What's wrong with regular milk?



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    to address the greek yogurt, i feel in love with the texture from the first bite

    I did too and now I buy the Greek yogurt sald dressings and everything... Mmmmm

    But I am still not sold on the Almond Milk... People have been drinking regular Milk for ages....Any doctor my son or I have been too suggest Milk daily....

    heh my son is what started me on the almond milk he is far more lactose intolerant than me , he was raised on soy, then i found the almond milk put him on that, tasted his almond mlk because the less carbs, and loved it
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I like both almond milk and regular milk. Almond milk is lower in calories though.

    Greek yogurt is simply the fantastic. It is creamy (like pudding) and very high in protein. Flavored with fruit, it is like dessert. I don't eat most regular yogurts, they taste sour or they are sweetened with crap I don't eat (HFCS or aspertame, etc.) Gimme plain organic greek yogurt with some fruit and I'm in heaven.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I like both almond milk and regular milk. Almond milk is lower in calories though.

    Greek yogurt is simply the fantastic. It is creamy (like pudding) and very high in protein. Flavored with fruit, it is like dessert. I don't eat most regular yogurts, they taste sour or they are sweetened with crap I don't eat (HFCS or aspertame, etc.) Gimme plain organic greek yogurt with some fruit and I'm in heaven.

    Hrm. Maybe I'll have to try greek then. I don't really like normal yogurt so I just assumed I wouldn't like greek. I'm always looking for more protein...
  • jayb123x
    jayb123x Posts: 138
    v v v v v Ditto to all of this for me v v v v v
    I drink regular milk as well. Well skim milk anyway. Almond Mike is way to sweet and kind of gross.

    I actually LOVE greek yogurt over regular. It's just has a different taste and tons of protein. But regular yogurt to me taste good too. I buy greek now but dont have any problems with regular yogurt
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I like both almond milk and regular milk. Almond milk is lower in calories though.

    Greek yogurt is simply the fantastic. It is creamy (like pudding) and very high in protein. Flavored with fruit, it is like dessert. I don't eat most regular yogurts, they taste sour or they are sweetened with crap I don't eat (HFCS or aspertame, etc.) Gimme plain organic greek yogurt with some fruit and I'm in heaven.

    Hrm. Maybe I'll have to try greek then. I don't really like normal yogurt so I just assumed I wouldn't like greek. I'm always looking for more protein...

    I like to mix plain Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey, some dried cranberries, and honey roasted almonds. Fresh blueberries are good in it too. I also like to mix it with a scoop of chocolate protein powder, but that gets a little sticky so you need to add just a bit of milk.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Unless it's sweetened with sugar, almond milk is kind of gross. And unless it's fortified, it's actually a horrible source of calcium.
    Is there unsweetened almond milk that isn't yuck? I'd be interested if I can find some. Maybe mine is like that because it's organic? Or unsweetened? I just don't get how everyone else likes it and I don't (and I'm generally not picky).

    Regular milk is fine too (and baby animals will suckle on different animals in their mothers' absence btw) but I guess I try not to drink my calories so for me it's a calorie issue.
  • Michellerw1
    I switched to coconut milk (which is awesome) because I was getting really bad acne on my chin and neck, and my derm said it may be from excess dairy/soy. So I try to limit myself to one serving of dairy a day. I love cheese, so usually that takes up my serving, so I cut out milk.

    I love Greek yogurt as well! I don't even bother with the low-fat or no-fat type of dairy products cause it freaks me out as to how they make it no-fat or low-fat...
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I love the taste of almond milk, and it is much lower in calories than regular milk. Plus, you can get shelf stable boxes to last through hurricanes! One cup of almond milk has 40 calories, compared to a cup of 2%, which has 120, or even skim, which has double the calories of a glass of almond milk.

    ^^^ This. ^^^
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Milk has hormones in it as well as, unless you buy organic, antibiotics etc... The cows on those farms aren't treated well... Alltogether nasty! Chocolate Milk is no longer just cocoa and sugar added. It's also got high fructose corn syrope (at least around here). A big steaming glass of diabetes.

