September Challenge- closed group (sorry)

We will be weighing in on the 1st and stating our goals next to our challenge start weight (or measurements) depending on your chosen goal.


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    3500 cals burned/week
    Weights 3x/week
    3-4 lbs lost.

    Will update weights/measurments tomorrow
  • rockabyesarojane
    8-10 pound loss
    be jogging 3 miles without having to stop
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    8-10lb weight loss and 5mi w/o having to stop!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    OK, So i have apparently gained 4lbs since June. Damn! So much easier to gain then lose.... but Sept is all about the losing and getting back on track!!!!
    Current Weight: 186.4lbs
    Goal Weight by Nov.1: 176.4lbs-178.4lbs
    Running Goal by Nov. 1: Jog 5miles without having to stop.
    Current Measurements:

    Soon to be much smaller!!!!!!!!
    Ok, good luck to you all! Work hard! 1 month!!
  • rockabyesarojane
    alright! day one!!
    current weight: 154.0

    goal weight:
    * Oct 1. 146.0- 144.0

    fitness goals:
    *be jogging 3 miles w/o stopping
    *exercise EVERYDAY even if its just 15 minutes of yoga

    i like the idea of posting measurements too! i'll have to take mine later and post again!
  • curtish6789
    curtish6789 Posts: 14 Member
    September Challege Goals!!

    Lose 12 pounds in September!

    Current Weight: 282.0

    Goal Weight: 270.0

    I'll have to take my measurements and post later. Good luck to everyone!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    ok, its 11:00 and I am STARVING!!!! ugh!!!
  • rockabyesarojane
    i'm thinking that i'm going to try some calorie cycling action. i dont REALLY know how to do it. but i think i get the gist of it. I'm hoping that keeping my system from getting too used to anything will help me along.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I hope you aholes are happy. I just turned down cake.

    Starting weight: 134.
  • rockabyesarojane
    aww sorry merrill!!

    way to be strong though!

    okay just an FYI everyone. the first follow up weigh in will be on friday september 9th. and i will do my best to have the graph up by that monday at the latest.
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member

    SJ: Brads starting weight is 191lbs.
    I took his measurements on Sat but theyre at home...will let you know.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Well I am not off to a good start :(. But if I can burn 1000 cals/day for the next couple days, I can do it.
  • rockabyesarojane
    oh dear lord. i starved all weekend from working so much and having almost no time to eat and my body responded with anger. as in a 1 pound gain. i'm sure its just water weight but still. i dont like it one bit
  • rockabyesarojane
    alright gang! i have my charts set up ready to go when we update our weights on Friday!
    i decided to do individual charts for everyone.
  • jmastria
    OK, Merril invited me to join- I know I am a week late. Anyway, my goal is to work out 3 times/week and I am going to start month 2 of P90x on September 19 so then the goal will be 6 days/ week. Weight-wise, being realistic with so many weddings and stress at work this month, I would like to be at 157 by October so I basically just need to maintain until my life settles down. Reach goal is to lose 5 pounds this month by cutting calories and working out.
  • rockabyesarojane
    OK, Merril invited me to join- I know I am a week late. Anyway, my goal is to work out 3 times/week and I am going to start month 2 of P90x on September 19 so then the goal will be 6 days/ week. Weight-wise, being realistic with so many weddings and stress at work this month, I would like to be at 157 by October so I basically just need to maintain until my life settles down. Reach goal is to lose 5 pounds this month by cutting calories and working out.

    works for me. do you have a "starting weigh in" weight for last friday by chance? if not that's fine. just wondered. also. what's your name?
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Alright, so my fat *kitten* only lost .5 lbs this week.
    133.5 (which is still up 1.5 from the summer :( I'm hoping it's just due to me eating dinner at 11 last night, but who knows. )
    Hips: 37
    Lower Waist: 33
    Upper Waist: 28

    I did do my weights 3x this week and I did burn 3500 calories. So I met 2 out of 3 goals. Unless I had more goals. I forget. How did everyone else do today?
  • rockabyesarojane
    well like Merrill, i'm also down 0.5 pounds this week.
    i'm gonna say that it's because i'm lucky enough to be on shark week and hope that it's the truth.... we'll have to see.
    I'm still glad to be down though! cant wait to see how everyone else has done!
    i managed to do a little something everyday this week. even if it was just a short walk around the block so at least i'm keeping my goals in mind even while busy! i'll take small victories.

    oh right. so my weigh in for this week puts me at 153.5 -- not exactly off to a strong start but its a start none the less.
  • jmastria
    I am Jessalyn, I work with Merrill. Last week I weighed in at 157.8, but that is the low end of my normal range which goes up to 160 regularly. Today I weighed in at 158.9, which is not surprising and that is really my starting weight anyway.

    My back story just so you guys don't think I am random for joining up. I have always had weight issues even when I was a dancer and cheerleader as a kid. I had a breast reduction in 2008, and since then have lost a little over 20 pounds (over three years, I realize it's not much, but I have kept it off). I have also become much more active mostly because I can. I have about 20 or so pounds left to lose, and I would like for that NOT to take three years.

    I tried to have an accountability thread of emails with friends from home (COnnecticut) but we have stopped since they would tell me how they didn't work out and ate McDonald's and I decided it was doing more bad than good.

    So- Thanks for welcoming me!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome Jessalyn! Good luck to you!

    Ok, so for today my scale says 183.4lbs. I did it 3 times to it must be right. (yay!) I revised my calories and have been under my goal but i did not run this week or do my jackie warner weights. My honey is going out of town today through Sun so I think I'll have a better shot tonight and this weekend. (so like ya'll should harass me and get me off my *kitten*).

    SJ, is there a chart we're supposed to fill in or a ticker or something? Please advise Darling.

    Brad is at ....will update when he tells me.. he is packing.