ANJU WARRIORS (Closed Group)



  • FitJ1210
    Just wondering.... I know we only have exercise challenges 6 days a weeks, so are our weekly challenges only 6 days of the week as well?

    Hi Destiny :smile:

    Yes.. this short week Thurs-Sat.
    Next 4 weeks of Sept they both run Mon- Sat.
  • FitJ1210
    Day 1 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for the day.
    Day 2 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for this day also. YEA!!
    *Note: are we suppose to check in every day or just report on Sat or Sun? I logged daily cals/eats but did not log exercise challenge at completion. Hope I have not lost us team points for this!!
    Go to page 2 of this thread, it explains there. It's a bit overwhelming first starting these things isn't it?
    Looks like we let our team captain know we have completed the daily challenge every day. We weigh in every Sunday. If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me :)

    Tina you may check in with your everyday results... you are a real player.. PLEZ ...!!!! But it will be hard for me to track down everyone for everyday. On Sunday or Monday morn is check in for current weights and completion of both challenges for the week prior.
  • FitJ1210
    Day 3 Challenge complete - and kicked my behind just like day 1 :sad: Could have been the kickbox workout I did before it though LOL:laugh:

    Keep er going :smile:
  • FitJ1210
    Just wondering.... I know we only have exercise challenges 6 days a weeks, so are our weekly challenges only 6 days of the week as well?

    If I understand your question, the bear walk was our weekly challenge, so we do that only one time this week. Again, somebody please correct me if this isn't correct. :)

    Its so confusing... good thing we only had to track 3 days this 1st week. Thurs- Sat.

    There are the Daily exercise challenge is..... Basic /Pygmy or Advanced/ Busmen
    There is the Weekly Challenge. is... with in or under cals and 64 oz water
    Bonus Challenge The bear walk. 3 min. done once before the end of the week.
  • FitJ1210
    Here are the BASICS!!!

    Weigh - in's

    Each Sunday or Monday morning you will need to post your ending. As a team we receive points for the % of weight you have lost.

    Daily Challenges
    When you post your new weight on Sunday or Monday I need you to list if you did each daily challenge. If you missed a day or two please let me know. Remember if you miss a daily exercise challenge you can make it up for that week. So if you have a bad day double up the next. If every team member logs the daily exercise as doing it for all 6 days Mon-Sat - the team will get 5 bonus points

    Weekly Team Challenges
    In order to get the weekly 5 bonus everyone needs to do the set goal for the week all 6 days Mon-Sat .

    ~For example of what you will post on Sunday or Monday morning.

    Current weight ______ lbs.
    Daily exercises.... Yes all _____ are done
    Weekly challenge( cals & water) Yes ______ are done
    Bonus _________

    Point System:

    1 point for each pound lost per team member
    1 point for each team member that does their daily exercise (Daily!)
    1 point for each team member that does the weekly challenge

    Bonus Points:

    Daily Exercise - If every team member logs the daily exercise as doing it for all 6 day Mon-Sat - the team will get 5 bonus points.

    Weekly Challenges - If every team member logs the weekly challenges as doing it for all 6 day Mon-Sat - the team will get 5 bonus points.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    pygamy challenges done, defintely had enough water just got to log it and my's regular rest day but with painting for 2.5 hours, loading and unloading the kids bunk beds, unloading their old beds, and then putting the new beds in (all before 3pm!!!)...I think I'm challenged out! LoL.

    I'll get my food in there, I'm terrible at logging food on the weekend but I'll get it done!!
  • FitJ1210
    pygamy challenges done, defintely had enough water just got to log it and my's regular rest day but with painting for 2.5 hours, loading and unloading the kids bunk beds, unloading their old beds, and then putting the new beds in (all before 3pm!!!)...I think I'm challenged out! LoL.

    I'll get my food in there, I'm terrible at logging food on the weekend but I'll get it done!!

