People Complaining about how far the gym is...

angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
This is my rant. I haven't had a rant in a long time. I am an addict to mfp and love to read the forum because of the motivation it gives me to continue on my weight loss journey. Although many of the threads are inpirational and motivational, I find a few that are lack of a better word annoying. Here it goes. I don't understand why people complain about driving to the gym. Oh it's too far away, it will take to long to get there, etc.. If you want to lose weight it's going to cost time, money, and dedication. I know I'm no where near perfect but I have learned that my journey has not been easy. Going everyday to the gym which is about 10miles away from where I live and going to pilates every other day which is 20 miles away from where I live cost money because of the gas I spend not to mention monthly dues. I do it because I want to be healthy. So if people think it's going to happen quickly, news flash it's not but it will happen if you want it too. So complaining about how far away the gym is and that's why they can't go to the gym and lose weight blah blah blah I say it's just an excuse. There is my rant bring the comments or not whatever I just needed to get it out of my system. That is all. :glasses:


  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    The Gym being to far isn't even a good excuse can walk anywhere, use soup cans and gallon jugs for weights, floor exercises, etc... There is something that everyone can do that doesn't cost gas, money or driving anywhere. Excuses are what people use when they just really aren't at the place where they care enough to make a life change for the better.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I agree. I work at a gym that's about 15 miles from where I live. I work there AND I exercise there, but for me, it's free because it's a college facility. However, there are at least two gyms in the area where I live and if I really want to work out on a day that I'm not at my OWN gym, I'll spend the $10 for a guest pass (my dad's gym) for an hour or two.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Agree! I used to bike to the gym and back every day because my car died and while it was good exercise, it was exhausting after a hard workout (some harder than originally expected). A few times, I had to ice my legs just so I could walk the next morning.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Understand what you're saying - and I drive to my gym, probably 10 miles. One thing in the Brits defence though, not sure if the US guys know but our petrol is currently around 134p per litre - so distance is beginning to be a consideration on a lot of people's decisions on all sorts of things, we're taxed to the hilt here.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    Agree! I used to bike to the gym and back every day because my car died and while it was good exercise, it was exhausting after a hard workout (some harder than originally expected). A few times, I had to ice my legs just so I could walk the next morning.

    You go girl way:smile: to get the ultimate workout!
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    I don't have a gym membership and don't "go to the gym." I do all my exercising in the comforts of my own home. I have exercise DVD's and we have a stationary bike. I don't have to go somewhere to exercise; I can get plenty done at home.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I would not go to a gym if I had to drive to it. Mine is right around the corner from me. The 10 minute walk is my warm-up and the walk home is my cool-down.

    Even so, I probably won't keep up the membership, it's too expensive. I'm looking into buying stuff to use at home.

    I guess I'm the type you are ranting about :bigsmile:
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    "If its important enough to you, you will find a way. If its not, you will find an excuse."

    I feel you. If its not the distance to the gym, its lack of time, or money. These people are just trying to find a way out. I train at home with a dvd that didnt cost me a thing and I dont need any expensive equipment except the close and the shoes.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    Not everyone can afford the gas for that...If it comes to money being an issue, then if you care about your health you will work out at home or go jogging. In which case I understand what you're saying.

    If people use it as an excuse to not exercise at all, then that's pretty lame. But for us people who don't have money to spare with the gas prices going up, it's totally understandable. And not everyone has time either. Tell this rant to new mothers who want to get rid of the baby weight. Maybe they can't afford a sitter, don't have a car, are single, etc. As for me, I make time where I can and work out at least 4 times a week, but I don't think I am making excuses by not having a car, a job, and am homebound taking care of my sister's baby. I hate when people rant about general situations because everyone has a unique situation.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    that's what I'm talking about. Commitment!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Preach. it.

    Go to the gym. Go online. Go for a walk. Just GO! Hop on Craigslist and find a cheap bike. Go for a ride! Walk your dog. Walk your friend's dog. Get your friend to walk with you and take the dog. Just do one thing something everything anything.

    Just do it.

    Excuses are just an acceptance of failure.
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Going to the gym is my high light of the day.. its a ways but its not a big deal.. here in Kansas we drive a ways to get places.. I like getting out and getting in the pool for the class and its fun!! So I love going to the gym but it did take time to find what i really li:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: ked but staying home got me no where. I know lots of ppl can exercise at home but for me i just don't so getting out is a way for me to let go plus i am not alone and around people of like mind
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Understand what you're saying - and I drive to my gym, probably 10 miles. One thing in the Brits defence though, not sure if the US guys know but our petrol is currently around 134p per litre - so distance is beginning to be a consideration on a lot of people's decisions on all sorts of things, we're taxed to the hilt here.

    Is that all?
    In aus it is in between $1.45-$1.59
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Understand what you're saying - and I drive to my gym, probably 10 miles. One thing in the Brits defence though, not sure if the US guys know but our petrol is currently around 134p per litre - so distance is beginning to be a consideration on a lot of people's decisions on all sorts of things, we're taxed to the hilt here.

    Same here in Canada - our gas is about 1.30 per litre, so not much less. There are lots of people that just simply cannot afford the gas or the gym membership. But I still agree that it's an excuse, though, because you can walk, jog, run, or bike with very little expense, if you really want to exercise.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I don't have a gym membership and don't "go to the gym." I do all my exercising in the comforts of my own home. I have exercise DVD's and we have a stationary bike. I don't have to go somewhere to exercise; I can get plenty done at home.

    that's awesome. What I'm talking about is the excuse about how they can't lose weight because of this or that. If you have a home gym or cans a gallon of water hell anything to workout that's commitment to a healthier lifestyle!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    But complaining about gasmoney is also making an excuse. Its just about prioritaising. Its like saying you cant afford to eat healty. The question is can you afford not to? The people I see complaining about the healtier food beeing to expensive nine out of ten times smoke or go out to expensive clubs, drink or take a taxi. Funny how theres money for those things but not for the one thing that might make you live longer.
  • If i'm like anyone else who had become obese, I ate fast food. Seeing as how that is probably one of the first things you should cut out, calorie wise (for the most part), add up how much you spent on fast food a month. I bet its less than the gym membership and gas money to get there and back.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Yup agree. Can still walk!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Preach. it.

    Go to the gym. Go online. Go for a walk. Just GO! Hop on Craigslist and find a cheap bike. Go for a ride! Walk your dog. Walk your friend's dog. Get your friend to walk with you and take the dog. Just do one thing something everything anything.

    Just do it.

    Excuses are just an acceptance of failure.
    Excuses are just an acceptance of failure.<
    this is effen awesome I'm so stealing it from you! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    But complaining about gasmoney is also making an excuse. Its just about prioritaising. Its like saying you cant afford to eat healty. The question is can you afford not to? The people I see complaining about the healtier food beeing to expensive nine out of ten times smoke or go out to expensive clubs, drink or take a taxi. Funny how theres money for those things but not for the one thing that might make you live longer.