    There are a few good goat farms around here so I really like goat yoghurt (if you've never had any it has a fetta tang). More animal friendly, environmentally friendly and person friendly.
  • gettinghealthy777
    Milk has hormones in it as well as, unless you buy organic, antibiotics etc... The cows on those farms aren't treated well... Alltogether nasty! Chocolate Milk is no longer just cocoa and sugar added. It's also got high fructose corn syrope (at least around here). A big steaming glass of diabetes.

    There are a few good goat farms around here so I really like goat yoghurt (if you've never had any it has a fetta tang). More animal friendly, environmentally friendly and person friendly.

    Do you know what hormones are in cow milk? Just curious. I wonder how the hormones affect us as humans? This may explain my grazing problem, lol
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    For me it was due to the amount of coffee I drink. I can't afford the good coffee, so it gets doctored, but the calories and sugars in milk was severely limiting my ability to partake. So I switched to almond milk. We still use regular milk for cooking and actual drinking.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Studies have shown that both the dairy and meat protein is bad for you, that it causes diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

    LOL and an equal number of studies have shown literally the polar opposite.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    One of the things I refuse to give up is whole milk. A lot of people do because it's full of fat, but I never go over my fat as it is. It's full of so many vitamins and calcium, so I won't give it up.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I was raised with greek yogurt & love it, always have.

    I tried switching to Silk a few months ago but I just couldn't do it. We drink 1% milk!
    I think it's BS that cow's milk is so bad. It has a lot of benefits. And we are veggie/fruit AND meat eaters. Nothing wrong with that in moderation.
    If we listened to every "study" out there we wouldn'r be able to eat or drink anything anymore.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    To the poster who mentioned how they get dairy low and no fat:

    It's simply a matter of separating out the cream. Nothing chemical about it. With cows milk (I milk my own Jersey cow and make cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc) it separates when you chill it overnight, the yummy cream rises and you skim it off with a ladel. Then you have heavy cream for whipping and buttermaking (offf the very top) and half n half weight for coffee, sauces, etc. The milk underneath is skim.

    Goat's milk does not separate naturally, and must be put through a cream separater which uses gravity and centrifugal force to get the job done.

    The danger with those products is that when you remove fat, you remove flavor, so they add all kinds of crap back in so that it tastes like the full fat version, and this usually translates to lots of sugar.

    And to the person who mentioned not giving up whole milk; you are actually less likely to gain weight drinking whole milk than skim. Farmers feed skim milk to pigs to fatten them up fast. I'm no scientist, but it has something to do with th eenzymes and stuff present in the cream that help your body utilize the milk, rather than simply storing it as sugar. If you've ever done a low carb program, you know that low fat milk is a no no while cream is okay. All the lactose is in the skim!


  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I drink...are you ready...whole milk. *GASP* ! Yeah, I drink whole milk and like it. I don't down 5 or 6 glasses a day, only a 1/2 cup with my cereal in the morning. As far as I can see if I'm eating healthy and not going over my fat, calories, or anything else then a little whole milk won't kill me.
    Besides 2% tastes like water and skim is nasty, To each their own.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I drink both almond milk and organic 1% milk. I like to drink the almond milk as a dessert, because its so sweet (I get the vanilla kind). Organic milk tastes 1,000 times better than regular milk. It is expensive but I've been drinking it for about two years now and I'll never go back!
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    Hmm... this thread has really gotten me thinking. I was never a big milk drinker in the past but have been making faux lattes at home (Starbucks VIA dissolved into cold milk) lately. Sometimes I'll have 2 a day and that's a lot of liquid calories. I never even considered switching to a non-dairy milk to lower the calories. Time to try some almond milk!

    I love the forums here- so much good info. :)
  • bhagavatilad1
    Nothing it just contains alot of fat which makes you gain weight. I have to drink it because I believe that it is the best nutrition for both of my growing kids in fact when I was growing up in England it was served everyday in school so I love it. People switch to Almond milk because almonds are good for you especially your brain so they think the milk is better. Makes no difference to me if you ask me but there's no harm in trying it.
  • moepett00
    Really? you've seen studies show that eating a big fatty steak has actually decreased your risk of a heart attack? I'd die to see those studies. Try watching forks over knives