Sixers Holiday Challenge Week 5



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Robin, that was Kristin :wink: Can't take credit there :blushing:

    Quick hello, CONGRATS Lauryn, and have a wonderful Christmas all my beloved friends!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    I'm holding from last week. No shock to me there! I'm happy with that and I'm off to start a day of cooking, playing, and FUN!
  • Happy Holidays !

    I am not weighing in this week but do want to tell you all how great you are doing. WOW! I too am sitting back and pulling motivation from all of you. I hope to be in this full swing with the next challenge. For now just lurking in the back ground. I am not gaining but I am not loosing at all. We are now under 17 inches of snow and counting. Not alot of exercise is happening.

    Everyone have a wondeful holiday! Enjoy your time with your familes and celebrating traditions!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    wow!! ton of posts this week!!! sorry I've been MIA!

    152 this week

    Kristin ~ SW 159 / GW 155 / CW 157 / Progress: -2
    Cathy ~ SW 210.8 / GW 199 / CW 210.4 / Progress: -.4
    Shanell ~ SW 211 / GW 201 / CW 210.0 / Progress -1
    Katy ~ SW 183.2 / GW 174 / CW 177.6 / Progress -5.6
    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 / GW 150 / CW 152 / Progress: -3.6
    Robin ~ SW 194 / GW 185 / CW 191.5 / Progress -2.5
    Connie ~ SW 266 / GW 255 / CW 264 / Progress -2.0
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 / GW 167.2 / CW 170.4/ Progress -3.6
    Lauryn ~ SW 161 / GW 157 / CW 159 / Progress -2.0
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 / GW 197 / CW 201.2 / Progress -.2
    Tammara ~ SW 224 / GW 214 / CW 220 / Progress -4.0
    Becky ~ SW151 / GW 141 / CW 146 Progress -5
    Amy ~ SW 194 / GW 182.2 / CW 193 / Progress -1.0
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 / GW 179.8 / CW 185.2 / Progress -4.6
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 / GW 171 / CW 177.6 / Progress -0.8
    Tan ~ SW 295 / GW 275 / CW 297 / Progress +2.0

    Merry Christmas All!! I will get to personals tonight or maybe tomorrow while I'm lounging.

    Lauryn you look AMAZING!!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    had a wonderful time at shanells. the girls loved their gifts.
    i stuck to my plan, she and the girls had made goodies. i had 1/2 a sugar and 1/2 no bake cookies. gave son the other 1/2s. had 2 peanut butter balls, so good. that was it on the goodies.
    i am in the mode now. just telling DH that i made 1st goal, 2nd is right around the corner, and the 3rd is my final goal. that the final goal scares me some. was telling him that since i am in the mode nothing is going to derail me. but, after i reach 2nd goal i might slow a little bit to comprended it all and the body changes. here we go again with the mind games and the lessons learned and the changes made, and life again. deal with it when i get there.

    have a great Christmas all. slept tight or santa won't leave you any goodies.

    :heart: cathy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Merry Christmas babes!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all...
  • Merry Christmas Sixers!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i am so BORED. i am finding myself snacking on stuff. just stuff. little bites here and there. i know they are adding up:devil: . need to find something to do. i think i might put a puzzle together. want to go shopping and spend my Christmas money:tongue: ......
    ok, going to find somethng to do....
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    So, part one of Christmas down. We'll have the second half next week when the other kids are home from their mom's. All was good this morning. Since it was just three of us, we opened our gifts while the pork pie (my MIL makes it for DH every year, it's a tradition!) baked. I did receive the Wii Fit that my husband pretended he forgot was on my wish list. It's still not hooked up, he's too busy playing with the toys that he received, lol. The oldest seemed disappointed at first that he didn't have very many gifts, but was pleased in the end with what he received. When they get the one expensive gift, it does cut down on the number of gifts they get...

    Again, since it was the three of us, I tried to keep dinner small and simple, we had a whole chicken, that I did stuff. My DH wanted green bean casserole, so I made that, even though it wasn't my from scratch recipe, I used the Campbell's soup instead of making my own cream of mushroom. We also had mashed potatoes that DH made, and crescent rolls.

    Would you believe we made it through the whole season, from the weekend after Thanksgiving until today without any cookies in the house? I did have those few bad days where we had the broken cake from the order I had, but nothing other than that! I didn't even make a dessert for today. I figure that there is candy in the stockings, if someone wants a sweet, they can have that.

