


  • Dolphingirlie81
    Where are all these men that ask " do you need my help"? Because if I ever gotten asked that question, I sure as hell wouldn't have declined. It's not often that a woman hears "do you need/want my help"?
    Here's one right here. It doesn't kill me to get up and help! If I see you're busy taking care of the household that I happen to live in (or visit), wouldn't it be RIGHT to offer help?! This is a no-brainer, not worth discussing IMHO. :smile:

    Might not be a no brainer. But some don't think like that.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    In full disclosure, I'm married to a man. :happy: So, I've learned.
    > When I say "I don't care" I will QUALIFY it… "I don't care as long as it's not ____".
    > Hmmm… good point.
    > OMG, I would NEVER have put make up on in front of a date! I do now usually carry a lip stain and face powder that I'll dab on as he's parking.
    > Are you telling me that there are men who actually notice the need for and/or offer help? Sh**, maybe I married the wrong guy. :wink:
    > Don't ever complain, then, when she wants to buy more things she wants to wear!

    > As long as it's qualified, I can deal with it. :smile:
    > I've gotten this a bunch both when I was married and recently with a couple of ladies I was dating
    > As a man, I can honestly tell you that I don't care if she puts on makeup on a 1st date. In fact, I would be MORE impressed that she's CONFIDENT and willing to be HERSELF in front of me. :bigsmile:
    > When I was both married and dating, I would ALWAYS help folding laundry, putting away or loading dishwasher, moving laundry from washer to dryer, vacuum, etc. In a relationship, it's a PARTNERSHIP not a monarchy! :smile:
    > Ha! Good one! Let's go shopping... oh look! Victoria's Secret! :laugh:

    LMAO at the Victoria's Secret remark! You would think my husband thought the catalog was a Play Boy or something! :laugh: AND, kudos to you for the whole "partnership" attitude! Honest-to-god it's not a common thing I've found in men. I'm not saying all men are trying to be a-holes… I have just come to the conclusion that either a) they're mamas boys who just aren't used to doing anything for themselves or b) they are blind and simply do not notice. My husband falls under b). I can look into a room and immediately identify 5 things that need to be picked up, put away, straightened up, cleaned up, etc. He looks at the room and says "What?" :ohwell: In his defense there are other things he's really good at. :bigsmile:
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    I'm sure men do the same thing but I hate when women try to blame all the relationship problems on you and doesn't admit to anything they may be doing wrong. If your husband or boyfriend try's to explain things that you do that annoys them don't deny that you do it just take the advise or don't.
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    I'm pulling up a chair too... so far we've got cowboy hat, rope, and a nice set of thighs what else?

    and buff texan pouring his heart out to us but he hasn't answered the question.. What drives you crazy about women?

  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    I'm pulling up a chair too... so far we've got cowboy hat, rope, and a nice set of thighs what else?

    and buff texan pouring his heart out to us but he hasn't answered the question.. What drives you crazy about women?


    Nice picture, that is good crazy for sure
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    I'm pulling up a chair too... so far we've got cowboy hat, rope, and a nice set of thighs what else?

    and buff texan pouring his heart out to us but he hasn't answered the question.. What drives you crazy about women?
    Wait, didn't I give like 5 bullet points?? :noway:
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    I'm pulling up a chair too... so far we've got cowboy hat, rope, and a nice set of thighs what else?

    and buff texan pouring his heart out to us but he hasn't answered the question.. What drives you crazy about women?

    Nice picture, that is good crazy for sure

    I'm putting together the pic as THEY are painting it. And yes ladies, the ROPE is on the floor (I checked). :laugh:

    BTW, +1 on YOUR answer!
  • bhagavatilad1
    irritating them that's what!
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    *pulls up a chair & reads every post in here then waits for more*
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    Impatience with weight loss. It's either one week or nothing it seems. Then the boo hooing starts.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Bad crazy? Bad crazy is being dishonest. Good crazy is wearing a cowboy hat to bed. :devil:

    Lol. . is that with or without the spurs?

    Im thinking I bring rope but no spurs. Women look super sexy in cowboy hats and rope. ;-)

    Okay no spurs. .. just my pink boots. . . hat and rope!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    -Pulls up a chair to join.-

    Hmm, what I've got is that I need another trip to Victoria's Secret. And to find a man that will notice when I need help.