5'5 girls - what are you aiming for?



  • LngHrDntCr13
    LngHrDntCr13 Posts: 41 Member
    My ultimate goal is 144. However I think I'll be happy with any number between 140 - 150. I still have a LONG way to go :/
  • ashanti1982
    Wow, we are varying a lot, I guess it does depend on body type, I'm curvy so can carry 140-145 quite well, the lowest I have been is 130-135 and I was a UK size 8 which I think is a US size 6 (?) but that was a bit too thin on my frame. Like of lot of us I think I will have to see when I get closer to my goal. I agree with jozzierdgz I do a lot more exercise than I used to and a lot more resistance so it doesn't matter to me so much the number on the scale as to if I look nice and healthy.

    jameslucy have you tried zigzagging your calories, there are a lot of posts on that to get you through a plateau, I have started my week zigzagging so am eating higher calories today. Keep going, if your doing the right things the scales will go down :).

    Good luck everyone on your weight loss journeys, we're going to look awesome no matter what goal we're aiming for!!!

    p.s. thanks for the friend requests, am going to accept them now (was cooking my dinner) x
  • Mommyof3loves
    My goal is 135 but I will take it as I go, like you I'll see how I look once I hit the 140's and see how I look, I honestly don't remember the last time I was that weight which is very sad, so I am excited to see what I look like being under 150 lol.
  • ashanti1982
    I can only go by your weightloss ticker but it looks like you are doing well.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    The least I have weighed during my adult life is 120. I was entirely too thin at that weight. When I became a lifetime member of WW, I weighed 130, which was still too thin for me.

    This time around, I made my original goal 155, but then changed it to 145. Right now that's my ultimate goal. I'm 167 now and still feel quite fat. I was very surprised to see a video my husband took of me walking the dogs on the beach while we were on vacation last week. I didn't look nearly as fat as I see myself as being.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    I am 5'6" and shrinking, but my goal is 165. I looked really good at 175, been as low as 138 (too thin) and couldn't maintain that weight. :smile:
  • ashanti1982
    I think we definitely percieve ourselves very differently to what the outside world does, even when I was younger and 130 I thought I looked big, sometimes it takes a pic or video to see...
  • ashanti1982
    It's definitely important to find a weight you are comfortable at maintaing otherwise what's the point? I have been there and it just makes you miserable.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think we definitely percieve ourselves very differently to what the outside world does, even when I was younger and 130 I thought I looked big, sometimes it takes a pic or video to see...

    Exactly! When I was at my highest weight, I didn't see it in the mirror. I was in denial. I can definitely see the weight loss in my face and my belly and hips, but I feel huge. It's weird and not a healthy mindset.
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    I've always been on the thinner side but with age and kids, I started creeping up. My current weight is 132 and my goal is 120. A few months back I hit 141 and was determined not to go any higher. Probably about 4 years ago, I got down to 122 and stopped there but this time around I want to lose but also get toned. I started the 30 day shred and walking running about 4-5 times a week. I try to stay under my calorie goal but remembering my past experience with losing the weight, it seemed on the days I ate more the easier the weight came off.
    Good luck to everyone!!
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    I'm glad you asked this because the numbers are higher than I thought they'd be, which is good. At 5'4" and a half, I'm aiming for a healthy, fit 140, which I thought was high compared to others but will be sustainable for me if not model thin. I do carry a good deal of muscle. Glad to see that's closer to "normal" than I thought.
  • ashanti1982
    I definitely think i have slight body dismorphia so I have been taking pictures from the start to compare progress and it's really helping me, you should try it!

    140 is definitely a healthy weight, I think it's all about being a weight that is healthy and what you are comfortable with.
  • JennieG82
    I'm aiming for 140-145. I was down to 158 for my wedding, and it was okay. Now I'm starting all over again! Long way to go!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I think everyone has a weight that is good and comfortable for them once they reach it...it's good to have a predetermined weight to work towards but we must also think about how hard or easy that weight will be to maintain. The number on the scales are not neccessarily important as long as you are healthy on the inside and out...I just want to be fit with some muscle...never wanted to be skinny, just content...which for me would be around 145-150, any less and I just don't think I would look right. For others, they may look wonderful!
    If you look at someone who is eating right and exercising appropriately and they weigh 150, and then look at someone who is not doing those things and they weigh 150...it's a totally different look.
    Anyways, I went off on a tangent there, lol...I wish us all the best!
  • NHLove88
    NHLove88 Posts: 75 Member
    First post, so hey everyone! :)

    My first goal was 120, but I spoke to my friend & she thought that would be way too skinny for me. So I upped my goal to 140... but changed it again to 135. I guess I'll have to wait & see how I look before deciding what really looks best on me, I'm aiming more toward getting fit instead of getting skinny.
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    I am 5'5 1/2 and weigh 138. I have a skinny frame and want to be 120. I never weighed myself when I was skinnier, so I don't know what my adult weight was. I may never reach 120, but I could be a lot healthier. It definitely depends on body type! My sister is is an inch shorter than me, but has a different body. When she was 140 she looked sickly, so for her 150 is healthy.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 130lbs at the moment. My ultimate goal weight is 110- 114lbs but I'd be happy at 114 - 118. I was 114 a couple of years ago and was happyish at that weight.
  • arispawild
    arispawild Posts: 155
    I'm almost 5'5 (5'4 3/4)
    and I weigh around 125. I feel like I could spare some to be 120. But who knows,
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    My doc said my goal is btw 130-150 lb, so I picked 140. I have been stuck btw 158-166 these past 2 yrs and it is frustrating. I keep reducing my diet and exercising more. I replace most of my clothes because about 3 yrs ago I was 203 lb, and felt progress and ok at this weight.

    I just recently got some pics back of myself and I was disappointed although some were in baggy t-shirts that others gave to me. So, I need to try even harder to get to 140 lb, it feels impossible. I think I need a mini-goal so that I don't get angry and give up for a couple days. I do that sometimes. It could take me weeks to lose a couple lbs, but I eat 3 or 4 extra items and gain 6-7 lb in 2 days.

    I may get one of those body fat ratio tests done though, but in the meantime, I need to be serious about what I'm eating, not sample my kids' food and get more buff.

    As a teen I struggled to stay right at or below 130 lb (eating disorders and excess exercising.)
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm aiming for 138, but will re-evaluate once I get to 150 and see how I look and feel.