doing(after a year):

    Bench Press - 120lbs - 3 sets of 12
    Squats - 190lbs- 3 sets of 12

    Since recovering from both baby and disc issue, I have been back at it for several months(mostly rehab), but started strength training again 2 months I will never do heavy squats again due to my back but for now I do the following:

    Bench Press - 45lbs - 3 sets of 10 (last set to failure)
    Squats - 45lbs - 3 sets of 12 (slowly increasing each week noting affects on back) (this is still easy for me muscle wise)

    Both of those are super-setted with similar weigh is lighter

    Good luck and have fun, lifting rocks!
  • SevenSix
    I have been training twice a week for about 3 years.

    My bench press is 60% of body weight, dead lifts 130% of body weight and I can do 3 chin ups on a good day.

    I do 3 sets of 6-8 reps.

    My lifting stats have not changed for about 18 months, but I am happy training to maintain current strength, rather than pushing for further gains.
  • grimrpr
    grimrpr Posts: 14
    Not a lady, but key to increasing weight in those areas is making sure you're eating right. If you don't pull in enough protein your muscles will not grow, you don't HAVE to have Ahhhnold's muscles to lift, and believe me if it was THAT easy to put on muscle there would be no bodybuilding competitions..
    I would, if you don't mind the advice, go to 4 sets of 12.

    --since you're doing more reps you are fatiguing your muscles more. The only caveat I have to that is, on the 4th set.. don't count. Go until you physically can't do any more (called training to failure). Allow less than 1 minute rest between reps. You will see a difference. My wife has upped her game pretty well in 2 weeks of this, even with some health problems.
  • coracbeck
    I do a lot of things as well - but on my squats - I am up to 140lbs - 3 sets, 15 reps - easy, will move up weight this week.
    Bench I am also at 90lbs - 3 sets, 10-12 reps... I won't move up weight until I hit 3 sets of 15 reps. That's my rule. My FAVORITE is the tricep pulley - I am only doing 40lbs - 3 sets of 10 reps right now but OMG - feel the burn... LOVE it! Keep it up! So glad you are working it!!!
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member

    Your bench press is good!...
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I <3 lifting. :)
    It varies for me bc I try to change it up every 5-6 weeks. This last month I've been "lifting heavy" and working on heavier weights. I don't do squat press bc it hurts my knees but during my heavy lifting month I was hopping on the leg press machine and doing 4x8 at 240 (I weigh 135). I won't typically go that heavy bc I'm a runner/dancer so my legs get alot of other action.

    I also don't bench very often bc I lift alone and am worried about barbells with no spotter. :) This last month I've tried it a few times with dumbells-- I think 35 (70 total) was where I stopped. Not sure how heavy I could go with a barbell and spot.

    Normally I like to focus on bodyweight exercises-- push-up variations, inverted row, pull-ups (I'm still needing a 20lb assist on my pull-ups to get more than 1 or 2 but I'll get there). Since these all focus on large muscle groups, it has helped me keep from getting that bulky look that I sometimes got when I first started.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I've been lifting since May. I lift between 30 minutes and half an hour 4-5 times a week. I work everything so I won't give you stats on it all.

    DB Bench Press - 40 lb DBs 3 sets of 12
    DB Conc Curls - 25 lb DBs 4 sets of 10
    Leg Press - 360 lbs 4 sets of 10
    DB Shoulder Press - 20 lb DBs 3 sets of 12
    Incline Chest fly - 25 lb DBs 3 sets of 10
    Squat - 205 lbs 3 sets of 12
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Not a lady, but key to increasing weight in those areas is making sure you're eating right. If you don't pull in enough protein your muscles will not grow, you don't HAVE to have Ahhhnold's muscles to lift, and believe me if it was THAT easy to put on muscle there would be no bodybuilding competitions..
    I would, if you don't mind the advice, go to 4 sets of 12.

    I disagree with higher reps, if anything go to 6-8 but I do like the 4 set suggestion if you really want to focus on those exercises.

