

  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ladygloria: I don't think it'd be rude to bring food, if anything, it's super responsible!

    Friday workout done! No cardio, though, 'cause my knees have been super sore and i'm not even sure why...
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all! Loving this group...

    I find that every one is so wonderful on here! Trully caring and supportive. I will try to be more so.

    Was not a really good day. I did not eat too much but had 3 very yummy drinks and did not exercised at all. Idid manage to get my water in. I did not log this day, but I went back last night and added the info.

    NO exercise, it is just so much easier to say not today when you did not do anything the day before. I got like 6 cups of water in, so not too bad and I logged for 2 days.

    I am traveling this weekend, but I did pack gym clothes so at the very least I will try to go for a walk or a swim. I am hoping to go dancing tonight so that will take care of the exercise but I am sure I will be drinking too. I have not done so well with the water today, I have had half a cup so far. UGGG...

    I will try to check in more this weekend and will have to review my goals for next week. Are we just going to start a new thread for next?

    Have a great weekend everyone! HEART YOU!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Excercise everyday: yay, I was feeling well enough to do so, twice, today.
    Stayed well in my calorie range
    Wise choice: I've listened to my body to gauge what it's up for, and rested in between the activities.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    la_nanita--good job on catching up with your logging; glad you're enjoying the group too. Have fun at your dance night! Oh and MAK & Ladygloria have been taking turns leading the group while Miss Dee is otherwise occupied, so one of them usually posts the link to new weeks thread on Sat or Sun.

    Papillon--wtg with your workout! I have problems with my knees & ankles too; that's partly why I've been doing so much swimming over other activities. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get strong enough and have enough loss that be the time swimming season is over, I'll be putting less stress on my joints. Fingers crossed.

    Friday night check in:
    1) exercise everyday--check! 5/7 (#15) Got in a really strong hour swim tonight. Woot!
    2) calories over 1200 & in the green--check! Went a tiny bit red after dinner, but then swim time. Yay for exercise points!
    3) no meals over 1000mg sodium--check! Still went a little bit over, but not too bad overall. I think it's better if I can avoid those really high sodium meals in general because I think I was holding on to a lot more water last week. I'm hoping some of that will be gone by the time I weigh in on Monday.
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check! (again grudgingly:grumble: ) So many people have been posting losses this week, and I'm SUPER HAPPY for them:happy: but I'm trying really hard to wait.

    I did have an NSV from yesterday that I forgot to mention. One of my co-workers knows that I've been food tracking and exercising, and she told me, "Your face looks really slim these days. I can tell you've been really working hard. Good for you!" YAY!!!! Then I look in the mirror and I think, "If this is my slimmer face, Oh My God what did it look like before?!?" Stupid self-esteem issues. Oh well, I'm working on it.

    Hope everyone has a great start to their weekend. Keep logging; keep trucking; and in MAK's immortal words, "WE ARE DOING THIS!":drinker: Hugs all!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    10more – Way to get your workout in, even though you didn’t feel like it. Keep up all the great logging and water!

    Whitman1002 – Keep plugging away with the C25K, you are doing great, even in the heat and mugginess! Good luck getting your 500 calories burning in for the next few days, hopefully the thunderstorms keep you inside the rest of the week.

    Philosohoe – I did get a good night’s sleep, and even got to sleep in! I was surprised, the restaurant we went to had nutritional information on –line. The dish ended up being 595 calories, not bad at all! Way to go getting an extra 20 minutes in the morning! AWESOME job on sodium. Keep up all the great work avoiding the scale! I know you will see awesome results when you do weight in on Monday! Great job Friday as well, congrats on the great swim. Great NSV, I know about the self-esteem issues… it’s hard to get a compliment and think “How bad did I look before.” But you are doing fabulous and its showing and that’s an awesome thing!

    Papillon22 – way to go on getting in your exercise and listening to your knees and not over working them.

    la_nanita – Glad you are enjoying the support on the thread, it’s truly made a difference for me, and I hope you find that it does for you as well. I know what you mean with the exercise, it’s so easy to off the wagon and so hard to get back on. I’ve been fighting that a lot lately. We do start a new thread each week, LadyGloria will be posting the new thread, and we try and post a link to the new thread in the old thread, so you should find the link posted today or tomorrow. Good luck with your weekend. HUGGS to you!

    Ittee – sounds like you are doing much better. Way to get not just 1 but 2 workouts in… and to listen to your body and rest between! Keep up all the great work.

    Friday check in:
    1. P90X every day! – Another day missed. I was really hoping to get one in since I was off work, but I ended up working anyways.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workouts in – still hanging at 2/3 for the week. But I’m working in my parent’s yard today, so I’ll get my third one in today.
    3. Bring my lunch and snacks to work every day – Since I had the day off my husband took me out to lunch for my birthday and then my parents took me out for my birthday dinner.
    4th goal - daily check in – Sorry all, didn’t check in Friday. I thought I’d do a quick check in this morning before I head to work at my parents year.

    I am determined to rededicate myself to this next week. It’s is time for me to put the excuses aside and get back to getting it done. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Keep up all the hard work you are doing FANTASTIC!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    okay, so I don't even want to bother with Thursday and Friday check-ins because I'm not happy with myself at all and I don't want to spend any more time thinking about it. I'm MOVING ON towards a new attitude and looking forward to a new week.

