"weirdest" thing I ever ate was:



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    What - no lutefisk yet? We had this every Christmas dinner (growing up).

    It's cod ...... dehydrated ...... then rehydrated by soaking in a lye solution. Kinda like fish jello ..... Yum!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Ooh - I ordered sea urchin roe at a sushi place in Spain. It doesn't sound too bad, but it tasted like someone scraped dog**** off a sandy beach and put it on rice. GROSS!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    While travelling around Hong Kong and China a few years ago I tried things like Giant toad (I didn't know I'd eaten that one until my chinese friend told me!)
    Ducks feet (These were even still intact, the whole foot just loads of them in a bowl, cooked toes and everything!)
    and these very strange looking see through eel like fishy looking things that had come straight from the sea. They looked gross but didn't taste too bad! :)

    I probably ate a lot more weird things than that but as soon as I found out about the giant toad I stopped asking...
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    My husband and I like to travel and we like to try weird things, so I've had yak, rattlesnake, ostrich, guinea pig and alpaca (in Peru), and scorpion and sea horse in China.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Prairie oysters. (Yes, gentlemen you may cringe!) They're not very tasty.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    What - no lutefisk yet? We had this every Christmas dinner (growing up).

    It's cod ...... dehydrated ...... then rehydrated by soaking in a lye solution. Kinda like fish jello ..... Yum!

    I tried that once - it was really salty. Not a fan!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    What's your definition of weird?

    Some people think venison, rabbit, and seaweed are weird. I think they're normal.

    Some I'm pretty sure some people will find weird:
    Rocky Mountain Oysters
    Dog (over seas)
    Monkey (over seas)
    Alligator (OMG so good when fried in a hush puppy batter)
    Boar (boar bacon is the BEST)
    Ostrich (makes the best low fat chili, hands down)
    Dove (pesky little suckers, but good)
    Pickles & Ice cream (when not pregnant)
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Am I the only one so far that's eaten brains?

    Growing up, my mom would occassionally get a craving for pork brains. She would scramble them with eggs and eat them that way. You could buy them canned at the grocery store. But I was never a fan. :P

    I was a big fan of head cheese as a child. We ate it on saltine crackers. Then one day I walked into my great-grandma's kitchen to see a whole hog's head sitting on the counter...tongue lolling out. Ewww I asked grandma what it was for, and she said she was going to boil it down and make head cheese. That was the end of it for me. Guess I thought it was just a name?!? LOL
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I've tried alligator. I remember it tasting good. :)
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Pig's brain croquette (Spain)
    Armadillo (Nicaragua)
    Iguana (Nicaragua)
    Iguana eggs (Nicaragua)
    Chicken feet (Nicaragua)
    Oxtail (Spain)
    Something called Mondongo in Spanish, which is the second stomach of a cow (Yuck).
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    wood pigeon

    In England we eat raw pickled herring, called rollmops - not sure if you get that in America?
  • lyknscribe
    Caraibou,(which is basically reindeer) , Big horned sheep, swan, moose, elk, Alligator, bear, ... basically whatever my father shot. He was a hunter but he refused to sport hurt - whatever he killed, we used every bit we could.

    He ate some african game when he was hunting out there too but we couldn't transport the meet out of the country so the PH and their families were given the meet as part of their wages.
  • dorioreo
    Pig Brain?????????? SHEESH what I eat that is weird is nothing compared to you guys (:
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Rocky Mountain Oysters! However, they aren't oysters, they're bull testicles. Not very good!
  • niste_ketlin
    I've had chicken feet, too.

    And gefilte fish.. I couldn't swallow it. It tastes like it smells - Rotten.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I've had:

    - mussels in a jar (homemade)
    - whelks in a jar, tastes something between a crab and a mussel (homemade)
    - oysters
    - octopus
    - escargot in a can (not a good experience)
    - Horse and ostrich in a fondue
    - nuoc mam in my chinese plate (fish sauce)
    ETA: -Kangaroo meat

    Probably many more, but it doesn't come to my mind right now.
  • luzbulb
    luzbulb Posts: 6 Member
    I was born in Colombia, and truly I have tried lots of weird things, Chicken Feet, pigs feet, cow brains, cow eye soup (i know eeewww), fried ants, snake, frog legs, bulls testicles, etc. ... we don't waste any part of any animal, ha ha, that was all during the first 10 years of my life, oh pigeon soup, and here in the US, at a very fancy restaurant I tried Boar and antelope in one meal..... yeah I have a good appetite, hence the struggle with my weight, and by the way I tried Fried gator in a restaurant in St. Augustine Florida and well.... not my thing but not horrible, I didn't care for the tough texture too much but that could be because of the way it was cooked. I believe in trying everying once!!!
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    The weirdest thing would have to be scorpions. The worst thing was turtle soup, with a whole turtle in it. Not nice!
  • lottywood
    lottywood Posts: 55 Member
    I worked in a cinema when i was younger and someone once asked me for Nacho Cheese on their Popcorn. I've never met anyone again who likes this.
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    I went to Noma earlier in the year, and pretty much every course was 'weird'

    If I go somewhere new I always try and eat the local delicacies. been to Africa a few times, so have managed to eat most of the wildlife available. Croc stew in South Africa was nice, as were the Ostrich Burgers. Cheap too!