To all you weight liftin' ladies



  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I use to weight train heavy prior to baby #3 and herniated disc, I was doing(after a year):

    Bench Press - 120lbs - 3 sets of 12
    Squats - 190lbs- 3 sets of 12

    Since recovering from both baby and disc issue, I have been back at it for several months(mostly rehab), but started strength training again 2 months I will never do heavy squats again due to my back but for now I do the following:

    Bench Press - 45lbs - 3 sets of 10 (last set to failure)
    Squats - 45lbs - 3 sets of 12 (slowly increasing each week noting affects on back) (this is still easy for me muscle wise)

    Both of those are super-setted with similar weigh is lighter

    Good luck and have fun, lifting rocks!

    WOW on your previous numbers! My trainer wants my goal to be able to lift my body weight (150 lbs) and that just feels SO far away! Sorry about your back - that is just a CRAPPY injury.
  • Fiesta80
    Fiesta80 Posts: 35
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    How did I miss this?

    my bench press started at 80 and now 105
    my strict shoulder press started at 78 and now 97
    my split jerk is 125
    my 1RM deadlift is 250
    front squat 150
    back squat 185
    overhead squat 105
    clean and jerk 115
    Max rep KB swing with 24kg is 15

    Just as a side note, I am a thick girl, so I can push and pull a little heavier. Currently nursing a bad knee so I'm afraid my squat is going to suffer as a result.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Ladies, when you do these heavy weight squats are you doing them on a smith machine or just stand alone? For some reason I do not like the smith machine. I feel like my range of motion is decrease. I believe I should just work on my form with it. Stand alone I have been doing 40lb bar but I know I can do much more but can not lift it up with my arms.

    I totally agree. I was doing smith squats, and the range of motion is absolute crap. Not natural. I recently started doing free weight, and while they're scary to me, I feel like it's better for my body.
    I hear you on picking it up- use a squat rack. That way it's at shoulder height, all you have to do it step under it and it's on your back already. I'd suggest a spot too ;)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your input - it's particularly helpful for me to see what you're doing and how you've improved and thanks for all advice.

    As a side note - I can now do 15 unassisted pull-ups!! Well, that's only happened once - I typically do 10 at a time, but since I did 15 once last week, I'm going with it!

    Anyone have any advice on getting better with push-ups? I SUCK at them! I can do about 10 at a time on my feet...then a break and then MAYBE 8 or so more and I'm on my knees. I do a lot of back exercises and core exercises - I just can't figure out why I'm so bad at them. As of now, I just blame it on the fact that I have really long arms. :laugh: My arms span is 6'1"!

    Holy CRAP! 15 pull ups?! I can't do ONE! I can do about 2 chin ups! That's my goal though. I'm working on chins and pull ups!

    Push ups are chest. Work on flyes, bench, etc ;)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    What are you lifting? How long have you been lifting?

    I want to know poundage, number of reps and sets.

    I've been lifting for about 5 weeks now (and loving it).

    Right now I'm doing:
    Bench Press - 90 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
    Squat Press - 115 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets

    Obviously, I do other stuff, but these are the main ones I really want to improve on.

    It is HARD to increase weight!! I feel like just a 5-10 lb increase feels like 20 more lbs!

    I've been lifting for about 7 months already. At home I have a pair of 2 lbs. & recently bought a pair of 3 lbs. dumbbells. Aside from the dumbbells, I also use my own body weight. Here are the things I do on my circuit training:

    3 sets pushups (25 reps)
    2 variations of bench press (3 sets 30 reps each)
    3 sets bicep curls (30 reps)
    2 variations tricep curls (3 sets 30 reps each)
    3 sets ab crunches (25 reps)
    3 sets reverse sit ups (25 reps)
    3 variations of squats (3 sets 20 reps each w/ 3 lb. dumbbells)

    Although its kinda tiring than my cardio exercises and playing sports but its all worth the challenge.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I find hand release push ups a little easier than the regular ones. Have you tried that way?
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I find hand release push ups a little easier than the regular ones. Have you tried that way?
    Is that when you basically lay on your belly and lift your hands up and then push yourself back inrto a plank? If so, I do like those.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    yes! I find them for some reason a little easier than the classic push up. Maybe because I have a little tenderness in my shoulder. Most people find it harder though.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member

    I don't want to be a body builder or anything, but I've been reading the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women and he says that the way to tone IS to lift heavier weight with less reps. My trainer at the gym agrees with this and so far, I have gotten leaner. My shoulders are bigger, but not in a bad way. I guess I don't really bulk up - the author says that no woman will bulk up from heavy lifting because we don't have testosterone, but I have to think this can't be true for every woman.

