Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    theresamommyof - I know how you feel, but we can do this. We just have to stick with it. It will be so worth it!

    I'm also bouncing around a bit on the scales but staying close to 136, 1 pound up, 1 pound down...Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I don't expect a victory on the scales though. As Tom is scheduled to visit soon and I can tell.

    Good Luck everyone with your day today. Stay strong!

    Oh yeah, we can definitely do it :) It's funny... I've gone down this weight loss road SO many times, but this is absolutely the first time I've actually been able to see myself making it to goal. I was always afraid to put down 145 as my goal because I didn't REALLY think I could do it. Now, there are no doubts, I just wish I could get there in a more direct route than lose 3 lbs, gain 2 back, lose 1, etc... And yes, when it's my TOM, it's a cryin' shame what I see on the scale :D
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    Wow, this week seems hard! On Saturday, I weighed in at 191.2, then went up to 193.8 and now I'm back to 191.6. I would just really LOVE to see that stupid scale go down and only down! :D

    I feel you!!!
    I have had a hard time this week with the quick rise and slow loss (yes, I admit, I am an avid scale checker)... It was very hard for me to not record my weight at the beginning of the week, as I hit an all time low... just to gain 2.5 lbs back. However, I am going to chalk it up to water weight seeing as I did have two days with high sodium :grumble: It is just sucky that it is so easy to gain a couple lbs quickly and so difficult to get it back off.

    On a side note, I have started a few new exercise classes lately, I'm currently on my 3rd week of Hot Yoga classes, and my 2nd day of purebarre classes. Holy smokes is purebarre hard! I've never felt a burn like that in my legs ever before! Anyone else tried one of those classes? If you haven't I totally recommend them!

    :drinker: Here's to weigh in tomorrow!!!
  • 4littlemonkeys
    Sept 1: 62.4 kg (137.5lb)
    Sept 8: 62.1kg (136.9lb)
    Sept 15: 61.2kg (134.9lb)
    GW: 60kg (132.5lb)

    YAY down nearly a whole kg!!!! Down 2 lbs!!!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have been stuck within the same couple of numbers for like 2 months now :(

    SW 140
    W1 139
    W2 139
  • tonibott
    Count me in :-)
  • navyjeffrey
    I'm in!!

    My weigh-ins are on Mondays... I was 233.6 at the beginning of Sept, and this Monday I was at 231.2. I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to pull it off.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hubby is still laid off so my caring for th scale isn't really there. I go to the gym when I can (pre-paid), but mostly just go to the park. As for food choices, far and few between. I work 22hrs a week on minimum (which isn't much here) and things are rough. Hoping for things to fall through soon for us..

    On a happier note..I've been at my HMT for 2.5 weeks now, each week contains 2 rest days, 1 'other' exercise day and then 4running/walking days. Well, for those 10 days of running/trotting/whatever, I've been keeping tabs on my 35min mark (that was the first time on the first day of training and I want to complete a 5k under it). Aug 28th I went 2.70miles. Sept 14th I went 3 exact! This plan is working better than I expected already! I might just train for a full next year :bigsmile:
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    1st Sept: 152.1
    8th Sept: 150.6
    15th Sept: 147.9

    4.2lbs lost so far!
  • uhoh_billy
    09/01 - 175.2
    09/08 - 172.4
    09/15 - 171.8
    09/22 -
    09/29 -

    Not much loss, but I'm all bloaty mcperiod today, so I'm surprised there was a loss at all! haha
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    09/01 - 152.6
    09/08 - 152
    09/15 – 153.2 :explode:
    09/22 –
    09/29 -

    Having a rough time...
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    1 Sept: 112
    8 Sept: 110
    15 Sept: 105
    22 Sept:
    29 Sept:

    Now I am just scared of myself. I hope this is dehydration or something.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Sept 1: 136
    Sept 8: 135 (1 lb down!!!)
    Sept 15: 134.4 (not much, but it's a loss regardless - considering TOM is ready to visit)
    Sept 22:
    Sept 29:

    We can do this!!! I will have to pump it up for next week to get those 5 lbs gone by the end of September.
    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    OMGoodness! We're already HALF-WAY through this month!!! How can that be?!?!?! Ugh! I thought for sure losing 5 lbs would be a breeze... shoot, I was going for 10 lbs, but it's a heckuva slow go!

    Weigh in is tomorrow for me, so I'll check back in then!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Sep 1: 177.8
    Sep 8: 176.4, loss of 1.4 lbs
    Sep 15: 175.6, loss of 0.8 lbs
    Sep 22:
    Sep 30:

    Total loss of 2.2 lbs so far. I need to pick it up just a bit to hit 5 lbs this month. I hope everyone else is doing well!

    My goals are to lift weights, drink more water, and do well on my organic chem lab and lecture quizzes this week!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey all,

    I am in a serious weight gaining/ no weigh loss/workout slump. I really need to get back to the basics. I hope I didnt gain this week! See you all at weigh in tomorrow!
  • Elparks
    I'm two weeks in and I have lost 5.2 lbs. It seems that my exercise regimen is working. I continue to do my water aerobics, Zumba classes, and elliptical cardio five times a week. My goals was to loose about a pound a week, but the weight is dropping! I love MFP! Thanks for the motivation!:smile:
  • Elparks
    I'm two weeks in and I have lost 5.2 lbs. It seems that my exercise regimen is working. I continue to do my water aerobics, Zumba classes, and elliptical cardio five times a week. My goals was to loose about a pound a week, but the weight is dropping! I love MFP! Thanks for the motivation!:smile:
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I weighed in at 300.7 this morning. WOOHOO!!! I'll be 2-riffic in no time flat, then I have a long journey to being 1-derful, but I'll get there! I'm seeing so many changes, wish I'd measured pertinent areas before starting 3 months ago. Oh well, I can see and feel the changes, I don't need to see numbers on a page to prove it to me! Keep it up everyone!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sounds like some great successes already under way for this month.

    I walked a mile yesterday and back was a little better today but the scale was back up to 181 so not a great week in the weight loss category. I have a new baby starting full time on Monday so I am going to have to rethink when I get on the treadmill. It was so easy to have everyone on the same nap schedule and get a could 2 hour walk in during nap time. Now we will have to see.

    Falls sports are a crazy time for us and I have myself working 11 hour days so I hate to get up any earlier in the morning to exercise and there is not time between getting done with work and running off for events or meetings. I love being busy but it sure cuts into my exercise time.

    Have a great day!

  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    I weighed in at 300.7 this morning. WOOHOO!!! I'll be 2-riffic in no time flat, then I have a long journey to being 1-derful, but I'll get there! I'm seeing so many changes, wish I'd measured pertinent areas before starting 3 months ago. Oh well, I can see and feel the changes, I don't need to see numbers on a page to prove it to me! Keep it up everyone!

    Yay!!! That's amazing progress! And in all honesty, you'll be 1-derful in no time too. You think about how fast a few months seem to fly by! Congratulations!