Question for those w/ tattoos......



  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Mmmmmhmmm. Imma be a hot old thang with tats. Maybe they'll think twice before snatching my pocketbook... lol
    Don't do it!
    Why would you want to permanently want to brand yourself?? Have you seen what older women look like with their ageing tattoos?? Especially if, god forbid, they've put on weight since they had it done. A little butterfly becomes a vulture.
    I'm sorry, everyone who has tattoos, I'm not picking on you all personally but I just don't really like tattoos, at all. This does not make me a bad person, honest. Please don't judge me. :cry:

    No judgement to you! :flowerforyou: Just please don't judge the rest of us who have 'em! :) When I see an old lady with a tattoo, I see a chic who hasn't been afraid to live life outside of the lines. I want to give my grandkids a run for their money. And when I'm lying on the autopsy table, I want to be an interesting conversation piece! :happy:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have 2. One on my upper back near my shoulder and the other on my ankle. The one on my back was nice, almost felt like a massage lol. The one on my ankle hurt like a F***er!
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Ankle bracelet. Hurts like hell right at the achilles, but was no problem for the rest of it.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    on the inside of your arm/bicep. the closer it gets to your arm pit the more it will hurt.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I have 3. First one is on my neck and upper back. This one didnt hurt much at all. Worst nearest my neck and near my shoulder blades. 2nd was on my wrist. This was by far my worst one! I had to have it retouched a month ago which is essentially redoing it. I thought Id come unglued and this was after 2 hours of having another one done. OUCH! My 3rd one is on my shoulder blade/ collar bone area. It was the easiest one. Except for over my collar bone and right by my arm pit.

    The pain is manageable for sure so dont let that deter you too much. I find a focal point and breath slowly.
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    Lots of great advice on here, as I have 4 of them. Not much pain for them, just more annoying than anything. But I will warn you, once you get one you will want another. They are addicting!!!!
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    Lower back not bad at all for pain...but like several have said worry more about choice you can live with and location...I chose lower back because it's easily coverd you can still dress up with nothing showing and if you don't like the end result you won't have to see it much whats right for you and don't worry about anyone else a tattoo is a very personal choice make it count. :wink:
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    So what if it hurts? Pain is temporary. Tattoos are forever. The pain is a small price to pay.

    My advise is get it somewhere that you can show it off, and cover it up.
  • casey887
    casey887 Posts: 25
    I have 10 tattoos. The first thing I have to say is that the people that say their tattoos 'didn't hurt at all' are full of bologna. No matter where you get a tattoo it's going to hurt. That's just how the cookie crumbles. The only difference for pain is sizing.. Obviously the bigger the more it will hurt and the smaller, the less pain you have to endure.

    On placement, do whatever you want. Get it where you want to. The things you need to consider are do you want people to see it? Are you going to want to show if off often so is it going to be in a place that is easily accessed for show/ you're comfortable to show?

    Getting a tattoo is a therapeutic experience. Especially in your case of a reward. I hope you enjoy it and do get too addicted to them like I did! :)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I have quite a few and have had some put over top of old ones (that really hurts). My wrist was probably the most painful. I had most of back done and it took over 6 hours. That's hurts after that length of time. I'm hoping to get one on my foot to represent my first marathon this October, after I'm done wearing running shoes 5 days a week. I've heard that hurts a lot! The more sensitive the area to you is where it will hurt the most.

    I'm happy to hear the wrist was the most painful because I already have one there and am looking into getting another tat. I threw up from the pain while getting mine done, but I still want more...they are definitely addicting!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I have 3... one behind my left ear, one on the inside of my left ankle right on the bone and one on my back.

    The biggest one on my back hurt the least.

    The one behind my ear hurt a bit but it was the loud buzzing of the needle that totally made me nauseaus. It was right in my ear, literally!

    The one on the inside of my ankle, holy moly guacamole! That one hurt the most. I was as white as a ghost and it never once did it stop hurting.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I have one on my lower stomach just under my belly button and it hurt so bad I nearly passed out. They actually had to stop let me go splash water on my face and get some air. Its fairly large and the top is close to my belly button. When they did the top part it actually felt like the neddle was stabbing directly into the center of my belly button repeatedly which was the super painful part. I thought it wouldn't hurt because that's a fatty, muscley part but she told me it was one of the worst spots...or maybe i'm just wus, who knows:smile: Either way I've never regretted it in the 15 years I've had it.
  • jonbobfrog
    It TOTALLY depends on you . . . I have one on my wrist and I wasn't in that much pain, but my friend got one on her wrist and very nearly passed out. The most painful one for me was on my chest. The other 5 that I have were varying intensities.
  • Ireshgurl
    <<<<<< as you can see i have the major points of my back done. Shoulders were very tolerable, Middle upper back was also tolerable, Middle lower back and "tramp stamp" HURT. Down the sides weren't too bad I also have both my hips, wrists, and calves done and in that order is how they hurt the worst. No matter where you get tattooed, it's gonna hurt, it just depends on how much. Some people go all out and hit the worst spots first so that after they know nothing is gonna hurt as bad, lol. Also think of what your gonna want to be doing physically afterwards. They do take time to heal and you WILL be sore, and don't forget the rub factor. Good luck in your choice of ink and area!! Keep us infomed!!
  • emptysh0ebox
    I have one on my ankle. its a colored one, so it hurt pretty bad. but I think the worst part of it all was my leg hurting by the time I got done for how I had to sit!
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    don't let anyone tell you it doesn't hurt at all they are lieing though their teeth. I have two on my ankle is a butterfly it hurt but not as bad as I really thought that it would. It took me three yrs to brave another one. I have a cross with two roses in honor of my mother & sister.on my back shoulder. It took 4 hrs to get this one and I though that I was going to die before it was over. I also have a problem having a allergy to the ink, my tat swells up and itches for yrs. my ankle is finally over doing this but my shoudler one still bothers me. So just understand that sometimes there are problems.But I do love my ink. and I would get another one sometime. good luck and my advice is to be sure to pick something that means alot to you and you can live with for the rest of your life.