to pierce or not to pierce....



  • ohpretty
    ohpretty Posts: 58 Member
    don't do it. The hole will never close back up when you decide to get rid of it.
    I laughed for a good five minutes. If I leave my tongue ring out for more than 10 minutes, it's not a fun time getting it back in. It closes up extremely fast.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Meghan_Mae--- You can't argue with that, it def is kind of hot!

    As long as it doesn't interfere with your speach, then it is not so hot...
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Tounge? Never!!!!

    Ears are OK.

    Belly Buttons only if you are really hot.

    Noses, never!

    I hate those giant holes some guys get in their earlobes now.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Do it! I have my tongue pierced twice..I like to be more decorative than other tongues. Lol :tongue:
  • marquesajen

    I hate those giant holes some guys get in their earlobes now.

    Girls get them too :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    If it's what you really want, then go for it!

    I won't get a tongue ring because I'm afraid it will make me talk funny and because I heard it can damage your teeth long-term.

    I have a belly button ring and absolutely love it. I'm not a skinny thing and I don't model it for people, but I love it and it's for ME!:-D

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    that is the question....



    Not a good idea, it wears-down the back of your teeth. I had a couple friends that the doctor told them they needed to remove it because it was causing big problems for them.
  • RocketsGirl75
    Um.. YES. Pierce it.

    ummm hi...


    Hi Rockets.. I've never had three firemen wink at me before..

    there is a first time for everything! LOL!

  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    that is the question....



    Not a good idea, it wears-down the back of your teeth. I had a couple friends that the doctor told them they needed to remove it because it was causing big problems for them.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Also, I agree with something someone said above, the long post about things you can eat. I was one of the few that basically got to eat whatever I wanted, the day after I got it pierced I went out and had Chinese food for lunch, haha. The only thing that bothered me was salty. Salty=baaaaad. Or was that my lip ring?, it was both. Just stay away from salty foods! lol And as far as speech goes, it really depends on the person. My sister had hers done, and she had the worst lisp until it healed totally. Me, I very rarely had a problem, and the only problems I had were actually after it healed up completely. I guess I was also lucky in that aspect. I had to take mine out for a surgery, and 3 hours later it slipped right in, so I was lucky there, too. Then again, the piercer did tell me that I have the prefect tongue for piercing, so I suppose it depends on how your tongue is. Do you have a very pronounced line on your tongue? If you do, it'll probably turn out really well for you.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I lost a bet to a young lady (she cheated!) who was a professional piercer something like 11yrs ago.

    My tongue has been pierced since.

    Also, I agree with something someone said above, the long post about things you can eat. I was one of the few that basically got to eat whatever I wanted, the day after I got it pierced I went out and had Chinese food for lunch, haha. The only thing that bothered me was salty. Salty=baaaaad. Or was that my lip ring?, it was both. Just stay away from salty foods! lol And as far as speech goes, it really depends on the person. My sister had hers done, and she had the worst lisp until it healed totally. Me, I very rarely had a problem, and the only problems I had were actually after it healed up completely. I guess I was also lucky in that aspect. I had to take mine out for a surgery, and 3 hours later it slipped right in, so I was lucky there, too. Then again, the piercer did tell me that I have the prefect tongue for piercing, so I suppose it depends on how your tongue is. Do you have a very pronounced line on your tongue? If you do, it'll probably turn out really well for you.

    My experience was...rough lol. My tongue was stupid swolen for ended up itching like mad too.

    As for hearing it one even knows it's in there unless I stick it between my teeth. I actually forget it's in there 99% of the time to be honest.

    On the hole closing up...I had taken it out a couple years ago and lost one of the was out for quite a few months before I got around to picking up another ball and putting it back in.

    I will just say that it took some...umm...rather serious effort to put it back through, but there wasn't any blood, so the hole hadn't actually closed. Using that fact as a reason not to get one is sort of silly though. I mean...if no one notices the piercing itself in my mouth...who on earth will notice a tiny pin hole in the center of my tongue lol?

    Oh, will never look at bubble gum and licking an ice cream cone the same again =(. But...that being said...those are the only two drawbacks =D.
  • Chunkabutt83
    i love peircings, but i would NEVER do my tongue for 2 reasons. 1 being that my ex did it and after a few years his tongue started to split and 2 my cousin did it and her body reacted badly and she almost died and had to walk around with an iv bag attached to her for 30 days.
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    Yes everytime love piercings! I would get my tongue done if I didn't work where I worked.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Pierce it. One thing about getting it pierced though: There's only a handful of people out of the hundreds who do it who can simply eat whatever they wish the first few days of getting it pierced. The two times I've had mine done, my tongue was incredibly swollen and I pretty much was on a liquid diet both times I got it done.

    Get it done by a professional. The first time I had it done, I was 17 and bought one of those kits from a silver loft and had my 16 year old foster sister do it for me. I can't tell you how incredibly stupid that was; I was lucky nothing bad came out of it. We were incredibly sterile with everything, it's just not the smartest thing to do. What's weird is when I got it re-done last year and did it the professional route, it bled a little whereas when I did it at home, no blood whatsoever.

    Crushed ice will be your best friend.

    Once you get it done and if it swells up, you'll have urges to take it out. It's annoying as hell the first week or so that you have it. I promise you, you'll get so used to it that -not- having it will feel extremely weird. When I had mine done the first time, I had to take it out because of surgery and it ended up closing up (it doesn't take long for it to close, mind you).

    You can and will make it part of your meal every so often, and that's not at all pleasant to bite on. I had to switch from metal to plastic so it's not -as hard- on my teeth when such occasions occur.

    After I had mine done I had scrambled egg on toast and it took me about an hour to eat it haha, I was ok after about 4 days and lots of icecream and ice pops lol.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    .............peer pressure...............
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    Had mine done 15 years ago and forget it's there to be honest.

    I couldn't eat anything that wouldn't go through a straw for a week, and could hardly talk, but once the swelling went down it was ok. As I say, I forget about it now.

    You'll have to keep the longer bar you get when it's first done in case you get a cold, I've only had it happen once, but my tounge swelled and the small bar was uncomfortable.

    I like it and have never considered taking it out,
  • kristinaohno
    kristinaohno Posts: 113 Member
    i had mine from when i was 18-26. i loved it. and it was very hard to part with. i didn't get it pierced for "sexual reasons" like most people think when they hear someone wants to get their tongue pierced. i got it to prove i can handle the pain and taking care of it. it was my second piercing and one that was hard for me to get rid of. but, being that i had to have MRIs and stuff done in the hospital and knew i was going to have them done a lot throughout my life, i decided to take all my piercings out. i miss my septum the most :[

    good luck. if you do it, make sure you keep your mouth clean, don't use listerine. biotene all the way!
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    Do it and get a 2 fer

    Belly button rings that dangle are sexy
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    it really just depends. i lost a bet to my mom (yes, my mom) and ended up getting my tongue pierced with her. she healed fine had no pain or swelling and the piercing itself didn't hurt her at all. ME on the other hand..i'd have to say that the tongue was the most painful piercing i've gotten, and that's saying a lot..and afterwards my tongue had swollen so bad i could barely talk, eat or even swallow my own spit, but once it healed it was all good! took it out for like a year in a half and put it back in a few months ago.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    As a guy I can say that I fully support tongue piercings...