Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    i'm in; this will help with my lose of turkey by turkey day challenge.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    01/09/11 = 179.2
    10/09/11 = 176.8

    2.4 pounds down - nearly halfway there - really chuffed :))))

    Nice to see so many people in this challenge for September and to see others doing so well too :)

    Yay!!! Fran, I'm so proud of you!!! That's AMAZING!!!!
  • michelleqinlew
    Count me in! Just started and would love to see the 5 pounds go bye bye!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    9/1/2011: 309
    9/9/2011: 306

    So... close... to 299.

    Lol! So close! Stick it out, but the end of the month you'll be there!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey all!

    Sept 4- 175.8
    Sept 9 - 170.8 (yes it looks like I already lost 5, but I was up 8.... lol)
    Sept 16 -
    Sept 23 -
    Sept 30 -

    So I am happy I am at least seeing the scale back at NORMAL weight! But I was up so high (EIGHT POUNDS) the beginning of the month, so my goal is going to be more than the 5 lbs for the month! I am setting my goal for more like 166. I'd be really happy with that!

    Although my eating is still NOT GOOD. I have been overeating and drinking. I am doing OK with working out but I haven't kept up with the 6 days a week I'm supposed to be doing on INSANITY. But we are all a work in progress right!/!?! LoL. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I think I can do this too my weight is at 271 so by the end I should be 266 yay
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all!

    Sept 4- 175.8
    Sept 9 - 170.8 (yes it looks like I already lost 5, but I was up 8.... lol)
    Sept 16 -
    Sept 23 -
    Sept 30 -

    So I am happy I am at least seeing the scale back at NORMAL weight! But I was up so high (EIGHT POUNDS) the beginning of the month, so my goal is going to be more than the 5 lbs for the month! I am setting my goal for more like 166. I'd be really happy with that!

    Super great job

    Although my eating is still NOT GOOD. I have been overeating and drinking. I am doing OK with working out but I haven't kept up with the 6 days a week I'm supposed to be doing on INSANITY. But we are all a work in progress right!/!?! LoL. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    01/09/11 = 179.2
    10/09/11 = 176.8

    2.4 pounds down - nearly halfway there - really chuffed :))))

    Nice to see so many people in this challenge for September and to see others doing so well too :)

    Yay!!! Fran, I'm so proud of you!!! That's AMAZING!!!!

    Ah thanks Theresa :)
  • Iwillshyne
    just checking in... down 1 pound as of yesterday!!! yay!!!
  • 4littlemonkeys
    Well done everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    Well as of today I'm down 5 lbs but I was also up 9 So I have 4 more to go to get back to my before September weight.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    1/2 pound loss this week. Now at 187.5, with goal at 183.5 by Sept 30th. Four pounds left to go and 19 days to loose them in.

    My main strategy is to put my calories at 1200 and exercise, exercise, exercise. Am on recovery from a sedentary lifestyle and getting out of my chair takes discipline. I gained all this weight at the rate of 2.5 lbs per month, so if I can take it off at the same rate, and keep it off, I'm doing good. I eat back my calories, to the extent that I am not feeling hungry. And I slide off the wagon once or twice a week, so any deficit that I've built up goes there. I've lost a pound so far this month, but would not mind it if I were to loose a pound and a quarter per week to meet the goal of this challenge.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    up, Up, UP! Thats all my weight has done this month, I have officially GAINED 5 More pounds!!! thats a 15 pound GAIN in the past 2 months. Over half of my progress for the past year and a half is gone! Wasted! I hit that beloved 150 mark (the lowest I have been in 6 years) in Febuary and halted and tried sooooo so hard to not fly back the other way but I did it. I flew and flew and Im still flying. I cannot believe how much weight I have gained so freaking quickly and I didn't change a whole lot except i have been letting myself have Icecream sometimes (definately more than I should) and I don't know,, I guess Im feeling a bit disheartened. I do have a plan. Two days a week I have 2 hours to myself in the afternoon so walking my son to school and busting out the elliptical FINALLY and walking at night I should be able to take my weight back the direction I want it to go. Dm has been trying her hardest to drag me and its so much of a tug of war that she has burned a gazillion calories and beat me into the 140s haha. Well im trying and I will get back to where I want to be. I just erased about a year of my work but ill get it back ,,,,hopefully faster than a year this time...

    Well guys I guess thats all I can say. I have been trying really hard to keep moving I have been going for walks at night a couple nights a week and I have been trying to stay up off of the couch and clean instead. I am really going to start trying my best. I cant be above 150 at the end of the year (unless I am pregnant) Im wondering tho if I should wait till im under to get pregnant... Last months efforts were unsuccessful and im about to start another round of trying but the thought of getting pregnant at 165 and possibly getting to 200 lbs is a horrifying thought for me... Last time I was 152 and went all the way to 192 think of a 40 pound gain while im at this weight I just might wait but the thought of waiting for a baby makes me sad. I relly really want one close with my other two which are 20 months apart and my baby is almost 2 years now. The time gap is just not fun to think about for me especially when its kind of hard for me to get preg in the first place. ugh to wait or not to wait... Iv got about a day or two to decide.