    Hope you have all had a wonderful time with family and friends, and have truely enjoyed the spirit of Christmas this day.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I was so bad this weekend because I was with my family and didnt watch anything that I ate and I havent worked out at all since last Thursday. I thought I would gain weight but I maintained. I cant believe it. Im so happy about that.

    Katy ~ SW 183.2 / GW 174 / CW 175.2 / Progress -8.0lbs
    Cathy ~ SW 210.8 / GW 199 / CW 208.6 / Progress: -2.2
    Kristin ~ SW 159 / GW 155 / CW 155.5 / Progress: -3.5
    Shanell ~ SW 211 / GW 201 / CW 210.0 / Progress -1
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 / GW 197 / CW 202.8 / Progress +1.4
    Lauryn ~ SW 161 / GW 157 / CW 156 / Progress -5.0
    Connie ~ SW 266 / GW 255/ CW 264/ Progress -2.0

    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 / GW 150 / CW 153.2 / Progress: -2.4
    Robin ~ SW 194 / GW 185 / CW 191.5 / Progress -2.5
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 / GW 167.2 / CW 170.4/ Progress -3.6
    Tammara ~ SW 224 / GW 214 / CW 220 / Progress -4.0
    Becky ~ SW151 / GW 141 / CW 146 Progress -5
    Amy ~ SW 194 / GW 182.2 / CW 193 / Progress -1.0
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 / GW 179.8 / CW 185.2 / Progress -4.6
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 / GW 171 / CW 177.6 / Progress -0.8
    Tan ~ SW 295 / GW 275 / CW 297 / Progress +2.0
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey ladies..

    Wow, ate soo much the past few days..and no exercise!!! So of course, there is a 0.8 gain..Im up to 176lbs. But Im not worried about it.. I leave for vacation late late tonight..around 3 am or so. Ive got to clean my car, do laundry, shop a little, and pack still. Plus I would like to get in an hour of exercise somehow!!

    I hope you all had happy holidays and are enjoying this break from school, work, etc. Kudos to those who are sticking to it and not wavered by temptation!! :devil:

    I will try to check in later on before I go to bed.. I am going to try and be in bed by 5ish this evening so I can get alot of rest- there is a 10 hour drive ahead of me, yay lol :)

    Have a fantastic Friday Sixers, and a glorious weekend!!!

    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning guys...

    ate last night....the snacker got ahold of me. DH said he would go to the gym with me this morning, and he would just go to dunkin donuts while i worked out and nap in the car. i said no cause than i would feel rushed. he said no i could take what time i needed. he wants to go shopping. so i won't go. scale up some. i will just go shopping and do a workout this afternoon. besides i don't think the reg. gym is open today. the 24 hr one will be, but, it doesn't have a shower. so would need to go home anyway. just rambling along here.

    time to dress and hit the sales,
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know I have been really busy. Me and the girls made cookies to give out, but of course all of us have been snacking on them. Plus we went to MIL's last night and I came home with more food! Oh, well. I'll be back on track soon. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and a tooth ache. So, today feeling like crap. Wanted to go out shopping at the sales, but I really shouldn't because we are really tight on money right now. Have to go to MIL's for breakfast and then to my FIL's for Christmas over there.

    Enough rambling. Hope everyone has a great day. Later.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Ladies... I missed you all. I was traveling and I finally made it home on Sunday. I didn't workout from sunday to wed. That was the longest I had been since August. I love being healthy and fit. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Happy Holidays!!!

    As for my situation w/ My mom and her husband. I decided to come to memphis for christmas, back to my apartment. This is the first time in my 27 years I was away from my Mom and sister for the holidays. :cry: It was a little sad but my boyfriend was excited I came back as well as my puppy.

    Lauryn you look wonderful in your picture!! Congrats! and the weight loss is great. Keep up the good work

    Connie--- I also went a while w/o working out. We will get back to it!

    I ate 4 sugar They were soooo great. I am weighing in at 218 now!

    Hi to everyone else!!!

