Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • DestinedforSuccess
    OH and also after I had it removed my hair started to grow back, my sex drive increased, and the post partum depression was gone
  • DestinedforSuccess
    I am soooo glad I'm not crazy! I never had Mirena but I was on birth control pills for 3 years during which my weight BALLOONED. I went from 180 pounds to 195 pounds the next week to 210 pounds the next. It was ridiculous! I talked to my doctor who quoted study after study that "proved" that no type of birth control was found to cause weight gain. He told me that my weight gain was due to my inactivity and my over eating. So for 2 1/2 years I worked out 3 times a week with a personal trainer and I watched what I ate. I lost a grand total of 0 pounds. I went off of birth control (my husband and I wanted to start a family), got pregnant within 5 months and 8 weeks ago I had my daughter. In 8 weeks I have lost ALL of the pregnancy weight and 5 extra pounds. I'm not breastfeeding and I haven't started back to working out yet.

    My doctor can quote as many studies as he wants but I KNOW that the artificial hormones in birth control caused my weight gain. I think every body is different and while there may be 100 people who had a good experience with Mirena and other artificial birth control methods, there are probably 100 more who didn't, people who got symptoms they weren't "supposed to" get. In the end you have to do what's good for your body and your health.

    you are sooo right because that is what I was told as well...I was doing bootcamp and eating right and even went and did Insanity with my hubby and I lost nothing! after 2 months of busting my butt on Insanity and 2 months of bootcamp...something was wrong and when I finally figured it out I had it removed.....glad im not crazy
  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    I had Mirena. Gained 35 pounds. Had terrible cramps and mood swings. My husband probably thought I was off my rocker they were so bad. I started reading the forums and a majority...a VAST majority of women had weight gain, mood swings, bad cramps..and eventually their hair got greasy and fell out in clumps! Your midwife can't tell you what to do..since YOU pay HER you tell her what to do. Take it out! I think satan created that IUD just to torture us further.
  • josuemom
    josuemom Posts: 2 Member
    I've also had a great experience with Mirena and am scheduled to have it removed tomorrow with my yearly physical was wondering how has it been without it? any troubles? Heavy bleeding? Thanks for the update!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I just had the Mirena put in back on March 6. The first month I had it I was very bloated and my weight did not move at all. I didn't have any crazy cravings or mood swings. It was offered to me because my blood pressure tends to go to the high side on birth control and this doesn't affect it (confirmed it with my OB and my GP) I had been on the Depo shot and that messed with my moods and I gained a lot of weight on that one. I was also on the Nuva Ring and hated it the stupid thing always fell out during sex after talking to my doctor he said he was starting to see a trend with women who delivered vaginally with these same problems.

    I was a little worried about the Mirena because of all the "horror" stories associated with it. In reality all birth control has its own set of horror stories. I had mine done 10 weeks post partum (my doctor will not put one in any earlier after having a baby) I had no cramping or pain when it was put in I spotted for a few hours after. However a week later I started what I thought was a normal period. It was not normal in fact I had worse bleeding than ever before and it lasted 2 weeks and then I spotted for the next two weeks just to have it start all over again with the heavy bleeding for two weeks after the second cycle I stopped spotting in between. I still have the 2 week period and I am hoping that it will even out.

    I am giving my Mirena the 3 - 6 months to let my body adjust to it. My face has not broken out and I am not losing my hair. I also have not gained weight because of it. The few pounds I have packed on have been because I cannot keep my face out of the refrigerator for other reasons not because of that. Another baby is not an option for us and this one had the best odds. 99.1% effective is good for me although I am starting to believe that the odds are like that due to the fact that you are bleeding all the time so you can't have sex. Those odds are better than tubal ligation plus my insurance covered it all.