    sorry for rambling on im just hanging out in limbo and it is really starting to suck
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    up, Up, UP! Thats all my weight has done this month, I have officially GAINED 5 More pounds!!! thats a 15 pound GAIN in the past 2 months. Over half of my progress for the past year and a half is gone! Wasted! I hit that beloved 150 mark (the lowest I have been in 6 years) in Febuary and halted and tried sooooo so hard to not fly back the other way but I did it. I flew and flew and Im still flying. I cannot believe how much weight I have gained so freaking quickly and I didn't change a whole lot except i have been letting myself have Icecream sometimes (definately more than I should) and I don't know,, I guess Im feeling a bit disheartened. I do have a plan. Two days a week I have 2 hours to myself in the afternoon so walking my son to school and busting out the elliptical FINALLY and walking at night I should be able to take my weight back the direction I want it to go. Dm has been trying her hardest to drag me and its so much of a tug of war that she has burned a gazillion calories and beat me into the 140s haha. Well im trying and I will get back to where I want to be. I just erased about a year of my work but ill get it back ,,,,hopefully faster than a year this time...

    sorry for rambling on im just hanging out in limbo and it is really starting to suck

    Don't be sorry thats what we are here for! I know I have moments where I don't know what is wrong with me and why I keep letting myself gain or yo-yo. Its a hard thing for all of us! If you can, get on that horse and get where you wanna be!
  • gracemleone
    09/06: 132
    09/11: 130
    09/17: Goal 129
    09/23: Goal 128
    09/30: Goal 127
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm inching along

    9/01: 179
    9/05: 177.5
    9/12: 177
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    2011-09-01: 148
    2011-09-06: 149
    2011-09-12: 149

    It was a busy, food-filled weekend: work golf tournament on Friday night with pizza, surprise 70th birthday party for my mother-in-law on Saturday, family turkey dinner on Sunday... With all that considered, I should simply be happy not to have gained.

    Bru, congrats on kicking @$$ at your 5k!! You're awesome!

    Jen, great work pushing yourself further under that 150 mark. I am still scarily close to it.

    Fran, great loss! All that biking is paying off! It's FRAN-tastic! :laugh:

    UConn, great working getting back to normal! Now keep it going for superstar status!

    55, don't worry, I still have a little more tug of war left in me... You've got this, that scale is in t-r-o-u-b-l-e!! As for waiting or not to try for the next baby... well, why don't you 'let go' of any expectations, and just see what happens. If you do get pregnant now, remember that you don't have to gain 40 pounds. If you keep eating healthy and exercising, you can just 'displace' current fat for baby weight, and hardly gain at all. I made it past 18 weeks without gaining any weight, even though my pants were fitting differently! A reasonable 15-25 weight gain would be recommended, if you already have a bit of extra weight to lose... (25-35 if you were already at your goal weight.)
  • mvkrayola
    mvkrayola Posts: 165 Member
    Ok I would like to take this challenge. Just the movtivation that can help me stay on track. I just start on Sept 3, 2011 and was sooo excited when I found MFP. One day perhaps I will not be so shy about sharing my weight. So for now this is what I can do.

    9/2/11: 0 lbs lost
    9/9/11: 4 lbs lost
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Another food-focused event: we took a co-worker out to lunch since he is leaving the department... I ordered a greek salad with a grilled chicken breast. And tomorrow night we've been invited for another big family dinner, since most of my hubby's out of town relatives (who were here for MIL's 70th bday bash) are leaving on Wed. Doing the best I can, but will be happier (and healthier) when these food-focused events diminish.

    I'm due for a run tonight, but it looks like it will be a late one, since the girls' highland dancing classes start tonight. One starts at 5:30 and the other at 6:30pm, so we're not done until 7:30pm. And 'during' classes, the other moms hang out at my place, since it's just across the street - and that's my 'social' time... And then it's bedtime routine... Oh crap - I just remembered that hubby mentioned he might be going out with his uncle tonight... Uh oh. I might need to ask an auntie or grammie to babysit if I want to go running outside... Otherwise, it's the 'dreadmill', and I'm afraid I'll quit sooner, because I can just get off at anytime, and don't have to get back home... Then of course, either way, I'll be a sweaty mess and I don't like showering at night, because I don't like sleeping with damp hair, and I don't normally use a blow dryer.

    Not that I'm trying to make excuses, but I just find it frustrating sometimes to try to fit everything in... I wish I had a Staples button for my life: "That was easy!".

    Ok, I've had my rant. Now I just need to make it happen. Suck it up, beeyatch.
  • scubagirl86
    scubagirl86 Posts: 19 Member
    09/02: 174
    09/9: 171
    09/16: Goal 169
    09/23: Goal 167
    09/30: Goal 165

    This would make my goal more than 5lbs but I am guessing 2lbs a week, or hoping lol.. I would be estatic if I can weigh in at 165 at the end of september. I feel like I slipped off track last week but I am going to work hard again this week. Just the feedback after dropping to 171 was awesome! Everyone from work was so encouraging. I cant wait to lose more. I just hope the inches start coming off soon.