    Enough about me! I want you all to know that I think you are AWESOME and I'm very proud of how you've stuck with your goals and made great progress on weight loss. :drinker:

    Thank God for you all and your inspirational check-ins. It makes me want to get myself back on track and strive to do as well as you all have.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy the long holiday weekend. I'm proud to have you all as my friends :love:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Didn't get a chance to check in yesterday, so here's Friday's check in..:smile: I logged calories and went slightly over and didn't drink enough water :ohwell: but today's another day. Today I need to get my 3rd workout in. This is the best group and thank you all for your support! Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    excercise everyday: twice again today, yay!!
    Stayed in calorie goal
    Wise choice: just a kick back relaxing doing whatever came to mind, definately needed and a wise decision
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Saturday check in:
    1) exercise everyday--check! 6/7 (#16) still only 1 non-swim workout, but tomorrow will be walking A LOT, so will meet that goal by end of week.
    2) calories over 1200 & in the green--check!
    3) no meal over 1000 sodium--check! It was a close one for lunch out, but I picked a "lower" sodium item and only ate half, so day was well under 2000.
    4) Did not weigh in today. Hoping that my patience will pay off Monday morning and show a decent loss.

    That's it. SO TIRED! Hugs all and have a happy Sunday!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey all!! Just a quick check in for Saturday (a day late again opps). Sounds like there were some tough days but everyone has awesome attitudes!! Hope you all are have amazing Sunday's. HUGGS to you all!!!
  • lizsund
    Hopefully these become a habit :)

    Stay focus on healthy foods
    Bring lunch to work every day
    Go pilates daily to help me stay focused
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Sunday :smile: I have logged 15 days in a row :happy: Did an extra workout this week :bigsmile: Need to work on drinking more water.

    Goals for this week: Continue what I'm doing, logging every day, drinking more water and working out 2 or 3 times this week. Hopefully I'll make some progress on my weigh in :ohwell:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Sunday night check in (early-ish for a change)

    1) exercise everyday--check! 7/7 & 2 non-swim workouts achieved! (Elliptical on Thur morn & walking for 2&1/2 hours today) Day 17 in row!
    2) calories over 1200 & in the green--check! With 2 swims & a walk, I had way more available than I could even think about consuming in a healthy manner.
    3) no meals over 1000mg sodium--check but only just barely! Lunch and dinner were over 950, so about 2200 for the day, but not bad considering my worst day this week was just over 2500.
    4) do not weigh in until Monday--check! Not even a struggle today; been too busy with everything else, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

    I'll post new goals tomorrow when we roll to the new thread. Great job everyone! Coming back is half the battle, right?
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    10 more - great job on consistency and the extra workout

    My check in:
    Excercised three times!!
    Stayed within calorie range, yay!!
    Wise choice: I stopped swimming at the end of the day when my foot cramp wouldn't go away for 20 minutes. Love this group, and looking forward to another week!
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    My weekend check-in:

    Goal #1: Finished W3 of C25K!!! And improved both my running and walking pace and added .15 miles to distance! Go me!!! =)
    Goal #2: Did NOT burn 500 calories any of these three days =( But did average 300cals, so not too bad.
    Goal #3: I only ate 1083 cals on Fri, so close, but not quite! Then Sat & Sun we had a wedding reception AND birthday party AND a cookout, so I went over my 1200 both days, but still stayed under my earned calories! =)
    Goal #4: Took my Rx meds all three days! I *think* I may have *almost* made this a habit! Going to make it a goal for this week too though, as I think this helps me remember =)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    saturday and sunday exercise done. Another week starts!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Sorry for posting this late! Here's the link for the new mini goal challage:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    10more - Way to finish up the week strong. You did an awesome job this week and I know you'll do great next week adding some more water.

    philosohoe - AMAZING job this week, you totally rocked the mini goals. You are right comming back is half the battel but I know you can do it!

    Ittee - way to finish the week up super strong. You are doing a fantastic job!

    whitman1002 - way to finish W3 strong, you are realyl doing great with C25K! Sounds like you had a strong week. Hope you foudn this thread helpful!

    Papillon22 great job getting your weekend exercise in! Way to finish the week strong.

    Hopefully I'll see you all on the new thread :happy:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    You guys are awesome. Sorry I missed this. Hardly one bar of cell service and no Internet where I was this weekend. I'm back, and now to check in:

    1. Get in week 2 of Chalean Extreme. -got in the strength, no real cardio this week though. Back in the groove this week.
    2. Repeat last week's success with packing lunches for work. -did okay with this.
    3. Survive the weekend with the entire in-law clan and manage to find semi-healthy choices as they insisted we have nothing to do with menu planning.-omg, so much temptation and hardly a fruit or veggie in sight. I did okay but feel miserable. Guess the healthy stuff is growing on me.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Finished week 3 Friday morning then we headed out of town and I got on to log food and that was it, worked out some on Sat with walking out deer hunting grounds checking trails and the food plot can't wait for November and deer season. Lets get our new week off to a great start.