Stubborn people changing their minds



  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Nothing to do with what you have asked...but I noticed a post a few days ago...where it was a `we love taso`

    Is this you and why??? Not wanting to sound bad mannered but wanting to know the answer?
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Nothing to do with what you have asked...but I noticed a post a few days ago...where it was a `we love taso`

    Is this you and why??? Not wanting to sound bad mannered but wanting to know the answer?

    He is very witty, funny, knowledgeable, and an all around good guy from what I have seen! You can't help but love him! lol
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I was convinced potato chips actually counted as a vegetable and that they were good for me. Then I started logging. Turns out I was wrong. Ok kidding.... I did not actually think that but I was convinced I was eating enough and was making proper food choices until I started to log it in here. I always hated the thought of writing everything down and figured it was a waste of time. Well... its not a waste of time afterall! Logging what I eat HAS made a difference. I am more aware now and am working on making healthier choices. I still slip up.... often... but seeing the numbers in my diary do help me make wiser decisions when it comes to food.
  • That I can eat as much fruit and veg as I like because they do count...

    Yes, they are healthier that sweets and pasta, but they still count towards your intake!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I used to believe everything is moderation was a healthy approach, and as long as something was low fat and didn't have added sugar, it was a healthy food.


    The "everything in moderation" thing may work for other people, but not really me. I have to eat cleanly or I look poofy and bloated. That sliver of a slice of birthday doesn't love me back. I have had to learn to really change my habits!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    The why drink water thing ~ the other huge thing for me was the idea I had that there was something wrong with me cause I was over weight. My thought process was that since I dont eat much I should be skinny. If I'm eating nothing but fast food that doesnt work, even if I am only eating once a day. Now I'm trying to eat 6 times a day, which you have NO IDEA how much I struggle with, and eat just veggies and fruit with some baked chicken, staying under my calorie count. Oh and I'm exercising ~ its not torture, it wont kill me, and I can do it and enjoy it!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    That I couldn't eat and lose weight. I was on a number of "diets" my whole life where I was scared to put food in my mouth because I thought I'd see it on the scale the next morning. I've upped my calories since I started on MFP and have been seeing results!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Nothing to do with what you have asked...but I noticed a post a few days ago...where it was a `we love taso`

    Is this you and why??? Not wanting to sound bad mannered but wanting to know the answer?

    because he's TASO!

    The most wonderful person on my whole friends list. :heart: and creator of
    Proud member of his fan club.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm pretty stubborn too!!

    I've always believed that I would be heavy. I've gotten within 20 pounds of a healthy weight, but figured that was as good as it would ever get. Then I got bigger and it seemed like my body 'liked' it at this weight, so I gave in. Now that I see how many people my size and bigger have stuck it out and gotten healthy and to a reasonable weight, I know I can do it too. I don't have to be a fat chick.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    It does not have to be hard and painfull. I do not have to feel hungry. I do not need to spend 4 hours in the gym to see results.
    This has been the biggest change for me since I started.
  • I'm just as stubborn as you are and I think it's too late to change my ways because I'm set in my ways. That's probably why I'm divorced 2X. One thing that has changed though about my measly single life with kids is I've actually made friends and that's the best I could have hoped for. I feel on MFP is we all have something in common and I like that.
  • this better not be one of you joke questions?
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm just as stubborn as you are and I think it's too late to change my ways because I'm set in my ways. That's probably why I'm divorced 2X. One thing that has changed though about my measly single life with kids is I've actually made friends and that's the best I could have hoped for. I feel on MFP is we all have something in common and I like that.

    It's never too late to change anything. My dad quit smoking in his 50's. People take up running and weight lifting in their 30's, 40's, 50's, and yes even 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. With a snap of your fingers, you can start the process of fulfilling any dream.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    That my life was pointless without cheese. I'm adjusting fine.

    Really?! I LOVE cheese and do think not that life would be pointless, but a lot less enjoyable.:smile:
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I also believed that! lol... but I also I used to think drinking water had no point. Coke was my water.. lol that has definately changed.

    Me, too. I was just talking to my wife about this last night. I drank at minimum a 12 pack of Coke Zero per day. I couldn't remember ever drinking a glass of water previous to dumping the Coke two months ago. It was about 5 days of caffeine withdrawal for me. Actually had to lay in bed for a day.

    Now I'm soda free! I'm constantly grabbing more water...and enjoying it.

    So, that's my stubborn, set in my Coca-Cola ways, story.

    Besides the caffiene, what's your opinion on soda in addition to eight glasses of water? How about flavored water?
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Great question! hmm. My husband would tell you I am the most stubborn person he's ever met, so there should be a lot of these for me :)
    I think the 2 biggest changes that I have made in my thinking in the last 3 months are:

    1) I really do need to drink more water. I very rarely drank water before, usually just when I worked out. I drank a lot of Crystal Light and Diet Coke, and I really think that changing to just water has made a huge difference. Now I try and drink a bottle in the morning as I get ready for work, and for some reason that simple step really sets the tone for the rest of the day. I aim for 8 glasses a day. I feel like it helps me stay full and just keeps everything hydrated and flushes out sodium and bad stuff.

    2) If I have a bad meal, or a bad day, or even a bad week (like this past week), that does not erase all the progress I have made and I don't need to give up. For some reason, this has been the hardest "retraining" of my brain. I really have no idea what changed my mindset, but now when I mess up, I know that I can start fresh the next day, or even just the next meal. It just doesn't get to me like it used to, and it doesn't make me feel like a complete failure. I guess the Type A part of me has let up a little, probably because I realized that attitude obviously didn't work before.
  • hurry up and get married will ya!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    That 5 pounds looked a lot different on shorter people than taller people. Looking at the success story photos, I have definitely seen a large number of men and women much taller than myself where every 5 pounds made a HUGE, positive difference!

    I started at 124 pounds (I joined the site a bit later) after a high-blood pressure scare, being unable to breath well, and waking up drenched in sweat.

    At ~100 pounds now, I don't look much different than when I was 124 pounds.

    This brings me to another thing I was stubborn about until recently. My goal weight originally was 95. I figured at 90 I would look anorexic. Now I see that if 24 pounds was hardly noticeable physically, another 5 pounds probably won't make too much of a difference.

    I always thought of 90 pounds as "too thin" despite the fact I am a legal midget. After realizing the numbers of people who are 100 pounds and around 6 inches taller than me, 90 may be too thin for them...but not for me. People on this site have preached to me and sent me messages assuming I am anorexic. My doctor encouraged me to lose weight.

    So basically I realized: Whether or not 5 pounds will be noticeable is not dependent on height AND just because 80-90 pounds might be unhealthy for someone 5'4", I am ~4'10."
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    nothing actually
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Because of my low carb trending (due to allergies amongst other things) I had to get over the sugar no matter what is bad idea. I would be frantic over should I eat an apple OR carrots OR strawberries, because of the sugar. Now I feel comfortable eating all three on the same day accepting the good things in them. I still don't drink juice unless I am sick, but I got over fruit and vegetable sugar.

    I also am slowly getting over "i hate fish."