anyone using medi weightloss clinic diet???



  • Bubbafit24
    i'm almost through with my second week. So far i'm loving how much more energy I'm ironically having on a low carb high protein diet. The first few days in Ketosis, although, sucked big time in terms of the side effects switching over. I had a ridiculous first week I suspect (-11 pounds) because the day before weigh in was my birthday dinner, and I ate every carb in sight lol

    Glad to hear your doing so well and are in matenence mode rlrod88! I can't wait until I get out of my Acute phase!
  • tinkhani
    Hi! I just started yesterday and I am so glad to find this topic. The MWL website doesn't have a forum so glad I can still use my fitness pal to track and journal. Congrats to all who are on the plan and are doing well. I will come here often for a word of encouragement! So far, I'm not feeling badly. I am not hungry, but I want to eat because that's what I am used to. I will keep you posted!
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    Keep going! I am in month 3 of maintenance. I have lost weight prior but never kept if off. Following this lifestyle change makes keeping the weight off achievable. As you know loosing the weight is one goal but keeping it off is real hard work. I eat carbs now but limited.
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    Eating is a hobby. You need to find a new one!! You can do it! It is really true nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. I lost 57 lbs following MWL. I have kept it off for 3 months. I am still working at it!
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    Eating is a hobby. You need to find a new one!! You can do it! It is really true nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. I lost 57 lbs following MWL. I have kept it off for 3 months. I am still working at it!
  • mg2765
    mg2765 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this thread!! I've got my first appointment at a MWL clinic next Wednesday. I'm really excited. In the past I have tried Atkins and South Beach - both times on my own and both times with great success - but I didn't stick with it and went back to poor eating, so I gained it all back. I'm hoping that with this plan, not only will I have the same success, but will learn the maintenance tools to keep it off for the long term. I've read a lot of reviews and forums on MWL and almost everyone has had some pretty dramatic results. It is expensive, but I was originally googling a week or two at a fitness resort which was anywhere from $1800 - $6000. So, comparatively, this seems affordable and a better long-term solution. I'll check back in after I've started. If you all started a private group, please loop me in!! :)
  • chopperkat
    chopperkat Posts: 12 Member
    I would also like to be added if there is a private thread for this topic. I know someone who is on the program and has lost 21 pounds. I really can't pay to go to the clinic, so I just have the info and am following the program the best I am able on my own. The person I know who is doing the program is not using the supplements. I have lost 5 pounds so far in about a week and a half. To me, that is a wonderful amount of weight loss and I am totally happy with it!! I am hoping to lose another 15 pounds by mid-March.
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck! It was the best decision I ever made to join MWL. In regards to the money, just think of all the money you spend on eating bad. You will find that you will be in charge of your food and eating. It is powerful. I have lost weight before with weight watchers but never kept it off. I feel this time is different with the tools I have learned at MWL. I am finding that keeping the weight off is achievable. Stay on track and exercise. Tracking is essential!!! Smart Water is also key.
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do it without going to MWL. Just read a lot about the Ketos way of life! Listen to the poc casts called Tips of the Scale. It is great. Guests come on the show and talk about their weight loss journey. My daughter has lost 62 lbs on her own. Good luck!
  • davidlschiavone
    My friend were using medi weight loss clinic. He lost 20 lbs. But don’t know why he isn't continuing it. BTW now he says he uses the services of credit valley clinic. He always switches things without any reason. But still I believe that medi weight loss gives excellent results.
  • mg2765
    mg2765 Posts: 5 Member
    RLRod88 - you're doing great - nice weight loss! :) Today was my first day on the program. I was REALLY nervous. I was afraid of being hungry most of all - due to the low calories the first week, and afraid of being jittery from the supplements. I am taking all of the supplements and an appetite suppressant. I spread my "meals" out throughout the day, and my supplements and I really feel great as of tonight. I wasn't hungry much (must be the suppressants) and felt satisfied after my small meals. Tomorrow will be harder ... it's the weekend and I have a party to go to. But I'm planning to eat before I go and take a suppressant. They will also have a deli platter and chicken there, so I think there will be some options if I get really hungry.

    Any suggestions or tricks for parties or gatherings with a lot of carby goodness everywhere? :) I don't think I will be physically hungry for anything and I am pretty sure my willpower will get me through, since it's only day 2 and I am super motivated ... but cakes & cookies are my downfall. - Michelle
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Michelle, I found the first 4 days the roughest. Once I made it past that I was good to go. My first week I lost 10 pounds.

    As far as social outings, I always was able to find something I could eat and stay on track. My family and friends were a big help. They all did what they could to help. I don't want to sound mean but I would watch over weight people over eat and decide I didn't want to be like them. You will find that you will develop a real sense of power from sticking with your new way of eating. You have to have strength to do this!

    I am at a weight I never would believe possible. You can do it!
  • ga81peach19
    I had my appt today and will start tmrw, Im so excited!! I found a forum if anyone is interested.

    Here is the link:
  • I had my appt today and will start tmrw, Im so excited!! I found a forum if anyone is interested.

    Here is the link:

    I also use that forum!
  • staceylynne32
    staceylynne32 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to start a face book group for it would you guys join
  • nbdiamond
    nbdiamond Posts: 9 Member
    I started Medi Weight loss a week ago, so far so great! Please feel free to add me
  • mg2765
    mg2765 Posts: 5 Member
    Staceylynne, I would join a FB group! Let me know what it is called if you start one. My update: just finished week 1 Friday. Had some rough days, dizzy, nauseous. But by day 4 I was feeling great. Lost 7 pounds and that included a 3 day business trip where I stayed on track despite all of the food and drink around me. Excited to add veggies this week. :)
  • samr45
    how much does it cost you guys per week to be on the mediweighloss program?
  • samr45
    how much does it cost you per week for the program?
  • ashears
    ashears Posts: 2 Member
    I am all signed up and going to do my blood work tomorrow. I was given a bunch of supplements and a bottle of vitamins to start with. Is the appetite suppressant something different and will it cost extra?