    I bet reese! But I bet it looks NICE!
  • FitJ1210
    This how it goes... for Sunday/ Monday morn check in for this week of Thurs- Sept 1st to Sat- Sept 3rd.

    A sample :

    Current weight 159 lbs.
    Daily exercises.... Yes all 3 are done
    Weekly challenge( cals & water) Yes all 3 days are done
    Bonus 3 minute bear walk No

    Simple.. huh..... you just have to keep track for the week.
  • tlrunyon
    Jorden, You are an excellent team captain! Glad you're with us :)

    I will keep a log of my own and then report at the end of the week. If not, you may get overwhelmed with my postings. I'm sure it's easier if you have one one check in with everything listed.

  • FitJ1210
    Thanks Tina.. I'm glad your with us also. Dont get me wrong its great that you post your daily work outs! Thanks for keeping tally of them.

    I'm so glad tomorrow its a rest day. I did 1/2 mile treadmill warm up, then did "the bushmen's" minus the globe jumps -then spent 3 hrs trap-sing through the yard with irrigation boots on..... irrigating the yard, they have to weigh at least 10 lbs? Its only the 2nd time Ive worn them..and my legs are much more tired this time. Must be those Warrior work outs?:heart:

    Before Bushmen... I pulled out 2 area rugs to soften the floor for the weight of my hands I attempted the Bear Walks twice again. 1.5 & 1 min. only. They are gonna be my Warrior Battle.
  • FitJ1210
    Have a GOOD nite!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Hi ladies! I think my boys are feeling better but now my German Shepherd (and running partner) has a hurt right front leg. I have no clue what happened. She was fine this morning, was outside a bit in the backyard in the morning, then in her crate while I took the boys shopping. She was out with uswhen we got home and then outside really quick while I made lunch. Then I put her back in the crate when I took the boys upstairs to go down for their naps. When I came back down she was looking at me with her paw up in the air. She's been limping on it ever since. I can touch it fine without her wimpering. It feels no different and I can't find any bite marks, cuts, or scrapes. I'm clueless. She doesn't seem in any pain other than limping around. But she is still chasing her tail with as much ferver as always.

    Anyway, today is a rest day for me, but I did do the pygmy challenge. We'll see how my weigh-in goes tomorrow.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    That bear walk is a BOOGER! I could only go a minute... Will attempt again tomorrow! :)
  • Jycooper
    sorry i have not posted in a few days but I did complete the challenge all 3 days and also stayed wn calories. I have not done the bear walk yet but will attempt it again today. Tried friday however could not complete it bc of my daughter.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Current weight 182.6 lbs. (no change ... I'm ok with that, at least it's not up)
    Daily exercises.... Yes all 3 are done
    Weekly challenge( cals & water) Yes all 3 days are done
    Bonus 3 minute bear walk No
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Current weight- 149.0
    Daily exercises- yes all 3
    Weekly challenge- yes all 3 days
    Bonus 3 minute bear walk- yes
  • tlrunyon
    Current weight 128.4 lbs.
    Daily exercises.... Yes all 3 are done
    Weekly challenge( cals & water) Yes all are done
    Bonus 3 minute bear walk completed

    Sorry, ladies! Weight up a pound...I do not know what happened there.
  • FitJ1210
    That bear walk is a BOOGER! I could only go a minute... Will attempt again tomorrow! :)

    Dont ya know it: :noway:
  • FitJ1210
    Good morning and thank you for the weekly check in's. :smile:

    Woo- hoo Desiny! :drinker:

    No worries Julie & Tina it was a short week :smile:

    Jennifer & Meredith Keep on plugg_N on the bear walk... we have till weeks end... today! :smile:

    I'm going to start a new topic for next week.

    I'll post a link here later.

    Happy rest day ladies !
  • FitJ1210
    Current weight 158.2 lbs.
    Daily exercises.... Yes all 3 are done
    Weekly challenge( cals & water) Yes all are done
    Bonus 3 minute bear walk completed No

    That's -2 lbs. for me.