    The mirena does have less hormones in it than the pill and other birth controls so I liked that. I had thought of doing the paraguard which is hormone free, but with my luck I would be that lucky person who would have a reaction to copper plus I am looking forward to no periods hopefully.
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    I HATED the Mirena. And I have heard sooo many similar stories. I got it 8 weeks after my son was born. I gained weight, and the mood/anger swings were terrible. So terrible. Mine was not even in correctly and caused horrible cramps all the time. I had it removed after 10 weeks. I would not recommend it to anyone. I have heard people are working on a class action lawsuit, as the company claims the side effects are limited. HATE the mirena, did I mention that? :)

    I can so relate. had mine removed after 10 days - I was feeling suicidal. No joke. Mood swings, anxiety, nausea and horrible face rash-burning. I was crying and in pain. Plus I felt so bloated, it was terrible. Oh, and I must add that it was extrememly painful to have it inserted. As soon as it was removed, all symptoms went away. Within approx. 24 hours.

    So yes, I think that you may lose weight once you have it removed.

    Good luck.
  • Colemanlo1
    Colemanlo1 Posts: 30 Member
    Mirena is a synthetic progesterone. Progesterone is widely known as causing weight gain even at low doses. I took the Depo Provera shot for about a year and gained SO MUCH WEIGHT (like 5o lbs) even though I was going to the gym 3 days a week. Like you, I craved nothing good for me. I was able to lose weight within 6 months of going off of that shot but it remains in your system for around 2 years (or that form did). What I later found out is that progesterone administration for lengths of 1 year or greater put you at risk for menopause symptoms where you can lose estrogen and even have bone loss. I started to experience heavy bleeding after being on it for so long and then stopping it a year and a half in. I ended up having to add estrogen so stop it as well as having to have a D&C procedure. I was only 29. I will be 33 this year and still can not get pregnant after being on progesterone long term. I am actually going to see a fertility specialist next month. I have not taken anything for birth control for a few years now.

    Progesterone tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant and that's why you don't have periods, that's why you have weight gain (storing fat for the arrival of the non existant baby), thats why you crave certain things, and thats why you are emotional.

    I know it's annoying to have to take a pill every day and every woman's body is different but the studies that have been done over the synthetic progesterones over the past years are consistant in continuing to show the trend that I just described to you. I always did best on Lo Estrin. Its the lowest doses of combination estrogen and progesterone available at this time as far as I know but still works for birth control. Just a thought if you don't tolerate a lot of hormones very well.
  • nishbaybe92
    nishbaybe92 Posts: 18 Member
    I can relate. After getting Mirena, I had very irregular periods. I also gained a good 30lbs. I noticed someone else on here stated that it had something to do with never having a baby vs. having a baby. I for one, have never had a child and, and still put on the weight. I think it just had soomething to do with how your body reacts to the extra hormones. I heard of more women than not who have seen weight gain. I am getting mine removed, after having it for a year, because Im tired of the weight gain and severe cramps, and getting my period every 2 weeks. Here is a link for you, and others who share in this...

    http://lifeaftermirena.blogspot.com/2008/06/weight-loss-finally.html I hope it helps!
  • nishbaybe92
    nishbaybe92 Posts: 18 Member
    Mirena is a synthetic progesterone. Progesterone is widely known as causing weight gain even at low doses. I took the Depo Provera shot for about a year and gained SO MUCH WEIGHT (like 5o lbs) even though I was going to the gym 3 days a week. Like you, I craved nothing good for me. I was able to lose weight within 6 months of going off of that shot but it remains in your system for around 2 years (or that form did). What I later found out is that progesterone administration for lengths of 1 year or greater put you at risk for menopause symptoms where you can lose estrogen and even have bone loss. I started to experience heavy bleeding after being on it for so long and then stopping it a year and a half in. I ended up having to add estrogen so stop it as well as having to have a D&C procedure. I was only 29. I will be 33 this year and still can not get pregnant after being on progesterone long term. I am actually going to see a fertility specialist next month. I have not taken anything for birth control for a few years now.

    Progesterone tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant and that's why you don't have periods, that's why you have weight gain (storing fat for the arrival of the non existant baby), thats why you crave certain things, and thats why you are emotional.

