


  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    The question remains... where the hell is my damn sammich?

  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    I don't think you understand women.

    I'm his wife, and believe me, he understands women quite well. He's also waaaaaay more feminist than I could ever be and is all about breaking down stereotypical gender roles. He cooks and cleans and goes to school, I fix things around the house, take care of car maintenance and bills and go to work. I love it this way.
  • Schwarzeaugen
    Schwarzeaugen Posts: 129 Member
    I'm going to count this as internet research, and the good news is that I don't have to pay any of you! Thanks for your comments, particular the planetary ones. :::::::;DDDDDDDDDDDD
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    The question remains... where the hell is my damn sammich?

    i'll totally make you a sammich. 2TBSP right?
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I don't think you understand women.

    I'm his wife, and believe me, he understands women quite well. He's also waaaaaay more feminist than I could ever be and is all about breaking down stereotypical gender roles. He cooks and cleans and goes to school, I fix things around the house, take care of car maintenance and bills and go to work. I love it this way.

    The quote that I replied to implied that given any two women, they will have more differences between them than an entire group of men. Turning that around, men are more similar to each other than women are similar to each other. To me, that is a sexist comment because it's making a wildly general statement about each half of the world's population! Women are as different from each other as men are different from each other. Not all women want to nurture and be mothers. Not all men want to work on cars. Fine, so you deal with car maintenance and he cleans. It means that you've got a great partnership. But his original statement about women being more different from each other than men are different from each other illustrated a general lack of experience in life. At 24 years old (and I don't care how much education he's getting), I think I was spot on.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Disagree. There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but I think there are some pretty definite differences between 'men' and 'women' in general. Not about everything, and not in every case, but they are definitely there. It's not sexism- it's social norms, genetics, upbringing, age, culture and probably a little science too.

    Of course there are differences, although I would argue they are socially constructed, but my point is that there are greater differences between any two women than between men in general.
    not agreeing, not disagreeing, simply curious how you've come to the above conclusion about Earthlings..
  • Schwarzeaugen
    Schwarzeaugen Posts: 129 Member
    It's that's what you took from my statement, I'm sorry I phrased it in such a way that it came across that way. If that's what I had intended, then it really would have been a super sexist thing to say. I guess the better way of phrasing it would be: there are greater differences between individuals than between 'groups'. Sorry you took it the wrong way :D.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
  • Schwarzeaugen
    Schwarzeaugen Posts: 129 Member
    Don't got it.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well I agree with you that as an individual woman I can think of several individual women who seem completely different from me while it seems like men on general aren't as weird as those outlier women seem. I acknowledge that it is probably me that is the outlier.

    As far as gender studies goes and the pressure to remain well within the bounds of one's assigned gender, I heartily recommend "whipping girl: a transsexual woman on feminism ..." and several other things in the subtitle. It will blow your mind on several levels but gender difference and the need of certain cisexuals to enforce gender roles in a strict way was one of the ways my mind was blown. As an example, we could lay bets on how many heterosexual men wonder if I used to be a dude if I read a book like that. And then imagina conversation a group of men or women might have if they were in the same room and needed to discharge their discomfort with their ow life choices as influenced or constrained by gender roles. This gets us close to understanding why transsexual women are particularly vulnerable to violence particularly from heterosexual men
    But I digress. And no. I was never a dude.

    No. I'm not working on my thesis. I already have my master's degree.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    *palm smacks forehead*

    As for "pop psychological crap", try taking up an interest in evolutionary psychology, specifically the mating aspects of it.

    Better yet, download the iBook "It's Not You It's Biology" by Joe Quirk. You will never look at the opposite gender the same way again, EVER. Be it your significant other or in how they interact in social situations. It is a much more informative and entertaining read than that Mars/Venus crap. Even a Kinsey-0 guy would enjoy reading it.

    Want to know how monogamous human females are in general? Men, compare the heft of your testicles to your body mass. I'll tell you they're considerably larger in proportion to your body than the most monogamous primate, the gibbon, though not as large as a chimp's are compared to his body and chimp females are total sluts.

    Want to know how monogamous human males are in general? Women, compare their average body size to ours; they're 8% taller and 15% heavier. The pious gibbons are the exact same size, male gorillas are 2x the weight of females and they control harems about 6 females strong.

    That's just a snippet of the gems the book offers.

