Food dairy, why don't more people make them visible?



  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    Mine is open. I think some people just don't want others commenting on their eating habits, so that's why they keep it closed.
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    I keep mine closed because I joined just to have a place to track the foods I have been eating (and to have records that are easy for my Dr. and nutritionist to review). I am an insulin dependent diabetic, so my meal plan is meant for my personal condition not as an example to others.

    Besides this diary is not complete record of my life, sometimes my blood glucose tests too low and I need to eat a correction (sugar in some form is the fastest) before I can take my next insulin dose. All you would see in my diary is that I had some candy/juice as a snack, not why. Or if I had a cookie (limited treats are allowed by my health professionals), my diary doesn't show that there were cinnabuns in the frig that I didn't eat (there are other people in my home).

    I am close to the weight I am supposed to be after a long illness where I ended up down to 85lbs, just skin and bones on me so I am slowly rebuilding the muscle I loss. While many are here for weight loss, there are many other reasons people may need to track what they eat. So not everyone needs or wants weight loss advice, even when it is well meant.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Mines closed and if you want to know what I eat, then you are most welcome to join me for a meal sometime......I don't even tell my 2 bestest friends what I eat so why should my virtual friends know........:drinker:
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Because not everybody wants others trying to advise them or comment on their diet. It's just a personal way to keep track of everything for some. I use my diary as my way of keeping track of my macros and wouldn't really like it if someone else started giving me tips without my asking. I know what I should be eating.
    Mine is viewable by my friends though. Maybe public to everyone. I really don't know.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I have nothing to hide....but my diary is a tool for my own use. There are too many trolls out there. I don't troll anyone else and prefer the same privacy.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Mine is open. I am for the most part proud of my diet and constantly striving to make it better, so I'm open to constructive criticism. I would probably close it if people started nagging me about something that's their personal crusade- like the anti-vegetarian crowd or the soy police or the milk nazis.
  • hbaby08
    hbaby08 Posts: 75
    For a while mine was totally private, then i changed it to just firends. I never thought people would be judgemental towards what someone ate (and I wouldnt tolerate it as others have said). I understand both sides (private vs. public) But i like the idea of only having a group of people with similar goals/ are friends/ etc being able to view it. I dont make it a habit to look at others diaries, i may to get some meal ideas or how they spread out their meals, or the sucess stories message board and they give me motivation, but never to judge. And if its not visible and i just really have to know, i'll send a message to that person...simple
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Sometimes people have personal notes they keep on their notepad at the bottom, Everyone can see them if they open their their food diary. They may want to keep those notes private.

    This is exactly why I keep mine private. It really gets to me seeing people jump to conclusions stating that people keep their diaries closed because they must not be eating well and are ashamed of it. That's a pretty broad, uncalled for assumption.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    A few months ago I made mine public because I had no idea what I was doing wrong or how to eat and I was welcoming suggestions. I got a lot of great advice and am now eating a lot better. I recently made it private again because I don't need constructive criticism anymore. Also, I drink about 12 cups of water a day at least, but I don't log my water. Some people have incorrectly assumed that I don't drink any water and asked me about it...not a big deal but I'd like to avoid those little discrepancies.