C25k start 08/29



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I did W2D1 yesterday, and was simply amazed at how easily I transitioned from 1 minute of running to 1.5. Hubby kept checking up on me because the first four run rotations I was laughing my butt off at the end, just so tickled that I did it. The last two rotations I forgot how to breath, so I died just a bit, but after gasping for air for a bit I was fine.
    I even snuck in two rotations of 2 minute running during my "walk" this morning, and survived just fine. I can't believe just a week ago I was having such a hard time with a full 60 seconds.
    I think my hip pain the first day was due to the shoes I had been wearing, and my ankle pain is much more tolerable when I run barefoot. I know it's debatable, the shoes/barefoot, but I'm going with the option that doesn't leave me limping heavily for the rest of the day.
    I'm sooooo glad I decided to do the C25K with you, thank you so much for starting this group!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Week 3 day 2 tomorrow. My knees are a little sore. I am looking forward to it.
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Did w2d1 on a track. The cooler weather helped too. It was pretty easy, especially compared to the torture that was running up and down hills in 90 degree weather last week.

    For w2d2 this morning, I walk/jogged to the Y. I underestimated the distance I guess, cause it took me 32 minutes and that included a little more running than strictly called for. Anyway, tons of people saw me and commented on my running. A few mentioned that they could see I've lost weight. I did my yoga class and then walked home. I found a route with smaller hills and timed the leisurely walk at 40 minutes. So that is how much time to allow if I hope to make it to yoga on time and be able to cool down a little first.

    I'm thinking that I will do Zumba at the Y the three days it is offered and do my runs on the two days that I also do yoga. I doubt I can get a run in on most Saturdays.
  • hannah1591
    hannah1591 Posts: 47 Member
    I did W1D3 on Monday and I am excited to start W2! Going to have to wait a wee while though as I now have a chest infection :(
  • mrogus
    I completed W2D1 on Tuesday and I think I messed something up with my knee. It has been hurting a lot! I had this issue the last time I tried to start running. I am icing and wraping it and plan to push through it. I just don't want to make anything worse. The last time I had this pain I went to a dr and he said its nothing and I just need to stretch more.
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Did w2d2 today, sort of. I've misplaced my cell phone and I didn't want to pester my husband for his watch again. So I just left the house with my son in the stroller and headed for the Y. I tried to do enough running to make myself work but not worn out. I made it there with plenty of time to spare before yoga, so my pace must have been faster than on Tuesday! After yoga, I caught up with two friends from my church. They were out strolling too, so I walked with them around a loop. One admitted to blog-stalking my progress here. :)
    Walked home, had lunch. Little boy fell asleep in his high chair. That always makes my day!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    @mrogus- stretch before and after. That is the only thing that keeps my knee at bay. This week I forgot to stretch before my wednesday run and I am paying for it. Tonight before bed I will stretch and before and after my run tomorrow.

    I am on w3 day 3 tomorrow and I am thinking it's going to kick my butt. I find that I am great on Monday, getting more tired on wednesday and running kicks my *kitten* on Friday. But I am plugging along and really feeling good about myself!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Finishes W4D1. I was worried about running 5 minutes, but I slowed my jog down a little and I got thru it feeling great!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Started week 4 today and it went great. I forgot to map out a longer route, so when I was done with my normal route, I had to weave around. I guess I will have to plan better for the upcoming weeks! Feeling good though. Going to do yoga today to help stretch me out.
  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member

    Im on week 4 but tend to stay a bit more than a week before moving on, so you will probably catch me up. Good feeling when you achieve the each step. Good luck and happy running (or in my case a jog!)
  • mistylnc
    mistylnc Posts: 44 Member
    Ugh! I got behind. I finished week 2 day 2 this morning. I got too nervous about starting a new week I think and made mad excuses why I "couldn't" run. Anyhow, I did start it and it felft fine! So hopefully I will get back on track with running daily until I catch back up. Except Sunday... No running on Sunday. It is made for football and recovery!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member

    Im on week 4 but tend to stay a bit more than a week before moving on, so you will probably catch me up. Good feeling when you achieve the each step. Good luck and happy running (or in my case a jog!)

    Oh it's a jog in my case too! I say running, but I am not going fast by any means!
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    So i am still just in the beginning, just did Wk2 D2, and thought i was not going to be able to do it, but pushed through, and feel so great for accomplishing this small milestone... By November i will be running/jogging for a full 30 minutes!! :)
  • ladykathalina
    ladykathalina Posts: 26 Member
    :smile: Hey... is this still closed. I am on C25k W2D2 and would like to join in. I'm 53 and would like to be able to say that I have successfully complete a 5K or even 10K. I'm doing okay so for but not too sure about the next week. Why is it so hard to step out that door and get it done but when you do, you are so happy to step back in the door and say "YES I DID IT...." Good luck to you all!!
  • mistylnc
    mistylnc Posts: 44 Member
    I think it is open for all.

    I just completed W2D3.
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Did w3d3 twice today. Yes, twice today. You can read why on my blog later, but in any case I'm so ready to kick week 4's butt!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Done with w4 d3 and tomorrow for fun (crazy I know), I am going to jog/run to see how far I can go with no breaks. Just curious and I think with Sunday as a rest day, I will be fine to start w5 on monday!
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    I'm addicted. I did w4d1 this morning on a track.

    This evening, I made hamburgers for dinner and my husband said, "ooh, I want French Fries!" I told him that I had no potatoes, so I couldn't help him. After dinner, I suggested we walk to McDonald's.

    My hubby is a speedwalker with super long legs, so I suggested that he might keep up with my slow jog on the way. I lengthened the route enough to do the week 4 workout again.

    It was tough, but I did the full workout again. I'm gonna try to get in w4d3 tomorrow and then get ready for week 5 on Monday.

    I am so excited to jog 2 miles. I have never run more than 1 mile at a time before. And I hadn't done that since high school.

    What makes all this so amazing is that 5 weeks ago, a few days before starting the C25K, I tried to jog just a few steps to catch up with my speedwalking husband. My knee spasmed, and I had to stop for a minute before I could finish the walk home. That night I prayed to be able to run.

    During all my runs so far, I have had a total of 2 knee spasms. In both cases, I stopped just long enough to stretch (10-15 seconds), walk a few extra paces, and kept going. I have not taken any kind of pain reliever. My success so far has been an amazing answer to prayer.
  • mistylnc
    mistylnc Posts: 44 Member
    Just started week 3 myself. I am liking the idea of being a runner. Can't wait to have a runner build!
  • joleejo216
    Took a week and a half off, arthritis in my knees causing lots of pain...the inflammation has gone away for now so am going to start back at W2D1. My husband kept going and is starting W4D1 tomorrow! Proud of him. Wish me luck!