    I know it's annoying to have to take a pill every day and every woman's body is different but the studies that have been done over the synthetic progesterones over the past years are consistant in continuing to show the trend that I just described to you. I always did best on Lo Estrin. Its the lowest doses of combination estrogen and progesterone available at this time as far as I know but still works for birth control. Just a thought if you don't tolerate a lot of hormones very well.

    Thank you for posting this. It was well thought out and put together. My doctor did say it tricks your body into thinking its pregnant. It explains why so many women feel the things they feel...the mood swings, cramping, craving, weight gain, depression/anxiety, etc...did you notice if you lost any weight after having it removed, or even if it made it easier? Ive been at it since January and am stuck at the 5lb mark...I found that i pretty much have to not eat to not gain weight, which is no good. I should be able to sit down and eat a sandwich or a bowl of soup without swelling and gaining 5lbs in water weight.
  • nishbaybe92
    nishbaybe92 Posts: 18 Member
    Reading this thread relieves me so much! Mirena has been making me miserable.I have been all many different types of birth control including the pill (always forgot), depo-shot (hated coming in every 3 months), nuva-ring (made me feel icky) and now Mirena. I have had my Mirena for about 18 months now, and during that time I have gained 20 pounds! In high school I always had really good skin and an athletic figure in high school but 6 years later my body is the worst its ever been. My eating was at its worst about 3 years ago prior to the Mirena and even then I had only gained 10 pounds within those first 3 years after high school. It seems like it just all came once I got the Mirena. I have tried many different strict face regimens, calorie counting, healthy eating and exercising only to have worsened skin and more weight gain. I have been contemplating removing the IUD because of its convenience but reading this makes me confident in the choice to take it out. I will update you on any changes once I have it removed.

    I can relate. I am 5'0, and weighed 105lbs all throughout high school. I was put on Depo at 16. I started gaining weight from there. After graduation I was about 130. Still ok...I got the Mirena, and my weight skyrocketed. I mean, in a matter of months. I was working a restaurant job, where I was on my feet constantly..for about 8 hours of brisk walking every weekend. Not to mention the yoga I was doing, and mile long walks I would do every other day. I still kept gaining. I went on a mostly liquid diet, living off smoothies, soups, fruits and veggies, and the occasional piece of chicken. I checked my weight later, I was at 140. I kept putting on 10lbs a month from there. I didnt understand. I slipped all the way up to 180. I am down 5lbs now, but after trying everything to lose weight (i have been at it 6months now) I have seen no changes. I am getting mine out as well. Hope you see the changes you are looking for!
  • EszterNZ
    EszterNZ Posts: 51
    I had Mirena for 5 years, and struggled to lose weight while I had it.
    I floated around the 105kg/210lb weight range plus or minus a few, for the entire 5 years, despite several attempts to lose.
    I had it taken out in December 2012, and I've started losing weight for the first time in 5 years, with only 3 weeks on MFP.

    I have to say though, for those worried about what periods will be like once you get it out..its not that bad. I got my Mirena replaced with a copper IUD which is supposed to make periods heavier and more painful.. its slightly true but going back to periods is honestly not a big deal. Even with the copper IUD I have 3.5 - 4 days, and only 2 of those are "heavier" .
    It feels kind of nice having them again in a way?

    I thought Mirena was good too, but extra hormones are really not a good idea.. other side effects I experienced were moodiness, bad cramps around the time of the month I would of got my period, low sex drive, and the biggest one that I am still battling with is excessive hairgrowth..everywhere. Its awful. I am hoping with another 6 months the hair will start to go away!!

