Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • gracemleone
    I'm a little late but want to join..

    9/5: 132
    10/01 Goal: 127
  • apullins
    i'm late too, but count me in! just started and learning my way around. after "pigging out" (which i didn't think i did) after the holiday, i need to be held more accountable.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I`m in again :) starting weight is 183 sept 1st weight

    supper happy to say that I`m 181 this morning :) totaly thought I had a bad week last week also since I was ill on Wensday and missed my workout time a few days.

    2pounds down I will take :) Today is September 6th
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I want to do this too. What is your plan? Exercise more? Eat Less? I am lucky if I lose less than a pound a week normally.


    I do the exercise more its the eating less I struggle with!
  • nlowry09
    I'm in!
  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome everyone.

    For those who want to know what to do. This group is here to help and support. Sometimes we offer up eating or exercising challenges. Most the time we share our successes and failures and help keep each other going on this journey.

    I read yesterday that when you exercise in the sunshine your body produces more leptin which is a hormone that helps you control your appetite. So try to get out and run or walk today , if the sun is shining where you live.

    Have a great day!

  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member

    I read yesterday that when you exercise in the sunshine your body produces more leptin which is a hormone that helps you control your appetite. So try to get out and run or walk today , if the sun is shining where you live.

    Ahhhh if only. In England today and yesterday it has done nothing but rain, which doesn't help either motivation to exercise or appetite!! Luckily I got out for a long bike ride on Sunday when it was dry. Gym tomorrow, Zumba Thu, gym Friday (or bike to work depending on weather) and then major houseclean on Sunday - I reckon that will be quite a workout as my house really does need a thorough going over !!!

    I hope the sun is out for everyone else though - it helps all round I think. I want to eat more when I'm cold....so will need to find new ways around that as we head into Autumn

    Fran :)
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member

    I read yesterday that when you exercise in the sunshine your body produces more leptin which is a hormone that helps you control your appetite. So try to get out and run or walk today , if the sun is shining where you live.

    Ahhhh if only. In England today and yesterday it has done nothing but rain, which doesn't help either motivation to exercise or appetite!! Luckily I got out for a long bike ride on Sunday when it was dry. Gym tomorrow, Zumba Thu, gym Friday (or bike to work depending on weather) and then major houseclean on Sunday - I reckon that will be quite a workout as my house really does need a thorough going over !!!

    I hope the sun is out for everyone else though - it helps all round I think. I want to eat more when I'm cold....so will need to find new ways around that as we head into Autumn

    Fran :)

    Fran, we have plenty of sunshine in Texas! I would do anything to trade weather with you! We haven't had a good rain in months!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Arggg...I have been working out and eating under calories and was down four and then this morning I jump on scale...up 3??? What the heck?!? Anyway, just feel frustrated and tired of fighting with the scale. I will run later today, eat right, yadda yadda yadda and see what happens tomorrow.

    Frustration kicking in :(
  • missxlaur
    is it too late for me to join in this?? my starting weight is 177.6
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    2011-09-01: 148
    2011-09-06: 149

    Weekend away from home camping, so more carbs than usual, but stayed away from the alcohol. 1 step at a time! :wink:

    FYI - I'm not changing my ticker. I like being at the halfway point, and don't want to backtrack. I'm sure the extra pound will be gone in another day or two.
  • Irish2002
    Irish2002 Posts: 17 Member
    Friday I weighed in at 170.5 today I weighed in at 168. I hope I can keep up the good food and exercise for the rest of the month.
  • JudyCarp66
    I'm in -
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Rough week, ladies!

    Time for some honesty-- I have attended one class since school started 2 weeks ago. This week, I have been overeating everyday. I have not been exercising, and I have all out binged twice. Before this week, it had been months and months since I have done that.

    I am struggling! Ever had so much on your plate that you just didn't do ANY of it? That is where I am at. I am buckling, choking, whatever you want to call it. While focusing on my LSAT, I realize there is NO WAY I will get my score where I want it to be in a month so I am postponing my test. This will put law school off for an entire year, but it is a difference between going to a mediocre school with the possibility of some scholarship money and going to a top school with substantial scholarship money. I made the final decision last night. Despite feeling relieved of that burden, I binged big time.

    Today is a new day. I am starting it with nothing on my plate but 12 hours (less than I have ever taken any other semester) and improving my health. I feel good about it! My weigh in tomorrow probably won't be good but I am prepared for that.

    Sorry for unloading on you guys! It feels good to get it off my chest and to be around people who understand. I am sure a lot of you have done the emotional binging before and know how crummy it feels. Having a place to talk to about it--- healing!

    Wow, what a time of it you have been having. Well done on getting it off your chest - the thing with binge eating is the overwhelming desire to keep it a secret and to not even admit it to yourself let alone anyone else. I think it's very brave of you to open up and I reckon that;'s your first step back on track. You made a big decision and soon the stress will ease a little and you'll have time to plan, because it's when everything is hectic and you can't plan anything when things fall apart - well they certainly do for me anyway.

    Keep your chin up and keep posting here, there's plenty of people already in for this September challenge so that's loads of people to support each other.


    Thank you for the support, Fran! :flowerforyou:

    I am thankful that I have this as an outlet, otherwise I would absolutely keep it a secret! I am back at it, and this is "GOYA Week" (get off your *kitten*) week in the youtube competition I am in. This will be a good way to get me back on track. I will be doing A LOT of exercise this week! It always makes me feel better.

