100 push-up challenge, 200 Sit up Challenge and the 200 Squa



  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Today, I did my 100 sit ups in the morning and I will do my 100 tonight and I will do my push ups tonight. I also did my 75 squats this morning Tomorrow is Body Pump so I will get my 160+ Squats in and my planks and ABS and I will also do my 200 sit ups tomorrow.
  • Jycooper
    did push up challenge today and took the initial test. Managed to do 6 however decided to start in the first column. Did WK1D1 and a today of 21 pushups.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I am on week two day 2 did 53 push ups, 32 squats trying to make my flat butt look round. :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :wink:

    The good news is I graduated to girly girl push-ups Yeah Me.
  • dtrm88
    dtrm88 Posts: 71 Member
    August 30: 165 squats, 60 push ups, 100 sit ups
    August 31: 165 squats, 62 push ups, 100 sit ups
    Sept 1: 168 squats, 110 sit ups, No push ups
    Sept 2: 170 squats, 62 push ups, 115 sit ups

    I realized I was doing actually sit ups before and not crunches. Oops!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Hey! I am on Week 2, Day 3 of the Hundred Pushup Challenge. LOVE IT! My initial max was 7. Tonight's max was 20!!!! And the adrenaline was PUMPING! I powered through them will all I had in me, and I am please we the results! Next is the exhaustion test.

    I posted a link to the Hundred pushup site on Facebook, and got my sister-in-law and her sister to join! I can't wait until I can do 100 pushups! Even if I don't make it in the allotted 6-weeks, I WILL keep working at it until I can do it, just to prove to everyone that it is possible! My friend's husband said he would buy me a beer if I can do it, lol! Keep up the awesome work, everyone! Also, the makers of these challenges have merchandise, so you can let the world know what you are doing! Pretty cool! I totally want to get a hundred pushups t-shirt :tongue:
  • Jycooper
    W1D2--- 22 pushups
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Succeddin2 - thanks so much for flagging this challenge up. Spotted it yesterday, had a look online and did my initial test this morning. Actually think this is a physical challenge I can do on MFP as it just allows you to go at your own pace. Always been rubbish at press-ups and can't wait to get better!

    Initial test:

    Press-ups (on knees): 3 (pathetic!)
    Sit-ups: 60 (room for improvement!)
    Squats: 63 (give me six weeks and I'll be up to 200!)

    Finally started today...

    Press-ups (on knees): 12
    Sit-ups: 120
    Squats: 120
  • Jycooper
    Wk1 D3 28 pushups
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Today 100 push-ups 50 sit-ups I hate situps lol 150 sqarts. later tonight i will finished up :grumble:
  • kimeister
    Going to start this challenge tomorrow. W00t!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Just completed my first exhaustion test, after completing the first 2 weeks of the 100 Pushup Challenge. I did 7 pushups (from the toes) on my initial test. Today I did............................ 25! Yeah! So for those that think they can't do 100 pushups, or even 5... YOU ARE WRONG! Give it a try!
  • Jycooper
    W2D1--30 pushups--YAY!
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Let me start by saying you all are doing so amazing! Welcome Kimeister & SRH7 to the Challenge! You all are so advanced I have to catch up with you especially since I have very little upper body strength. I started at 75 squats and let me tell you it still is a challenge to me but by week 6 I should be able to do 200.

    Saturday: 160 Squats w/ weights, 10 push ups on the toes and a few side planks
    Sunday: 75 Squats
    Monday: 160 Squats w/ weights, 10 push ups on the toes and a rolling plank.
    Tuesday: 75 Squats 50 sit ups AM (ran out of time I did the treadmill this morning at 5:30 am) tonight will try to do 150 AB’s

    My shoulders are sore from Body Pump today so I will re do my push up initial test tomorrow the next day after Body Pump I am usually sore but I will be fine tomorrow morning.
  • Inge039
    Inge039 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow - thanks for the site info! I go to a cross-fit type place twice a week and the push-ups and squats always get me. This will really help me build my strength up. I would like to join challenge and will check out sites tonite when I get home. Have to get back to work!!

    50 pound weight loss goal and struggling
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not being doing this on the right days - naughty of me! Been a busy week but it's 10pm and this is so quick to do I've just put in another session and - whahey - press-ups, which I hate, have got ever so slightly more easy! Succeedin you are a star for letting us know about this!

    Totals for today:

    Squats: 153
    Sit-ups: 144
    Press-ups: 17
  • Inge039
    Inge039 Posts: 7 Member
    Started the 100 pushup, 200 squat and 200 sit up challenge yesterday. I am really looking forward to building up my strength.

    Totals for yesterday:

    Push ups: 25
    Sit ups: 67
    squats: 25
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Let me start by saying you all are doing so amazing! Welcome Inge039 to the Challenge! You all are so advanced I have to catch up with you especially since I have very little upper body strength. I moved my squats up to 100 now with weights that makes them more entertaining.

    Wednesday: 160 Squats w/ weights, 12 push ups on the toes, and 400 Ab's in class and a rolling plank
    Thursday: 100 Squats, 200 AB's and 10 push ups
    Friday: 100 Squats using 5 lb weights, 120 AB's and 15 push ups.
  • DENsilentquakeYSE
    September 09: 50 sit-ups, 50 squats, 10 push-ups... Will work my way back up slowly from my extended hiatus. Lol!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey, I'm on W3D3 of the squat challenge, I've decided to add in push-ups (from the knees as I can't even make 5 full push-ups). I shall be doing W1D1 tonight :bigsmile: I have a pretty intense workout schedule on top, Monday is my only day off so I'm not sure about the 200 sit-ups on top. I may have a go at the test tonight and see how I do.

    Nice to meet you :flowerforyou:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Did W3, D3, L3 of squats and did 167 in total.

    Did W1, D1, L2 of push-ups (from the knees) and did 30 in total.

    Am feeling like I should be adding sit-ups - but still not clear on difference between a crunch and a sit-up and yes I've read the instructions!!