    Good luck to everyone. :)
  • FrankieB127
    FrankieB127 Posts: 31 Member
    bump (just checked my calendar and weight tracking noticed that my plateau started the EXACT same week I got my mirena put in...)
  • tiffany8311994
    I got my IUD in Jan of 2011, 6 weeks after my son was born. about 6 months after he was born i had lost all my baby weight and was feeling amazing. I had just graduated. My Dr. tried a new medicine on me and i gained OVER 60 POUNDS in the following 6 months! I stopped that medicine and tried dieting and exercising to get the weight off. It worked, I lost 30 lbs in 7 months. *kitten* soon as i stopped going to the gym, I gained it all back! I just got my IUD taken out today, so I'm hoping that ill drop a few dress sizes before my wedding in March! Lets see how I do, I'll keep you updated!
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I gained 60 lbs in about 1.5 yrs. I cant blame it all on the Mirena, but it has definitely helped I think with the weight gain. My Dr said that although studies confirm only 3-5 lb weight gain he has had patients experience tremendous gains. I still have mine in, as I am NOT planning on getting pregnant ever again! My husband and I are probably going to go a more permanent route next yr and he will get snipped, so I can remove this sucker. I also have not experienced the wonderful side effect of no periods. Mine is on time every month and heavier than it has ever been. I also have experienced some hair thinning although I am not sure it id related, but I know that goes along with other types of BC as well.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I got pregnant a month after I had mine removed, but I did lose 70 lbs while pregnant, due to gestational diabetes.
  • FrankieB127
    FrankieB127 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm getting mine out next Friday and I can't freakin' wait! I noticed a few weeks ago that my weight-loss has stalled, despite eating at a calorie deficit every single day and starting a half-marathon training program (I'm logging almost 20 miles/week). Then I found this thread and read about other symptoms I've been having but never thought to attribute to Mirena: fatigue, mood swings, depression, hair loss. The last 3 weeks I have been gaining 1 lb a week. I got Mirena put in March 11th (6 weeks after my second child was born) and that's exactly when my weight loss stopped. I'll post an update after I have it removed.
  • ssasarak
    ssasarak Posts: 1
    I'm getting mine out on Wednesday and I'm hoping I will lose some of the extra weight around my mid section. Here's my story: I had Mirena inserted in March 2007. I was about to start law school that Fall and I was absolutely not interested in children. That year I gained 20 lbs. I attributed it to stress from law school, even though I never had a weight problem. I have pretty healthy eating habits. In fact, I was a vegetarian at the time (a healthy one :smile: ). I've never been able to lose the weight after that. It has only gone up. I'm about 40 lbs heavier than when it was inserted in 2007. I lost about 20 lbs last year but I think my body was confused because I started eating meat again (after 14 years of being meat free). I've put that 20 lbs back on. During this time, I can't even tell you how many people have asked me if I am pregnant (so rude!). My stomach sticks out so far though I've actually wondered myself. Nope. In the 6 1/2 years I've had Mirena, I've not been able to control my weight. I never thought it could be the problem but it makes sense. I hope my body can recover, if it truly is the iud's fault.

    Oh, btw, I also have weird abdominal pain and grow hair on my chin. So that's fun too.
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    Getting mine out tomorrow hoping that will start my weight loss. I did this last year and lost like 40lbs in 8 months then had a baby so I know I can do it but I have been on myfitnesspal for 2 months now and have not lost a thing and the only thing that is different is the Mirena! Will come back and post if I lose anything
  • Hestia1
    Hestia1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have lost more than 10kg since having the Mirena in April last year. The thing is, at 49 I was suffering from horrendous menopausal symptoms, heavy bleeding, sleeplessness and being totally lethargic didn't even come close to describing how I was. I didn't have much faith in it but it was the least dramatic of options to try and for me it has been the best thing ever.

    The Mirena coil has given me my life back but my hormones were severely imbalanced.

    In my opinion, anything this powerful is bound to have an effect on a 'normal' woman's body and I am not surprised to hear the side effects.
  • AngelaHatcher
    I have had my Mirena since Nov 2009. I started at 140 and have creeped up to 150. I have had no luck actively trying to lose it. I work out for an hour 4-5 times a week, runner, I have had personal trainers, changed my diet ( you get the point) and I even had a lipo laser done with following the instructions to a T for a month ( no caffeine, alcohol, good diet ,exercise, 70 oz of water a day) and not one Lb was lost...even if the laser part did not work, you would have thought the other steps involved would have done something right! I'm talking my husband into getting a vasectomy and then I'll wait it out a few months afterwards then have my Mirena removed.