    If you go to 12 reps you have to lower the weight, which is not going to help you lift heavier weight.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    Are you trying to build muscle or just get toned? The trainer at the gym suggests I do weight training 3 times a week. I haven't lifted weights in years because I have a tendency to bulk. I have been using yoga as my strength training. He showed me some lifts yesterday with the weights. I only did 2 sets each 15 reps. I just want to tone though, so I am not lifting much weight at all, but by #12 it starts to get difficult, especially if it's slow and controlled. Looks like you are trying to build mass and strength. I trained like that in high school when I was in power lifting. Now I don't care about the amount I can lift.

    Depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I think the amount you're using now is more than enough, in fact, I would probably do less weight and more reps. You can take a look at what the trainer had me do yesterday and see I didn't lift much weight at all and still got a great workout with arms swelling up and everything. It's not in my diary, but the plank pushups were what gave me the most trouble. (plank position on forearms and alternating up and down using left or right arm)

    Oh, also in my powerlifting days we would do a workout like this:
    1x10 of a certain weight
    1x8 of slightly higher weight
    1x5 of higher weight
    1x3 of highest weight

    I would definitely reccommend a spotter though if you try that. This way of lifting would help you increase the amount you can lift if that's your goal.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I do a lot of things as well - but on my squats - I am up to 140lbs - 3 sets, 15 reps - easy, will move up weight this week.
    Bench I am also at 90lbs - 3 sets, 10-12 reps... I won't move up weight until I hit 3 sets of 15 reps. That's my rule. My FAVORITE is the tricep pulley - I am only doing 40lbs - 3 sets of 10 reps right now but OMG - feel the burn... LOVE it! Keep it up! So glad you are working it!!!

    Why not try upping with weight once you can do 3 sets of 12 reps instead? Heavier weights will yield faster results and greater gains in strength.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I do a lot of things as well - but on my squats - I am up to 140lbs - 3 sets, 15 reps - easy, will move up weight this week.
    Bench I am also at 90lbs - 3 sets, 10-12 reps... I won't move up weight until I hit 3 sets of 15 reps. That's my rule. My FAVORITE is the tricep pulley - I am only doing 40lbs - 3 sets of 10 reps right now but OMG - feel the burn... LOVE it! Keep it up! So glad you are working it!!!

    I love the pulley too! I am ALWAYS sore the next day, but more importantly, I'm really seeing some definition in my triceps too. I start at 60 lbs and 10 reps, then 50, 10 reps and then 40 10 reps. I'm really fatiguing at the end of each set.

    Nice work on the lifting - awesome. I think I need to go up on my squats too, but I'm scared! ; )
  • jessicamiller25
    Ladies, when you do these heavy weight squats are you doing them on a smith machine or just stand alone? For some reason I do not like the smith machine. I feel like my range of motion is decrease. I believe I should just work on my form with it. Stand alone I have been doing 40lb bar but I know I can do much more but can not lift it up with my arms. On the leg press machine I can do 200lbs but machines allow you to do a little more weight normally.

    I currently am using 20lb dumb bells for shoulder press, chest press and twisted curls. 57lb lat pulldowns on cable. I can do about 5 chin ups at a time. Lower body I do mostly machines, 80-90 lbs. This week I decreased my reps to 10, 3 sets, so I can do heavier weights. I am getting great results. Good luck to you all!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Are you trying to build muscle or just get toned? The trainer at the gym suggests I do weight training 3 times a week. I haven't lifted weights in years because I have a tendency to bulk. I have been using yoga as my strength training. He showed me some lifts yesterday with the weights. I only did 2 sets each 15 reps. I just want to tone though, so I am not lifting much weight at all, but by #12 it starts to get difficult, especially if it's slow and controlled. Looks like you are trying to build mass and strength. I trained like that in high school when I was in power lifting. Now I don't care about the amount I can lift.

    Depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I think the amount you're using now is more than enough, in fact, I would probably do less weight and more reps. You can take a look at what the trainer had me do yesterday and see I didn't lift much weight at all and still got a great workout with arms swelling up and everything. It's not in my diary, but the plank pushups were what gave me the most trouble. (plank position on forearms and alternating up and down using left or right arm)

    Oh, also in my powerlifting days we would do a workout like this:
    1x10 of a certain weight
    1x8 of slightly higher weight
    1x5 of higher weight
    1x3 of highest weight

    I would definitely reccommend a spotter though if you try that. This way of lifting would help you increase the amount you can lift if that's your goal.

    I don't want to be a body builder or anything, but I've been reading the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women and he says that the way to tone IS to lift heavier weight with less reps. My trainer at the gym agrees with this and so far, I have gotten leaner. My shoulders are bigger, but not in a bad way. I guess I don't really bulk up - the author says that no woman will bulk up from heavy lifting because we don't have testosterone, but I have to think this can't be true for every woman.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I do a Body Pump class, so the sets/ reps thing will be hard to measure. Basically each track is about 4-5 minutes long with a variety of slow and fast moves.

    Squats and lunges - 20kg (half on each side of the barbell)
    Chest - 10kg
    Back (including clean and press) I just upped this week to 15kg
    Biceps and triceps - still a weakling on 5-8kg, but I do have a shoulder niggle which is stopping me get those higher.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your input - it's particularly helpful for me to see what you're doing and how you've improved and thanks for all advice.

    As a side note - I can now do 15 unassisted pull-ups!! Well, that's only happened once - I typically do 10 at a time, but since I did 15 once last week, I'm going with it!

    Anyone have any advice on getting better with push-ups? I SUCK at them! I can do about 10 at a time on my feet...then a break and then MAYBE 8 or so more and I'm on my knees. I do a lot of back exercises and core exercises - I just can't figure out why I'm so bad at them. As of now, I just blame it on the fact that I have really long arms. :laugh: My arms span is 6'1"!

    Jessica - I do stand alone squat press and don't lift over my head. There's no way I could lift 115 lbs over my head. With the stand alone, I just really have to focus on my form; I can see how it could be really dangerous if not done correctly.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    It takes time to increase! Don't expect to increase every time. More like every 4-5th time.

    I do all kinds of stuff, mainly I work on increasing my squats, deadlifts and Olympic lifts. I do Crossfit which is a combo of weight lifting, calesthetics, running, sprinting, etc.. I really only do combo lifts, I don't do isolation lifts, like bicep curls, etc.. I've been lifting heavy for about 1 year.

    Squat: started at 45lbs now at 105lbs
    Front squat: started at 45lbs now at 80lbs
    Overhead squat: started at 25lbs now at 50lbs (<those are the hardest by far)
    Deadlift: Started at 50lbs now at 135lbs
    Shoulder press: started at 20lbs now at 50lbs
    Clean and jerk: started at 30lbs now at 65lbs
    Power clean: started at 30lbs now at 80lbs

    I don't bench but I work on increasing my push ups, I can do 50 real ones now in a row with short breaks between each 10. I am also working on pullups.

    CrossFit is really popular where I live, but I was already really into my Power Sculpt class which is similar, so I didn't get into CrossFit. Your stats are great, especially your push-ups. Is there a reason you don't bench press?
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Not a lady, but key to increasing weight in those areas is making sure you're eating right. If you don't pull in enough protein your muscles will not grow, you don't HAVE to have Ahhhnold's muscles to lift, and believe me if it was THAT easy to put on muscle there would be no bodybuilding competitions..
    I would, if you don't mind the advice, go to 4 sets of 12.

    I disagree with higher reps, if anything go to 6-8 but I do like the 4 set suggestion if you really want to focus on those exercises.

    If you go to 12 reps you have to lower the weight, which is not going to help you lift heavier weight.

    The thought of it scared me! I am currently fatiguing after each set, so going higher reps AND sets would be impossible for me. Maybe I'll try 4 sets, lower reps today. Thanks -