...Opinions on belly button piercing....

Hello MFP's!

I want a bellybutton piercing... my opinion is that it looks cute... even sexy...
But at the same time, I feel as tho its a bit teenager"ish" .. (that's what's stopping me from getting it) and was just wondering what everyone else thought?? Is it childish? Cute? Sexy? Immature?


  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I love belly button piercings. So cute! The great thing about piercings is that if you decide you don't like it later on you can always take it out.
  • Lauren38570
    it's hot , I had mine since I was 17 and am 25 now , I love it
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've had mine pierced since I was at my highest weight.

    It makes me confident. And feel much more attractive naked.

    I would totally do it. Doesn't hurt much, either.

    And you can get some seriously cute jewelry. [:
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I think it makes everyone look better, and it tends to make your stomach look longer as well.
    I am a big baby so I'll probably never get one, but I wish I could!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I used to work in the medical field and you will NOT BELIEVE the bacteria that grows in a bellybutton. It is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Its a nice warm, moist area. While it may be "Cute" (to some people), it is a area that never heals 100% and everyone who gets a peircing will eventually fight a infection on it. I have yet to meet someone who has had one who has never had a infection, small or large. If you get it, be prepared to take care of it. Lots of cleaning and stuff......
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I got mine pierced the first time when I was 19. Took it out for a while (trying to appease my very religious family), decided I still wanted it in... but the hole had already closed. :frown: So I got it re-pierced when I was 22 or 23 (can't remember for sure). Now I'm 29 and it's still there. :happy: I love it! I have several different, super cute rings for it, but I usually keep my fav in... it has Eeyore on it. lol I'm a collector, so it (and my baby Eeyore tat) are my constant companions. lol I say do it if you want it. :smile:
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    I like when a girl has one
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I got mine in April, ITS STILL HEALING!
    They are cute I think, and if you don't like the way your belly button hole looks, its a great way to cover it. LOL

    Becareful when you exercise tho, it can get infected and annoying sometimes. C:
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    I had one pre children and I loved it, I took it out early on in pregnancy with first child in case of infection but I've always been left with a scar. One midwife asked me if I'd had keyhole surgery! That said I did love it and it was cute but keep it clean and if you gain weight take it out!
  • lunatletica
    Do it! they are cute and hot at the same time. Mine never got infected!
  • JCubbins
    JCubbins Posts: 92
    Well, I'm a teenager and I don't like it.
    I'll never pierce my belly button, I'd rather pierce an eyebrow.
    I don't like it probably because I'm not too much into sparkling things, and that's what belly buttons are.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    I love mine:)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've never gad an infection and mine healed in about 3-5 weeks.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Well, I'm a teenager and I don't like it.
    I'll never pierce my belly button, I'd rather pierce an eyebrow.
    I don't like it probably because I'm not too much into sparkling things, and that's what belly buttons are.

    Wait- your belly button sparkles!?
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well, I'm a teenager and I don't like it.
    I'll never pierce my belly button, I'd rather pierce an eyebrow.
    I don't like it probably because I'm not too much into sparkling things, and that's what belly buttons are.

    Wait- your belly button sparkles!?


    I just lol'd.
  • sweetsapphire85
    I've always wanted one but never had my parents approval. I'm now turning 26 next month and when i weigh 130 (15lbs away from my goal weight) i'm going to get it pierced. If i don't like it later I'll take it out...but it's less permanent than a tattoo (which i also want haha)
  • JellyPrz619
    Well, I'm a teenager and I don't like it.
    I'll never pierce my belly button, I'd rather pierce an eyebrow.
    I don't like it probably because I'm not too much into sparkling things, and that's what belly buttons are.

    Wait- your belly button sparkles!?


    I just lol'd.

    LMFAO!! Bwahahhaa!! Too funny!
    Thanks for all the opinions! I'm so excited to get it... now should I surprise hubby w it?? Or take him w me to get it done?
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm not into piercings, but even if I were, I'd be cautious about belly button piercing! I heard it becomes ugly if your belly ever gets stretched and shrinks back (e.g. pregnancy, losing weight).
  • Natasha233
    Natasha233 Posts: 48 Member
    I had one when I was about 22 and then my body rejected it after 8 weeks - it never healed basically! So it just kept "pushing" its way out until the skin around it was a thin loop. One day, I looked down and saw the skin under my bellybutton spit open! SO strange. Now I have a scar and I cannot re-do it as no good artist would actually attempt it. Oh well. Plus, who wants to draw attention to stretch marks anyhow? lol
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i had it done when i was 16, and was the first person i had seen to get it done. It took bloody AGES to heal, like about 8mths, and then i got bored of it because all of a sudden it became popular (and i couldnt have THAT lol) and took it out.

    I quite like them with a barbel though rather than sparkley jewellery