What's wrong with regular milk?



  • PhiMuHoney
    PhiMuHoney Posts: 127 Member
    For me, Greek yogurt tastes better and has a more palatable texture than regular yogurt. I have a hard time with regular yogurt, but I LOVE the tang of greek yogurt!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I rather like it. It has a good ratio of carbs to protein for a recovery drink after running.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Some people don't drink it for ethical reasons. Me, it's a choice that is ethical, environmental (which I would also categorize as ethical), and health based. You can make your own almond mylk fairly easily, but there are also LOTS of other alternatives. I only take mylk in my tea, otherwise I don't need it for anything, except occasionally baking, but that's really rare for me.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Milk has hormones in it as well as, unless you buy organic, antibiotics etc... The cows on those farms aren't treated well... Alltogether nasty! Chocolate Milk is no longer just cocoa and sugar added. It's also got high fructose corn syrope (at least around here). A big steaming glass of diabetes.

    There are a few good goat farms around here so I really like goat yoghurt (if you've never had any it has a fetta tang). More animal friendly, environmentally friendly and person friendly.

    Do you know what hormones are in cow milk? Just curious. I wonder how the hormones affect us as humans? This may explain my grazing problem, lol

    rBGH - a synthetic hormone injected into cows to increase dairy production. If your milk or cheese is not organic/labeled rBGH-free, then essentially it's genetically modified. Last I heard, it is not a chemical that is allowed in the EU or Canada.

    Edit: that's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    "Casein", the protein in milk has been shown to promote the growth of tumors in breast cancer (in multiple studies). Also please consider that the societies with the largest number of hip fractures and cases of osteoporosis are also the countries that consume the highest ratio of dairy products.

    There are lengthy peer reviewed studies detailed in the book "The China Study". It was overwhelmingly convincing for me.
  • adnama36
    adnama36 Posts: 32 Member
    I think I might be the only person I know who HATES Greek yogurt! I can't stand the texture of the stuff...but I love regular yogurt!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why do people replace it with almond milk (besides lactose issues I guess)?

    Almond milk also has more calcium then regular milk.
    Absolutely not true. A glass of cow's milk has 30% calcium. Almond milk is generally fortified with 20%.
    But I am still not sold on the Almond Milk... People have been drinking regular Milk for ages....Any doctor my son or I have been too suggest Milk daily....
    People have been using almond milk since the Middle Ages. Regular milk spoils easily and they didn't have refrigeration, so regular milk was made into butter and cheese, and they made almond milk for drinking and cooking.

    My main issue with almond milk is it's pretty much 100% artificial. They use very few almonds in making almond milk because almonds are expensive. So it's a few almonds, a lot of water, and fortified with synthesized vitamins. If I'm gonna drink almond milk, I'll buy almonds and make my own. Personally I love milk of all types. Also love yogurt and cheese.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I think I might be the only person I know who HATES Greek yogurt! I can't stand the texture of the stuff...but I love regular yogurt!

    Nope, I hate it too. It leaves my mouth like, almost dry. Bleh. Can't stand the stuff.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I love milk and that's why I don't buy it. I could drink tons of it every day! I buy soy milk. It's actually cheaper in the long run cuz even tho I like it I'm not tempted to swill it down like I am cow's milk. Without regular milk in the house I drink more water and save lots of calories.
  • Almond milk tastes better, and has waaay less calories! Greek yogurt has a lot more protein. :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Almond milk tastes better, and has waaay less calories! Greek yogurt has a lot more protein. :)

    I tried unsweetened organic almond milk and it was gross (and I'm not picky). So I wonder what the makers of these delicious almond milk brands put in them. Can you tell me the brand you drink, I'm interested in looking it up.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh and by regular milk I meant "skim". I don't like anything with fat. Leaves a gross film on the glass. Ew. My kids drink whole though.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Almond milk is good if you have to watch carbs. I started using the unsweetened vanilla flavor when I had gestational diabetes and would drink a glass each day for breakfast. I think it actually tastes really good.

    I don't buy it much any more because it is expensive, but I'm not a big milk drinker anyway.
  • I drink 2% milk, but I know people that drink almond milk because they re vegan or because it is lower in calories, or just because it tastes good. To each their own :)
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It's a taste issue for me. As a child, I had a cow's milk allergy, so I grew up drinking rice milk and putting it in my cereal. When I started drinking coffee, I switched skim cow's milk (as I had also outgrown my milk allergy), but I never loved the taste. Now I switch between soy milk and almond milk (depending on what is available at the grocery store...).

    As for Greek yogurt, I like the extra protein. I eat it every morning for breakfast and it usually keeps me full until lunch, which I did not find with regular yogurt.
  • Dkenny74
    Dkenny74 Posts: 26 Member
    I Drink the whole milk. You know, the red one.
    To answer the original question, As long as you can digest it, nothing is wrong with regular milk.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Milk has hormones in it as well as, unless you buy organic, antibiotics etc... The cows on those farms aren't treated well... Alltogether nasty! Chocolate Milk is no longer just cocoa and sugar added. It's also got high fructose corn syrope (at least around here). A big steaming glass of diabetes.

    There are a few good goat farms around here so I really like goat yoghurt (if you've never had any it has a fetta tang). More animal friendly, environmentally friendly and person friendly.

    Sugar in food can give a person diabetes. Smoking can make a person become a diabetic. Most of the time, when a person is a type 2 diabetic, it's because they have inherited the disease from their mother and father.

    I love my chocolate milk and I will continue to drink it.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    For me, it's a matter of what the milk is/where it comes from. Humans are the only animals that drink the breast milk of another animal. and that just grosses me out. It may not be scientifically based, it's just a preference I have. I don't like almond milk much, but I LOVE coconut milk and feel it's a better choice. My kids seem to have a problem with too much dairy as well-so I monitor their intake and keep it limited....to keep their tummies calm.

    As to the yogurt-which I do eat from time to time (so I'm not anti-dairy overall) the greek has more protein in it, that's why I choose it.

    We're all free to make our own choices, that's the beauty of it.

    actually,many many orphaned animals can and have nursed from other animals. (kittens from pigs, puppies from sheep or goats, baby deer from a cow) just sayin, LOL

    thinkin of switching down again, went from 2% to 1%, might do skim milk soon. I love milk, but the calories add up. I am a chicken about trying new foods. I am afraid i will not like it, and then it is a waste of money as well as the food/drink.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I drink...are you ready...whole milk. *GASP* ! Yeah, I drink whole milk and like it. I don't down 5 or 6 glasses a day, only a 1/2 cup with my cereal in the morning. As far as I can see if I'm eating healthy and not going over my fat, calories, or anything else then a little whole milk won't kill me.
    Besides 2% tastes like water and skim is nasty, To each their own.

    My husband won't have anything but full fat milk... I used to always use semi-skimmed. But neither of us drink it. Jem takes it in his tea/coffee and I have some with cereal (which I'm eating more of nowadays admittedly) so I can't see it makes any real difference. It's also better for cooking, imho :tongue:
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member

    Sugar in food can give a person diabetes. Smoking can make a person become a diabetic. Most of the time, when a person is a type 2 diabetic, it's because they have inherited the disease from their mother and father.

    Many people who have diabetes have inherited the tendency towards getting it from their mother or father. Whether or not they actually get it depends heavily, although not exclusively, on diet and lifestyle.