    Way to go! Get right back on track! I know I ABSOLUTELY mess up and get mad at myself. I can definitely relate to binge eating and keeping it a secret. And as far as Law School is concerned, you have time- it will always be there! I just finished my 1st year of Lawschool and I think taking 2 years after college to work before I came to school did me good. I am much more focused than I would have been had I come right to school after undergrad. Make sure you stick to that goal of 'focusing on you and your health' and it will all be worth the wait! Good luck!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Ahhh! I started off fine, but my weekend was a mess! I had a date night with my hubby on Friday, and I thought "I don't ever splurge, one night won't kill me"... well, that turned into Saturday spending the day out with family.. lots of exercise so I figured eating at a (really good) Mexican food restaraunt would be fine, then that went overboard. Then on Sunday I just gave up. I ate donuts for breakfast, fast food for lunch and steak for dinner. I'm a mess, and it's going to take me all week to work off the damage I did in 3 days. Ugh! It was SO not worth it!

    I've been there! I can totally relate. I have been spending the last few weeks on and off making excuses and letting 1 day of mess ups turn into a weekend of mess-ups! Summer is officially over so it gives you (and ME) a chance to get right on track! Its a new month! Lets reach our goals!
  • emj1978
    I'm in, I'm hoping to lose at least that! My current weight is 179.5, so I'll be shooting for at least 174.5 lbs by Sept. 30th:)
  • rockchick90
    im up for it!!! First full september weigh in on fri!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Went to the Lake of the Ozarks from Friday to Monday, was nice to be away from home but my eating was far from healthy. So I won't look at the scale til Fri, maybe not even til next week.. we'll see how I feel Fri morning.

    My HMT is going well, I'm still on track. Today is my 'other exercise' day so that means it's Zumba Tues! I've been looking into more races too. My next 5k is this Saturday, which marks my 1 yr of doing 5k's. Which makes 7 so far that I've completed/registered for. I'm looking into a 5k Sept 25th for pet owners, thinking about registering my brothers for it too. I'm also looking into a 10k an Oct 1st, and a Turkey Race Nov 19th which is a 15k (9.3mi).
    As for the next I'm actually registered for, it's Oct 15th which is my Warrior Dash.. can't wait!

    I don't run much of the 5k's right now, I alternate a lot with walking, but after my HMT, I WILL run a 5k straight! :bigsmile:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    As I mentioned, we went camping overnight on Saturday, and I was so proud of myself for packing a cooler of healthy snacks. I packed a chicken and veggie wrap which I ate in the car, then when the rest of my family stopped at DQ for lunch, I wasn't hungry. I also brought cucumber slices, a few cocktail tomatoes, baby carrots and strawberries, and supplemented any less than ideal choices such as cheeseburgers with veggies instead of fries, etc. When the chips came out at night, I ate an apple and a handful of chips, instead of half the bag!

    I've been keeping up with my running. Saturday morning, I went for a 45 min run BEFORE we left on vacation. Crazy for me, but I decided that running was more important than packing and that if we left an hour later, then too bad! I went out for another run last night, and pushed myself to run my longer distance faster. I took a 2 min walk break in the middle of it, and still ran my double loop in 36 min instead of my previous time of 40 min (and that was including the walking when my pace was obviously much slower!). I've been running a ~2.3 km loop around a potato farm (government land), so I do some runs as one loop at a faster pace, and others are twice around at a slower pace. I am going to need to add a 3rd loop soon - my 45 min run had me running all the way back home, past my house, and around the block! I am soooo loving running outside! I am finally 'getting it' - this whole runners high thing. In the past, I was always forcing myself to run (on the treadmill), but never liked it. Now I am loving it, and it's so convenient having the loop so close to my house!

    Amanda, just catching up on the old posts now... So sorry that you had such a rough week last week. It sounds like you have made a good decision re: LSAT. Now it's time to make up a more realistic schedule, such as a timed test once a month perhaps? I hope you will use your extra time wisely, and take care of yourself! Have you made any more youtube video updates?

    Lily, how is your C25k coming along? If you can imagine, I was struggling with Week 3 / Week 4 at the beginning of August. I suppose recovering from pneumonia had a lot to do with it, but I've truly seen huge improvements in my fitness level since I've gotten more consistent with my running.

    Jenn, although I did see 150 again briefly yesterday morning (weekend bloat!), I too will be very happy to never see it again!

    Grassette, congrats! "Consolidate" - are you doing the Dukan diet?

    Theresa, learn your lesson and move on. Don't beat yourself up about it. Make better choices today - drink more water, add a little more activity. Next time you are tempted to splurge, decide whether it really is worth it. Especially if one splurge leads to another! Lately, I've been trying to limit myself to one "cheat of the week"... Then I find it easier to pass on the other splurges, because I know I am saving up for something.

    gmw, don't you hate those stubborn spots? Try focusing on core work that involves twisting type motions.

    snowdays, if you're like me, you may need to go cold-turkey on the sugar. If I eat even a little, I go crazy for more. You can do it - you are stronger than the sugar! Let us know how you like C25k - there are a bunch of us on this thread that have done it / are doing it. It's really a great program - stick with it!

    55, use all this 'unweighing' time to your benefit - maybe you can sneak off a few pounds before getting started!

    Fran, maybe the tendency to eat more when cold is to rev up the metabolism... Have a cup of tea instead, it'll warm you up, but with a lot less calories!