September Challenge- closed group (sorry)



  • curtish6789
    curtish6789 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello all---this was a tough week, lots of temptations, I was pretty starving but I made it through.

    Weigh in for today: 278.2, down from 282.

    Total of 3.8 pounds!

    Best of luck to y'all.
  • rockabyesarojane

    SJ, is there a chart we're supposed to fill in or a ticker or something? Please advise Darling.

    Brad is at ....will update when he tells me.. he is packing.

    i have made little graphs in an excel document that i'm updating as i get results. but i just realized that i have no idea how to get that to show up on here. how does everyone feel about me setting up a group email to send off the updates each week so we can watch each others progress? or would you all like me to keep track and send the results at the end so you can see how you did?

    i dont know. suggestions?

    is everyone down with me emailing??
  • curtish6789
    curtish6789 Posts: 14 Member
    Group weekly email sounds good to me!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok, Brad is at 190 now... down 1lb! yay!

    Everyone is down!! Great job!!!

    Email is fine SJ... but hey u might be able to save ur spreadsheet as a jpeg and then just attach as a pic...try?
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Well after the 100lbs I gained this weekend, my goal is now to lose 104lbs. Ugh....but worth it :).
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Also, emails work for me. Whatever is easiest for you SJ.
  • rockabyesarojane
    okay. i was trying to save the excel doc in as anything else and i think that it just isnt cooperating or i'm dense. either is a distinct possibility so if curtis, brad, and jessalyn could just send me their email addresses that would be great. you can Private Message them to me. :)
  • curtish6789
    curtish6789 Posts: 14 Member
    Almost weigh in time, are you guys ready?
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Nope, I have been absolutely terrible this week--zero exercise and over cals pretty much every day. This month sucks for me, but if you guys want to do another one in Oct, I plan to rock Oct (with or without you all, but I always prefer with!). I refuse to turn 30 until I reach my goals, which gives me 2 months to get my sorry *kitten* in shape :)...or :(, I'm not sure yet.
  • curtish6789
    curtish6789 Posts: 14 Member
    Bad news---I've gained 2 pounds. But I have been really strict on myself and only thing ive done different is played tennis twice this week. So im hoping its muscle. anyway:

    Current weight 280.2 :(
    Previous weight 278.2

    Oh well, i won't dwell. I'm optimistic for the rest of the month and i'm only going to move forward and get it done.

  • rockabyesarojane

    Oh well, i won't dwell. I'm optimistic for the rest of the month and i'm only going to move forward and get it done.


    there ya go!!
  • rockabyesarojane
    i'm down 0.5 ib this week.

    boy the way the pounds are just melting off of me you'd hardly recognize me!
    wait. that's not true at all.

    stepping it up this week sick or not. i dont care.

    and Merrill i NEED to do this again in OCT to hold myself accountable!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    im at 180.6lbs today. yay! was more excited earlier but having a *kitten* day @ work.
    will let u know brads later.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    132 today. Down 1.5 (I think?). No exercise at all though. Ugh.
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    hiya, forgot to update you on brad. he is same as last week. 191lbs.
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
  • jmastria
    I was out of town for a wedding this weekend, so I am up but only .3 pounds - I am at 159.2. I could have done much more damage than that! However, 2 more weddings in the next three weeks means I need to be much more careful!
    I am really going to focus this week- Merrill can tell you how crazy work is, so October will definitely be better, but I am going to seriously go back to the gym immediately!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Aaaaand way up. 132.5 (ok like a lb up. but still, wrong direction damnit!)--several factors (work, being a girl and diabetes) have conspired to make this week or two about the worst ever, diet-wise. AND my jerk coworker ****-blocked me from my cheetos, so I was forced to compensate with about 4 mini brownies yesterday. So really, this is all her fault ;).

    As soon as work calms down, and I don't feel guilty for exercising when I should be working, I'll be better. Starting Tues (hopefully, but next fri at the latest) I will be way better. And Oct I am going to do awesome, I have decided! (I've basically written off Sept, and am already thinking ahead to my Oct goals). Like I said, I have to do amazing in Oct, cause I refuse to turn 30 until I reach my goals. So I either have to do amazing, or time has to stop for a bit till I catch up. And while I believe myself to be important enough that time stops for me, I think it might be easier if I just stop being a worthless slacker-cow, lol.

    Soooo.....yeah. There's that.
  • jmastria
    I am down finally!! My weigh in today was 156.8, which is out of my two pound normal fluctuation and is the least i have weighed since april and close to the lowest ever. SO, I did NOT have a donut when I got to work today because I MUST keep this up!!
    I was careful about what I ate all week (although I did have a few mini brownies- yes I am the jerk coworker who told Merrill she couldn't have Cheetos).
    I didn't work out, but I have been taking the stairs and walking the long way, or walking faster, as much as possible until I have time to work out (I am hoping to fit in a quick workout Saturday). But it's progress and I was happy to weigh in this morning.
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    179.2lbs!! wooo hooo!! down 1.2lbs or something. but the point is that im now in the 170's and wearing a solid size 12! woo hoo.

    and brad is down to 189.lbs today down from 191!