    For the record, yeah... I have daddy-issues because I had no brothers, I was dressed in blue, put under enormous pressure to be perfect, found my social niche as a tomboy, spent 6 years in the Marines rewiring my brain to a male mentality, worked with violent and sex offenders in an all-male prison, still managed to get married, have 3 kids, and on the outset come across as a sexpot soccer-mom. So I've flown in the face of "sexism" all my life, but at the same time I appreciate it as a necessary evil inherent to our species survival in the LONG TERM. It'll only get under your skin if you let it, mostly I find the misplaced ignorant rantings that may be considered to fall under it humorous, and the rest I respect to the level of Darwin.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    The only ones who hate on you for being a sexpot, aren't getting any....or they are smoking pot.....

    I hate that women have to be these being with repressed sexual feelings and men can sit and boast about their "accomplishments"

    Earth to men:WOMEN LOVE SEX TOO....and if they don't seem to love it, then you aren't doing it right.

    Earth to women: Stop hating on another for their sexual activities, do something productive like take care of your family, or get a hobby that doesn't involve putting your nose in peoples business.

    That is all
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member

    Earth to men:WOMEN LOVE SEX TOO....and if they don't seem to love it, then you aren't doing it right.

    ^This...yep yep. You do this right, and I'll be happy to make you that sammich.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Disagree. There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but I think there are some pretty definite differences between 'men' and 'women' in general. Not about everything, and not in every case, but they are definitely there. It's not sexism- it's social norms, genetics, upbringing, age, culture and probably a little science too.

    Of course there are differences, although I would argue they are socially constructed, but my point is that there are greater differences between any two women than between men in general.

    Yikes! Talk about a sexist comment! Way to generalize, dude.

    What's sexist about it? I don't think you understand my point.

    I don't think you understand women.
    Does anyone? I don't even understand myself most times.:noway: :tongue:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    hetero-normativity.... I'm just puttin' it out there 'cause it's late, and I don't know any better. "best thing about the opposite sex" posts anyone?
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    This is why I like to give my 2 cents in every TOM thread that I can.

    oh god it was so hard to hold back the laughter of this one... ahhhhh
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member

    Earth to men:WOMEN LOVE SEX TOO....and if they don't seem to love it, then you aren't doing it right.

    ^This...yep yep. You do this right, and I'll be happy to make you that sammich.

    Yea, it's not always the men though. I put out all the time even if I don't want to.. I GET in the mood. Geeesh.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    *palm smacks forehead*

    As for "pop psychological crap", try taking up an interest in evolutionary psychology, specifically the mating aspects of it.

    Better yet, download the iBook "It's Not You It's Biology" by Joe Quirk. You will never look at the opposite gender the same way again, EVER. Be it your significant other or in how they interact in social situations. It is a much more informative and entertaining read than that Mars/Venus crap. Even a Kinsey-0 guy would enjoy reading it.

    Want to know how monogamous human females are in general? Men, compare the heft of your testicles to your body mass. I'll tell you they're considerably larger in proportion to your body than the most monogamous primate, the gibbon, though not as large as a chimp's are compared to his body and chimp females are total sluts.

    Want to know how monogamous human males are in general? Women, compare their average body size to ours; they're 8% taller and 15% heavier. The pious gibbons are the exact same size, male gorillas are 2x the weight of females and they control harems about 6 females strong.

    That's just a snippet of the gems the book offers.

    For the record, yeah... I have daddy-issues because I had no brothers, I was dressed in blue, put under enormous pressure to be perfect, found my social niche as a tomboy, spent 6 years in the Marines rewiring my brain to a male mentality, worked with violent and sex offenders in an all-male prison, still managed to get married, have 3 kids, and on the outset come across as a sexpot soccer-mom. So I've flown in the face of "sexism" all my life, but at the same time I appreciate it as a necessary evil inherent to our species survival in the LONG TERM. It'll only get under your skin if you let it, mostly I find the misplaced ignorant rantings that may be considered to fall under it humorous, and the rest I respect to the level of Darwin.

    I'm all for any research that gives us biological permission to be as slutty as humanly possible. Now show me how you weigh those again...
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    College has forced diversity down everyones throat because of the huge problems of sexism and racism that were and still are rampant in this country. But once again, they went over board. The problem with human beings is that idiots can't understand that if someone is different they are not better or worse, just different. But historically, people have used those differences for their own selfish means and established a racist/sexist class system. Colleges combated this with this bullcrap that we are all so similar. Craig Venter stunned everyone after they mapped the human genome and found 7 times more difference in human races than previously thought. But the main stream media can't report on it because small minded people will use it as an excuse to be bigots.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    If there were no difference then why are so many damn womens shoes in my closet?!!!!!!