I really blew it this weekend



  • cchristman12
    cchristman12 Posts: 34 Member
    Me too!

    I was doing pretty good until Sunday. I don't know what happened. I thought I was eating ok, but the calories just kept adding up and up and up.

    Then, I got on the scales today and it said that I gained all my weight back. Geeze! I'm just moving on tho.
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    I posted on my feed, but yeah, I totally went nuts on Sunday. I had a bunch of birthday parties and then somehow I just ended up snacking on everything in sight. I made myself enter it all online (I used to cheat and just opt not to log it if I was embarrassed about it) so I feel like that forces accountability. A

    I think weekends are tough for a couple reasons -- 1) they're social times so you get together with people and eat/drink; 2) you get a good work groove in in your daily schedule and I personally think that makes it way easier to stick to a diet. It's just the routine. Then you hit Friday night and all you have is time... and time can either be a good thing (more time to work out and be active) or a really bad thing (more time to stuff your face). Don't worry though, I bet you didn't eat enough to totally negate everything you did over the week, even if the scale temporarily says you're up a little. Just keep on plugging away and try and do better the next time!
  • badwolf99
    You are not alone! I had to turn one of my personal training sessions into a therapy session because I was feeling so guilty about some of the food decisions I'd made recently. He talked me back from the ledge by helping me look at the bigger picture. He made me compare my successes with what I was perceiving as my failures and then I could see that in the long run I hadn't actually done any real damage. You just start over every morning. Yesterday is over and there's nothing you can do about it so focus on the now. Good luck to you!
  • CraigG75
    CraigG75 Posts: 177 Member
    Don't feel bad your're not in that boat alone. I blew it too, being cooped up by Hurricane Irene. Just gotta get back on keep on rolling.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Weekends are the demise for people. It's easy during the week because of routine, but weekends is when people let their guards down.

    This is why I believe in moderation instead of dieting.

    agreed. i used to be pretty bad on weekends, but i adjusted my eating habits. what helps is if you keep logging all weekend, before you eat. i like to log as much as possiible in the morning, and guesstimate how much i will eat/drink at night.

    while i dont do it, some ppl have suggested that you can carry over calories from the week. i try not to do it consciously, but if i'm under M-F by 100-200 calories a day, i feel that i can "cheat" a little on the weekend.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I think weekends are the hardest for everone. This week was a down fall just because i was stuck at home due to hurricane irene. I did track everythign i ate and drank but i had a few need a cookie monments i'm not proud of. Its another day to do better.
  • chumeniuk
    chumeniuk Posts: 10 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, once I lose 25lbs, I will blow that weekend myself.
  • Cakepiebeer
    The way I see it.. if you kick *kitten* all week long, you earn the right to live a little on the weekends. Granted, you have the surplus in calories to spare
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    You're not alone!! Let's get it together!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Weekends are always the hardest for me. It's hard especially if your home all day, so I try to get out and do something fun. I had a really bad WEEK, so don't feel bad. There will always be bad days.