To the guys.



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    i'm not particularly keen on the idea of working out with anybody.

    I work out alone and I like it - but if I were to ask my boyfriend to take a playful little jog with me, it would hurt my feelings if he blew me off like the OP says the guy did. There's working out, and then there's being active with your partner.

    WDYT? I want to know what a guy thinks about what was said, and how you feel about the difference between "playful and active" and "working out".

    even though me and the boyfriend don't work out together, we still chase each other around the yard and goof off at the park.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    they also could have had the conversation over and over again. Not that he couldn't have said it nicely. I also get the "it's my thing" part. When I need to work something out in my head, I do it at the gym. Or when I need a break from the fam, I do it at the gym. It is my alone time.

    Completely agree with this, can't judge by one overheard comment. No it's not right to speak to someone nastily but what one of us has never snapped at someone at some point?
    Working out is my time and my space, I always go back to my family feeling better and refreshed for it too. Although I'm not saying I would never work out with someone just not as a regular thing, I could probably live with it occasionally .
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    i'm not particularly keen on the idea of working out with anybody.

    I work out alone and I like it - but if I were to ask my boyfriend to take a playful little jog with me, it would hurt my feelings if he blew me off like the OP says the guy did. There's working out, and then there's being active with your partner.

    WDYT? I want to know what a guy thinks about what was said, and how you feel about the difference between "playful and active" and "working out".

    even though me and the boyfriend don't work out together, we still chase each other around the yard and goof off at the park.

    I guess we go for bike rides sometimes, but I always want to sprint and she wants to go leisurely.

    Sometmes she hits the treadmill while I lift weights. That's actually fun because we can both go our own pace but still be doing something together.
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I understand about working out alone or not being at someone's pace. I love my alone time walking at the park. There's a guy friend that said he would workout with me and he's at a much higher pace than i am. He told me he would work out with me at my pace, but I still feel uncomfortable and I don't wanna slow him down. what I'm saying, is that the guy could have been a little nicer about saying that instead in a mean tone.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    Sounds like the guy was a real jerk...I prefer to work out alone so I can focus on what I'm doing and not trying to make conversation or worry about slowing my pace or speeding up to keep up with someone elses. However I can't see where there would be anything wrong with an occasional jog together in the park.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Honestly, I try to get my wife to work out with me but she tells me she does not like to work out with GUYS. Really, I am her husband and cannot understand this. She always tells me when she is READY she will lose weight, and workout. I have given up on asking her to join me. I am busting my butt trying to get my weight off again and it is so hard with her not joining in on the journey. I love her and respect her but it does seem to affect other areas of life you know.
    you are ready and she is not if you try and force her or try to guilt her into it that would be "very bad" when she ready she'll join in
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Other than a trainer, I would prefer no one else even be allowed in the gym at the same time as me.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I don't like working out with other people either. Sure if it's something social: playing a game, bicycling, etc, I'm okay with that. But real working out? Ehhhh no ty.

    Sounds like he's just a jerk or in a bad mood.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    My husband can't answer because he isn't on this website and doesn't work out. Which is annoying, and I wish he would at least try it once in awhile.


    I ask him to join me for walks and jogs all the time but he'd rather stare at the TV.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    My husband can't answer because he isn't on this website and doesn't work out. Which is annoying, and I wish he would at least try it once in awhile.


    I ask him to join me for walks and jogs all the time but he'd rather stare at the TV.

    sounds like my wife and him would have a lot in common!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    i'm not particularly keen on the idea of working out with anybody.

    I work out alone and I like it - but if I were to ask my boyfriend to take a playful little jog with me, it would hurt my feelings if he blew me off like the OP says the guy did. There's working out, and then there's being active with your partner.

    WDYT? I want to know what a guy thinks about what was said, and how you feel about the difference between "playful and active" and "working out".

    even though me and the boyfriend don't work out together, we still chase each other around the yard and goof off at the park.

    I guess we go for bike rides sometimes, but I always want to sprint and she wants to go leisurely.

    Sometmes she hits the treadmill while I lift weights. That's actually fun because we can both go our own pace but still be doing something together.

    It is good to hear that you do like doing some active stuff together (the treadmill and weights) when it comes to fitness. My boyfriend is in better overall shape than me, and doesn't work out, so my working out is solely my thing, and we certainly have different hobbies... but in relation to the topic at hand, it's good to know that fit dudes that to work out will enjoy different paced activities with their SOs.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    i'm not particularly keen on the idea of working out with anybody.

    I work out alone and I like it - but if I were to ask my boyfriend to take a playful little jog with me, it would hurt my feelings if he blew me off like the OP says the guy did. There's working out, and then there's being active with your partner.

    WDYT? I want to know what a guy thinks about what was said, and how you feel about the difference between "playful and active" and "working out".

    even though me and the boyfriend don't work out together, we still chase each other around the yard and goof off at the park.

    I guess we go for bike rides sometimes, but I always want to sprint and she wants to go leisurely.

    Sometmes she hits the treadmill while I lift weights. That's actually fun because we can both go our own pace but still be doing something together.

    It is good to hear that you do like doing some active stuff together (the treadmill and weights) when it comes to fitness. My boyfriend is in better overall shape than me, and doesn't work out, so my working out is solely my thing, and we certainly have different hobbies... but in relation to the topic at hand, it's good to know that fit dudes that to work out will enjoy different paced activities with their SOs.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Working in a gym, I rarely ( mean it) see a couple ever working out together. If I do see them, it's usually one instructing the other and not really working out.
    My wife is more than welcome to work out with me. But for my own personal goals and her own personal goals we don't. But my wife has done many of my group training classes.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    Why not? No reason why you can't spend time with your significant other now and then. If she can't keep- slow down
    On second thought ... Maybe this is easier for me because my girlfriend is imaginary and does what I tell her.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Why not? No reason why you can't spend time with your significant other now and then. If she can't keep- slow down
    On second thought ... Maybe this is easier for me because my girlfriend is imaginary and does what I tell her.


    Id have given him the finger and went about my jog. Rude!

    Anyhow... Only experience Ive had working out with anyone was with my daughter. And yeah... it kind of annoyed me. She always wanted to move to something different before I was ready. I quite like doing it by myself now that shes back in school.

    BUT... I do think it would be fun to have someone to jog or hike with.
  • kingofmydomain
    If I were in a relationship, and my ladyfriend needed support or company while getting fit, I would consider it an honor. I'm in good physical condition, but I would be more than happy to assist if she were just starting out.
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    I wouldn't mind working out together, but hubby is a beach boy (kite surfer) and I'm not, so makes it tricky. He doesn't enjoy the gym. And the gym is my thing.
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    I love working out with my gal.

    And it sounds more like the was worried HE wouldn't keep up. And, he's an idiot.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I have no first hand answer to your question but if a lady is willing to hold my hand I hope I never ever treat her like *kitten* and have no respect for a guy that does.

    You're a good guy!!! :)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I have always worked out with my bf. I hate going to the gym alone and thankfully he loves it as much as I do :D We just use the weights there though (I do cardio at home while he's at work) so there's no problem with keeping up with each other. I know that if we went running/jogging outside together I'd end up getting frustrated by not keeping up with him, and I could understand him wanting to do it his way.

    The guy could've been nicer about it though, sounds a bit of a jerk!