    Katy ~ SW 183.2 / GW 174 / CW 175.2 / Progress -8.0lbs
    Cathy ~ SW 210.8 / GW 199 / CW 208.6 / Progress: -2.2
    Kristin ~ SW 159 / GW 155 / CW 155.5 / Progress: -3.5
    Shanell ~ SW 211 / GW 201 / CW 210.0 / Progress -1
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 / GW 197 / CW 202.8 / Progress +1.4
    Lauryn ~ SW 161 / GW 157 / CW 156 / Progress -5.0
    Connie ~ SW 266 / GW 255/ CW 264/ Progress -2.0
    Tammara ~ SW 224 / GW 214 / CW 218 / Progress -6.0

    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 / GW 150 / CW 153.2 / Progress: -2.4
    Robin ~ SW 194 / GW 185 / CW 191.5 / Progress -2.5
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 / GW 167.2 / CW 170.4/ Progress -3.6
    Becky ~ SW151 / GW 141 / CW 146 Progress -5
    Amy ~ SW 194 / GW 182.2 / CW 193 / Progress -1.0
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 / GW 179.8 / CW 185.2 / Progress -4.6
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 / GW 171 / CW 177.6 / Progress -0.8
    Tan ~ SW 295 / GW 275 / CW 297 / Progress +2.0
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    So, I weighed in today, are we still doing Friday weigh ins? I was down a half pound to 191, but I always wait until Tuesday to officially post.

    Nobody's around much lately... Did everyone OD on food and nog?
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Oh my gawd, I have totally bombed this month. Really, looking back on it, most of the month has been horrid. So I've got damage to undo and habits to re-establish. Not feeling too great about it. Feeling pretty ashamed, really. But there it is. I feel like I've let myself down and I also feel like I've let you guys down :frown: My mama and I are hitting a work out in the morning and morning work-outs always set my day off on a good foot. I'll try to keep the momentum. What I have to say is that I'm going to be accountable to you guys and not withhold anything because it is too easy to slip back into old habits. I didn't get to 220 by coincidence!!!

    I hope you're all having a wonderful week! Didn't weigh in today (forgot it was Friday, I've been avoiding the scale anyway....) I hope to see everyone reappear after New Year's if not sooner!!

    I so truly admire those of you who have kept up over the holidays! Kristin, Cathy, Lauryn... YEAH!!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    The weight can come back fast. I am in the same boat as you, Pedal, but it only took me about 2 weeks to undo so much hard work. I am trying to get back to my good habits, but not quite there yet. I am so embarrassed by how much I've gained back. I really didn't think I would do this again. I can't wait for the New Year to have things back to normal again. Hoping my weight is down by Tue. weigh in. I did weigh in yesterday, but am so horrified by the number I will wait for Tue to post.

    Katy, love the pic. You are looking thinner every day.
  • Oh my gawd, I have totally bombed this month. Really, looking back on it, most of the month has been horrid. So I've got damage to undo and habits to re-establish. Not feeling too great about it. Feeling pretty ashamed, really. But there it is. I feel like I've let myself down and I also feel like I've let you guys down :frown: My mama and I are hitting a work out in the morning and morning work-outs always set my day off on a good foot. I'll try to keep the momentum. What I have to say is that I'm going to be accountable to you guys and not withhold anything because it is too easy to slip back into old habits. I didn't get to 220 by coincidence!!!

    I hope you're all having a wonderful week! Didn't weigh in today (forgot it was Friday, I've been avoiding the scale anyway....) I hope to see everyone reappear after New Year's if not sooner!!

    I so truly admire those of you who have kept up over the holidays! Kristin, Cathy, Lauryn... YEAH!!!

    Pedal, I am there with you. I really was hoping that weight loss would not at all be on my list of New Years Resolutions. It just makes me so angry. And I have not a person to blame but myself. It just sucks. I really need to sit down and come up with a plan that works. I need to look at the reasons that what I have done before doesnt work! I have not been on the scale in almost 2 weeks. My goal for this weekend is to come up with a plan that will work with what is going on in my life.

    I wish everyone the best of luck in this upcoming year! Hopefully many of us, myself included, can reach our ultimate goal in 2009! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm up late thinking about what job to choose. Decisions, decisions. Everyone seems busy.... not many post this weekend. I hope all is well.

    Take care,

  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey ladies..

    Im at the beach and loving it!! I did not bring my scale, but I weighed yesterday before I left and was down to 174.6 so yay! Wont change my ticker til I get home.. so this Tuesday I will check in, but I will use my weight from yesterday (174.6) and use that as my weight.

    I jogged on the beach this morning, and walked for a total of 37 min! And wow, what a workout lol it was awesome!!

    Well ladies must go for now, hope you are all having a great weekend!!


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