Goals for September....who will join me?



  • Happy September 1st! I awoke to a not-so-happy weigh-in (down only one pound this month!@*!!). Thoughts of not ever being able to drop this weight came into my mind. I will not give over to those thoughts, so I am very glad to see the September day-by-day challenge. Yay!

    I'm in with a goal of 10 pounds shredded. (futurehockeymom, loving the banner :smile: )

    Start wt: 211
    Goal wt. 201

    For today: Drink 8 glasses of water and be kind to myself. :heart:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    O.K., weighed in this morning at 138.4 and I want to be back at 135 by the end of the month.

    My fitness goals are to work out 5-6 times a week and lift 3 times a week. I'm doing that now and my muscles are sooooo sore!

    My diet/nutrition goals are to rein in my eating. I am one of those people who CAN'T eat all my exercise calories back. It's too much food for me. I got used to eating more over the summer and then with my big workouts so I have to scale that back. It's hard darnit!

    My reward if I make my goals is a massage for my poor sore muscles! Good luck everybody!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Count me in Please!!

    I have this as my personal goal and joining this group will keep me motivated.

    SW: 165.5
    Dream weight:135.0
  • 5010
    5010 Posts: 59
    Would be happy to lose about 8lb in sept please can i join x
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hmmm, scale showed 9 stone 13 this morning (139 lbs) - the heaviest I've been for a few weeks. Hopefully it'll be back to 135 lbs by the end of the month.
  • I'm joining in! I have 6lbs I'd like to lose. I am 5'4 and currently weigh 141lbs, I'd like to end September at 135lbs.

    I plan to do at least 30 min of Physique 57 4x per week and cardio 30min 4x per week.
    I also plan to continue my "real food" diet (no heavily processed foods).

    I have 2 mini-goals for the month:
    Sept 7th: 140 lbs- Mani Pedi
    Sept 28th: 135lbs- Shoes

    My long term goal is 120lbs by Dec 15th.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi Pink,

    We have similar weights and goals, so hopefully we will be able to push one another :)

    How is everyone getting on so far?
    Well I managed all my targets y'day. Today however, I have managed 6 glasses of water so far, but I have been soooooo busy! I haven't sat down until 9pm and then I hadn't done my exercise DVD, I thought for a minute blow it, but then I said to my OH can you take a photo of me please as a before and after for the 30 day shred, well I took one look at one and jumped up and did the DVD!
    Had no caffine or chocolate either! After two days of exercise I already feel dead!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Great job on working out when you didn't feel like it. Especially at night! I'm actually getting ready to go out so know I'll be over for the day and won't be logging anything else. Going to a tailgate party then a high school football game. It's my younger son's first year in high school and this game is a HUGE rivalry. It's gonna be the social event of the season! Then tomorrow, we're celebrating my husband's birthday (which was last night but our kids had a swim meet. in the rain. as opponents!) then we're going to friends for Labor Day party. I'm already thinking this is the lost weekend! Hope everybody does better than me this weekend!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Forgot to post, but I was down 4lb on Tuesday - my goal is dress size related, so I guess I have up to 10lb to go! Short week this week as I use the work scales and we had a public holiday in the UK - weigh day will be Monday this week.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Im doing Ripped in 30, both w 3 and 4 and today I managed to push myself into doing single leg bridges on both legs. Really hurt but I pulled through and Im soooooo proud of myself. The fact that I cant walk the stairs is very rewarding :laugh:
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    No change this week. Blah. Good luck to everyone on their weigh ins :-)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Dreading my weigh in on Thursday. After all I ate this weekend and the weight lifting I've been doing, the scale is going up! My muscles are really sore so I know they're full of water so I'm gonna chug a ton of water the next 2 days and do a lot of cardio and hopefully I'll at least stay even.
  • It's only been five days, you don't worry :)

    I am going to weigh myself on day 10, 20 and 30. I can't go a whole month without knowing! I have been working my *kitten* off this month, I burned 1200 calories today through exercise! A regular swim and the 30days shred, at the moment I am retaining water so put on a nearly a pound (I peeked today!) but I am confident this will come off, my body is not used to me drinking so much so is holding it at the moment!

    How is everyone else going so far? xxx
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Day 5 - that's 1/6 of the way through the whole month - or 10 past if you think of it like a clock.

    Doing well, resisting temptaion, but tonight will be tough as I'm cooking a special dinner for my fiance's birthday, and I always associate celebrations with alcohol. Wish me luck!
  • Hello everyone,

    Glad to hear of your successes so far. I'm inspired.

    Down 3 pounds this week. Yay! Have managed to stay within my calories this week and have increased my H2O.
    Feeling great. Seven to go.


    REWARD: I am treating myself to a deep tissue massage when I reach my goal this month. Ohhhhhh can't wait.

    Wishing everyone well,

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Past the first week - well done everone!

    I whooped ith delight last night in Tesco when I found alcohol-free Chardonnay :drinker:

    And scales registered 9 10 this morning (136lbs) so I reckon that's the water weight coming off.
  • Well unfortunately I put weight on!!! This was because I started 30DS, which I didn't realise would put weight on but help you lose inches. But today I weighed myself and finally 7 days after starting the shred I am back to my starting weight, so hopefully now I will start losing it! But now I have to aim for 3lb a week which isn't healthy, so I am just going to take what ever is given to me.

    By the end of the month I will see what this really brings, I have been told time and time again not to worry about what the scales are saying but what my clothes are telling me. I can lose fat and gain muscle be heavier but thinner as muscle takes up less space. I am hoping still to lose weight but 5-6lb would really really please me right now. I do have before photos so will get an after photo.

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Ugghh, scale went up .4 lbs. Bad day at cookie town here yesterday! I've got a list of reasons for the scale going up (kids swim meet, hubbys birthday, Labor Day cookout, garden club luncheon -it's their fault about the cookies!) and I've been lifting weights and doing increased strength work so my muscles are sore. That said, I'm hoping this next week will be much better. I'll be able to get my workouts in no problem and other than 3 swim meets have nothing on the schedule that will interfere with my eating healthy. I just have to eat my own dinner before the meets and eat a healthy snack when we get home and stay away from the takeout. Here's to willpower!
  • Good Morning everyone.
    I'm so pleased to say that at this half way mark I am half way to my goal of losing 10 pounds.

    I took off 2 lbs. this week, for a total of 5 lbs gone.:laugh:

    Today: 206

    Start wt: 211
    Goal wt. 201

    This last week was tough, as I'm trying to eat 75% raw and 25% cooked food. Meaning that 75% of what I ate last week consisted of fruits, veggies, nuts/seeds. That was a challenge for me. I did it though and the scale moving was a nice pay off along with the increased energy, better digestion, and glowing skin.

    I'm a little worried about back-sliding. We'll see. I want to stay motivated.

    :heart: :heart: Good luck to all at this half way point. :heart: :heart:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Well, life sucks here. The scale went up AGAIN! I'm not liking what this weight lifting thing is doing to the scale. I worked out HARD all week, was under calories and with the amount of sweating I do I don't get how too much sodium could be affecting me. I sweat so much that I look like I just hopped in the pool! Now I have 4 lbs. to lose when I only had 3 when the month started. Very frustrated. Congrats marylandkat on your loss. That's awesome that you are halfway there! Good luck to everybody else.