    Everyone has a little bit of testosterone. I think I have excess estrogen, which turns into testosterone and that's probably why I tend to bulk and also still have acne like a 13 year old. lol
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It takes time to increase! Don't expect to increase every time. More like every 4-5th time.

    I do all kinds of stuff, mainly I work on increasing my squats, deadlifts and Olympic lifts. I do Crossfit which is a combo of weight lifting, calesthetics, running, sprinting, etc.. I really only do combo lifts, I don't do isolation lifts, like bicep curls, etc.. I've been lifting heavy for about 1 year.

    Squat: started at 45lbs now at 105lbs
    Front squat: started at 45lbs now at 80lbs
    Overhead squat: started at 25lbs now at 50lbs (<those are the hardest by far)
    Deadlift: Started at 50lbs now at 135lbs
    Shoulder press: started at 20lbs now at 50lbs
    Clean and jerk: started at 30lbs now at 65lbs
    Power clean: started at 30lbs now at 80lbs

    I don't bench but I work on increasing my push ups, I can do 50 real ones now in a row with short breaks between each 10. I am also working on pullups.

    CrossFit is really popular where I live, but I was already really into my Power Sculpt class which is similar, so I didn't get into CrossFit. Your stats are great, especially your push-ups. Is there a reason you don't bench press?

    It is extremely uncomfortable on my boobies/implants. :wink: The way I see it is doing pushups is pushing your own body weight up anyhow, so as long as I'm strong with those, I figure I have it covered. A lot of people can lift heavier than me in my class but they are 20-30 pounds heavier. I will need to gain a little more weight if I want to go up on my lifts more.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Ladies, when you do these heavy weight squats are you doing them on a smith machine or just stand alone? For some reason I do not like the smith machine. I feel like my range of motion is decrease. I believe I should just work on my form with it. Stand alone I have been doing 40lb bar but I know I can do much more but can not lift it up with my arms.

    I totally agree. I was doing smith squats, and the range of motion is absolute crap. Not natural. I recently started doing free weight, and while they're scary to me, I feel like it's better for my body.
    I hear you on picking it up- use a squat rack. That way it's at shoulder height, all you have to do it step under it and it's on your back already. I'd suggest a spot too ;)

    You are doing yourself a HUGE favor by opting for free weight squats vs the Smith. The Smith really doesn't teach correct form, and without correct form, you're not reaping the true benefits on these exercises. Its scary at first, but you'll get used to it. Use a rack like OP said, and get under it. Start with an Olympic bar (45#) and gradually work your way up adding 5-10 pounds at a time.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I do a Body Pump class, so the sets/ reps thing will be hard to measure. Basically each track is about 4-5 minutes long with a variety of slow and fast moves.

    Squats and lunges - 20kg (half on each side of the barbell)
    Chest - 10kg
    Back (including clean and press) I just upped this week to 15kg
    Biceps and triceps - still a weakling on 5-8kg, but I do have a shoulder niggle which is stopping me get those higher.

    In my bodypump classes I do (in pounds) - the bar is very light weight and not taken into account:
    Warm-up: 20
    Squat: 50
    Chest: 30
    Back, glutes, & hamis: 35
    tricepts: bar: 25 free weight: 7.5
    bis: 20
    lunges: on bench same as tris off bench same as bis
    shoulders: free weight 5, bar 20

    But again this is for a cardio pump class so I do these weights for 5 minutes at a time. In the weight room I do substantially more at 10 - 15 reps.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Ladies, when you do these heavy weight squats are you doing them on a smith machine or just stand alone? For some reason I do not like the smith machine. I feel like my range of motion is decrease. I believe I should just work on my form with it. Stand alone I have been doing 40lb bar but I know I can do much more but can not lift it up with my arms.

