Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    SW 140lb
    W1 139lb
    GW 135lb
  • blythep
    Great plan!!!
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Does anyone else have weigh-in day anxiety?
    I am nervous as to how this first weeks has gone
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    dmg - well done on the wins for your camping trip - you seemed to get a really good balance of enjoying your holiday without going overboard. Running before you went, having healthier options WITH treats. At the end of the day these are lifestyle changes so they have to be realistic ! I had a few too many glasses of wine on Saturday night at friends, and with that came the munchies, 4 cookies and some salted popcorn later uh-oh!! So on Sunday I went out for a 29 mile bike ride. Pretty much burnt it all off, but just showed me how much you have to do to burn off just a few treats!!

    For that reason I stayed off the scale this Monday. Having weighed myself the Monday before and the Thursday when I'd lost an extra pound in those 3 days, I was concerned that would then give me a gain on Monday and I don't want to be knocked off course at the moment, so am weighing myself on Saturday instead (no way I can wait another 6 days!!) for Mon 12th and then back to normal. Phew!!

    I'd be like you dmg, don't update the ticker cos you'll be right back there, if not better, by next week

    I've not left the house all day which is unheard of for me. I worked from home as I needed to get some documentation done for a project away from the distractions in the office of people mithering!! Then as the weather has been rubbish here I didn't go out this evening, I stayed in and did a few bits around the house. However, although this has been a relatively lazy day exercise wise I feel really pleased as I haven't gone over my calories. The old me would have eaten loads if I was in all day - but I stuck to what I'd eat pretty much if I was at the office , and a few more cups of tea to warm me up!! How English is that, but I'm definitely a tea drinker and not coffee.

    Off to bed now. Keep going everyone. We seem to have loads on board this month which is GREAT :-)
  • AmandaB4588
    Theresa--- whereabouts in Texas are you? Away from the fires, I hope. I am in Houston, and YES the sunshine sure is plentiful!

    UConn--- where are you going to school? How is 2L treating you? It is awesome that you are able to balance that with your weight loss journey; very inspirational for me! I am happy that taking time off was a good decision for you. I hope it is the right decision for me, too. It is absolutely the right thing for me in the short run, as I felt I was closing in on “padded cell crazy!” I guess I will find out about the long run in a few years! Thank you for your kind words, and keep up the hard work.

    Donna--- aha, here is the post about your runs! 45 minutes is amazing. So so so very cool to see! Cutting 40 mins down to 36 is freaking awesome, too! That is great! I am glad you are experiencing the runner’s high and have found an exercise you really love doing. As for YT, I did one more update but it was totally lame!! I maintained this past week (somehow, someway!) instead of gaining like I thought but was still bummed to make a video about it. The next one I make should be better since it is GOYA week, and I am definitely getting off of my *kitten*! I will link it to you when I make it!

    Fran--- Drinking tea is definitely very English of you! Haha! Great job sticking to your guns even though your routine was switched up a bit.

    GOYA week! Heading to the track for some C25K! Tomorrow, I am going to the gym for lifting, going bowling, and playing racquetball with some friends. It feels good to be moving again!
  • i'm in!!! :)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hi everyone Im glad to see how everyone is doing. I still haven't gone grocery shopping yet....I refuse lol cause I just don't have time and got a small check this week so we are sticking to the only thing that stays well stocked in my house lately cause its cheap and thats spaghetti, fettucini and goulaush.. also hubbys mom gave us tons of stuff we can make tacos out of so I think we are good on (UNHEALTHY) food for a week (hopefully two) I haven't even been grocery shopping in two weeks so this is sucking so bad that im considering getting another full time job! I would work a normal 9-5 office job five days a week if I got it and then my two doubles on the weekend! god im crazy but i need it because I need to save up for maternity leave and my babys school and to pay my sister for babysitting on the weekends.. sorry kind of a weird tangent there

    Well I did as good as I could expect in vegas and I have yet to see the resaults altho MFP says that the first morning I ate over 900 calories for breakfast and also walked off over 900 calories trying to find and decide on what to eat for that breakfast lol and I did a TON More walking than I logged and a ton more eating but im thinking I did ok untill the last night when I had 3 drinks 3 brownies and a hot dog... but I had to walk for an hour and a half to get to the party and we walked about that long or longer to get home so I may have broke even then too. Thats the good thing about vegas! TONS OF WALKING haha

    DMG Thank you! I will definately try my best its gonna be like a week till I get a batterie maybe longer and its driving me nuts but oh well what do ya do haha I guess ill just have to walk walk walk till im out of the damn 150s haha cause like you said iv gone the wrong way! lol.
    well off to my walk soon as I find my shoes
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Darn, I'm not supposed to gain a pound! And the week is yet young!
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Theresa--- whereabouts in Texas are you? Away from the fires, I hope. I am in Houston, and YES the sunshine sure is plentiful!

    I live in Dallas. We saw some smoke from East Texas fires yesterday, but no fires near us. We need rain though!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    It keeps me inspired and motivated to see that everyone is staying so accountable! The goods and the bads! So my turn to spill my goods and bads....

