Continuing: What are foods that you hate?



  • jojogo1111
    I always think eating eggs is like eating an abortion. It would've been a chicken if it continued to develop...right?
  • jojogo1111
    #1 Dairy...anything made with dairy...ewww it has blood and pus...cow milk is for baby cows not humans
    # 2 Animal flesh....enough said
    #3 Eggs...seriously what are they...and who was the first person to decide to eat them?
    I always think eating an egg is like eating an abortion. It would've turned into a chicken if it continued to develop...right?
  • jojogo1111
    Butter is probably the thing i hate most..the taste and ohhh the smell.. cant handle
    I hate all Cheese except mozarealla.. mayo anything with dairy really.. except i will eat yogurt.
    hot dogs are just nasty..
    the smell of mac and cheese can make me puke....
    mushrooms are just nasty...
    i really dislike pees as well..
    You are so lucky you don't like cheese and mayo. Two of my major weaknesses!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I can't thing of any single food I *will not* eat. .. that's why I'm here.. lol ...

    BUT, I do prefer pulp-free juice, meat with little fat, and vegetables that haven't been cooked to death.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Olives yuck they look like little eyeball just looking at me.
    Greek yogurt by itself. it is fine if mixed with powdered dip mix or even in a smoothie but by itself yuck.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    -Pork, steak, gammon, beef, (but i can eat bacon, beef burgers and sausages! Strange huh?!)
    -salmon, sardines, pilchards (any minging oily fish)
    -avacado, squash, radish, mango, corguette, pears, green grapes, cherries (i like cherry yoghurt tho!), spinach.
    -mushrooms, prawns, horse radish, *kitten*, plaice, maynoise (has to be mixed with something - tuna),green beans, runner beans, corn on the cob, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, mint sauce, honey, parsnips, feta cheese, cheese with blue bits init (not sute what its called), tea (as in a cup of tea), broad beans, tomato soup, sweet n sour chicken, boiled onions (either have to be fried or raw), jelly, bread n butter pudding, black pudding, greek yoghurt, cous cous, cheese and onion pasties, lemon curd, marmalade, picalilli, chicken nuggets, new potatoes.
    -cereal = sugar puffs, shreddies, cheerios, rice crispies, cornflakes.
    -chocolate eclairs (as in the frozen ones!), perfitter roles, strawberry trifle, lemon merange.

    Goodness me its taken me like 10 mins to write all this out!! And i never realised how much food i dont like!!!! Its loooooads hahah!
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I have a problem with "smooshy" texture so I can't stomach cottage cheese, fruit on the bottom yogurt, pudding, grits or oatmeal.

    I've tried to eat oatmeal for the last year and I hated it so much I finally had to give up and realize it's never going to happen.

    I hate eating actual oranges or apples - oranges for the white membraney stuff and I dont' like biting into an apple.

    Also despise OJ with pulp - I always buy the stuff for kids with no pulp.

    I don't eat anything with gills - unless it's tuna in a can, or tuna sushi - which I have yet to figure out how I can eat that.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    celery, cauliflower, black licorice, balut (GOOGLE IT)
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    brussel sprouts
    pork meat (unless ham or bacon, all other pork has that yucky pork taste)
    sweet potatoes
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    macaroni and cheese, which is weird bc I LOVE pasta and cheese. Just HATE the two together.

    cottage cheese- texture is nasty. But, I will stick it in the food processor with cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla extract and make a pudding of it.

    Brussel sprouts... they are just very bitter to me.

    Oh, and I used to hate pancakes. I then got pregnant with #2 and started craving them. I'm still waiting for that taste aversion to show up again, but alas I eat pancakes now.
  • nicolemiller109
    Fish! I can't stand it! And I also don't like mushrooms, green olives or mayonnaise!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Wow, there are some long list out here. Everyone has very different tastes. As for me, hate wheetgrass, quinoa, raw cauliflower I have tried these and disgusting. The things I would never buy and try and think its gross to watch others eat are cockles, jellied eels, marmite, vegimite, sandwich spread.
  • Crystalchaos72
    Liver + eggplant+baked beans and rhubarb