    I totally agree. I was doing smith squats, and the range of motion is absolute crap. Not natural. I recently started doing free weight, and while they're scary to me, I feel like it's better for my body.
    I hear you on picking it up- use a squat rack. That way it's at shoulder height, all you have to do it step under it and it's on your back already. I'd suggest a spot too ;)

    You are doing yourself a HUGE favor by opting for free weight squats vs the Smith. The Smith really doesn't teach correct form, and without correct form, you're not reaping the true benefits on these exercises. Its scary at first, but you'll get used to it. Use a rack like OP said, and get under it. Start with an Olympic bar (45#) and gradually work your way up adding 5-10 pounds at a time.

    My trainer suggested last night that you use the smith machine if you don't have a spotter, otherwise just don't use it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    What are you lifting? How long have you been lifting?

    I want to know poundage, number of reps and sets.

    I've been lifting for about 5 weeks now (and loving it).

    Right now I'm doing:
    Bench Press - 90 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
    Squat Press - 115 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets

    Obviously, I do other stuff, but these are the main ones I really want to improve on.

    It is HARD to increase weight!! I feel like just a 5-10 lb increase feels like 20 more lbs!
    Okay so my question is this free weight or machine weight? If it's free weight it's VERY impressive.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    It takes time to increase! Don't expect to increase every time. More like every 4-5th time.

    I do all kinds of stuff, mainly I work on increasing my squats, deadlifts and Olympic lifts. I do Crossfit which is a combo of weight lifting, calesthetics, running, sprinting, etc.. I really only do combo lifts, I don't do isolation lifts, like bicep curls, etc.. I've been lifting heavy for about 1 year.

    Squat: started at 45lbs now at 105lbs
    Front squat: started at 45lbs now at 80lbs
    Overhead squat: started at 25lbs now at 50lbs (<those are the hardest by far)
    Deadlift: Started at 50lbs now at 135lbs
    Shoulder press: started at 20lbs now at 50lbs
    Clean and jerk: started at 30lbs now at 65lbs
    Power clean: started at 30lbs now at 80lbs

    I don't bench but I work on increasing my push ups, I can do 50 real ones now in a row with short breaks between each 10. I am also working on pullups. likes.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I like this thread.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    What are you lifting? How long have you been lifting?

    I want to know poundage, number of reps and sets.

    I've been lifting for about 5 weeks now (and loving it).

    Right now I'm doing:
    Bench Press - 90 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
    Squat Press - 115 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets

    Obviously, I do other stuff, but these are the main ones I really want to improve on.

    It is HARD to increase weight!! I feel like just a 5-10 lb increase feels like 20 more lbs!
    Okay so my question is this free weight or machine weight? If it's free weight it's VERY impressive.

    Well Sweet - I'm impressive then, because yes, I use free weights!
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Bench 65
    Incline 55 (nursing shoulder issue)
    Deltoid raises 12
    triceps 30

    Seated row 60
    Pull ups on the weight assisted machine 30
    biceps 15 (shoulder)

    All sets are as heavy as I can for 6-8 reps unless it bothers my shoulder and I am such a bad girl because I don't do legs other than running which seems to be toning them very nicely.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I use to weight train heavy prior to baby #3 and herniated disc, I was doing(after a year):

    Bench Press - 120lbs - 3 sets of 12
    Squats - 190lbs- 3 sets of 12

    Since recovering from both baby and disc issue, I have been back at it for several months(mostly rehab), but started strength training again 2 months I will never do heavy squats again due to my back but for now I do the following:

    Bench Press - 45lbs - 3 sets of 10 (last set to failure)
    Squats - 45lbs - 3 sets of 12 (slowly increasing each week noting affects on back) (this is still easy for me muscle wise)

    Both of those are super-setted with similar weigh is lighter

    Good luck and have fun, lifting rocks!

    WOW on your previous numbers! My trainer wants my goal to be able to lift my body weight (150 lbs) and that just feels SO far away! Sorry about your back - that is just a CRAPPY injury.

    Thanks! I can lift my own weight now..I dont work at that weight thou....good goal!