    I have been keeping up (mostly) with the INSANITY- week 1 but yesterday I OVER ATE for sure!

    But the plus side... I logged all of the calories--- which I normally would not do! Normally I would skip the calorie logging if I screwed up.

    Everyday is a new day. Going to my workout in and stay under my calories! Hope everyone is doing better than I am! I am hoping to make it up before the weigh in on Friday. (Weigh in is Friday right???)
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Went to the Lake of the Ozarks from Friday to Monday, was nice to be away from home but my eating was far from healthy. So I won't look at the scale til Fri, maybe not even til next week.. we'll see how I feel Fri morning.

    My HMT is going well, I'm still on track. Today is my 'other exercise' day so that means it's Zumba Tues! I've been looking into more races too. My next 5k is this Saturday, which marks my 1 yr of doing 5k's. Which makes 7 so far that I've completed/registered for. I'm looking into a 5k Sept 25th for pet owners, thinking about registering my brothers for it too. I'm also looking into a 10k an Oct 1st, and a Turkey Race Nov 19th which is a 15k (9.3mi).
    As for the next I'm actually registered for, it's Oct 15th which is my Warrior Dash.. can't wait!

    I don't run much of the 5k's right now, I alternate a lot with walking, but after my HMT, I WILL run a 5k straight! :bigsmile:

    My parents live at Lake of The Ozarks :) And yeah, the eating is rough. We visited at the beginning of July & I walked and swam all week long, I stayed under my calorie goal, and I still gained weight. How does that even happen? Lol! I seriously expected to be down 10 lbs when I got home :D
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Okay, so I've gotten off 6 of the 9 lbs I gained this weekend. Ugh! I so hope the rest comes off before Friday... and then a little more! I just can't believe I did that to myself! I could be working on my way to the 180's, but instead I'm working off my weekend binge. Did I mention how NOT WORTH IT that was?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Ok I thought it was going to be a week but I was going through my medicine cabinet and what do ya know, I found batteries!!!!

    First weigh in of september after an Agust ending weight of 160

    September SW: 163

    Good freaking hell lets go the right direction for once lol My goal this month is to be out of the 160s! I went for a walk last night and again this morning and I plan another walk tonight and we will see after that hopefully another walk tomorrow night as well and my son has asked if we can walk to school so I might just get some exercise in finally : )
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    I am down 2.2 so far (less than a week!!) but I am going to the Beer Gardens :drinker: tomorrow until Sunday,,,, Ill have to juggle beer and food to stay at my alotted calories....
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Great progress this week for me, can't quite believe it.. 2.5lb lost so far

    SW - 179.5
    CW - 177
    GW - 173.5
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sep 01: 191.4 lbs
    Sep 09:
    Sep 16:
    Sep 23:
    Sep 30:

    Wow - looks like I have a lot to catch up on! I'm hoping I can check in more often this month. I miss everyone.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow - so many new faces! I've been teetering in the high 180s to low 190s for MONTHS now. Like since April for sure...I think before that. But anyway - seriously? I'm SO tired of it. But I guess we all get into that darn plateau. My brother was even surprised with all the running I do. I mean in July alone I had a 5k, an 8k, a 7 mile race and I also ran between 7-8 miles every week training for it. So July alone I probably ran at least 50++miles! :noway:

    I am not signing up for any races this month. My friend Jen is doing a marathon the end of this month & has asked me to run the last 6.2 miles with her. :bigsmile: I am HONORED that she asked me! :drinker: So I will definitely be doing that. Other than that I have a 5K the end of October and that is all I have planned at this time. So any running I'm doing this month is just on my own.

    On Saturday my niece was in a parade, so instead of driving to it I decided to run....it was just about 4 or 5 miles. So why not, right? LOL I had to run alongside the freeway for about a mile, but no big deal. It was pretty cool! I'm proud of myself.

    As for all of you that are doing C25K - stick with it. You will be glad you did! I did it last summer and finished the beginning of October. Look at me now. Running crazy! :laugh: I NEVER ever was a runner & HATED it. Now - its what I do. :bigsmile:

    Well...I still have about half my lunch hour left, so I'm gonna head outside for a walk. See ya all later!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Theresa - it's funny what you wish for isn't it. It's gone cold here in England, but fires because it's so dry don't sound very good at all. Why can't we even out the difference, have a bit of rain and sun each.,...seems fair to me!!!

    My first weigh in since 1st will be on Saturday...and yes every week I face weigh-in anxiety. Even when you know you've been good cos it's awful when you do everything right and the results don't show on the scales...but Saturday it is, I've made a decision and will stick to it, and then next will be Mon 19th...eeeeeeek.

    Sounds tough for you 55 - current economic climate really doesn't help things does it :(
  • 4littlemonkeys
    Sept 1: 62.4 kg (137.5lb)
    Sept 8: 62.1kg (136.9lb)
    GW: 60kg (132.5lb)

    Only a small loss. but still a loss!! :smile: