Breakfast-Is a shake enough for you?



  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    If I have a shake for breakfast I add more than just the whey and liquid...I usually add a banana and peanut butter as well to get more calories. It lasts me until lunch
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I only have a shake for breakfast if I have big calorie plans for the rest of the day (like today I'm going out to lunch). I usually have 3 scrambled eggs and coffee for breakfast.
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    No breakfast is the best for me. I can control myself and eat like a king for lunch and dinner. 2 big 750 cal meals is all I need. 4 1/2 months and 60lbs lost. Can't argue with that. (

    But if you need a pick me up, Kashi cereal is great along with a shake to start the day.

    Thanks for the Kashi mention!
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    This is my favourite quote :bigsmile:

    I like this!
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I have 40g Porrige and 200ml Semi-Skimmed milk. I used to have it with water but was lacking in calories and dairy for the day! Sometimes I add fruit (1/2 a Banana or a Plum) or sometimes a tablespoon of mixed seeds. I am hungry by 10h30 so I eat a piece of fruit. Coupled with 1 litre of water I manage to get through to lunch time - anywhere between 12h30 and 13h00. I used to have Protein Shakes 2 years ago as a supplement when I started strength training, but my hunger was never satisfied! Hope this helps.

    Yes, I am needing to build my muscle fibers up, in order to burn more fat, but I am not satisfied.
    Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    I can't drink a meal and stay satisfied for any length of time. A protein shake is a snack for me after I work out so I don't eat dessert :-D
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I have a hard time eating breakfast in the mornings. Makes me feel physically ill. Even a shake can be too much some times, but I choke it down because I need to. Just add some strawberries and 1/2 banana to it. It should fill you up for a few hours.

    Great suggestion, if I could make it through until 9 or 10 then I could eat a snack.
    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    If I have a shake for breakfast I add more than just the whey and liquid...I usually add a banana and peanut butter as well to get more calories. It lasts me until lunch

    A banana and peanut butter sound like a great combination!
    I'll give it a try next week!
  • JamesPridgen
    I believe the optimal choice would be a combination of both. Eat a small sensible breakfast with a half of a shake. Your body has gone several hours with out food or nutrition during the hours you were sleep, therefore using whey protein in your first meal is a good idea due to its fast absorption rate ( which we all know is whey's main purpose). If you choose to do just a shake, I would eat about an hour or so again afterwards. I think shakes should be used as a meal replacement or if you r trying to squeeze isome extra grams of protein into your day, don't get me wrong, I use them. As a matter of a fact I use them three to four times a day, depending on schedule and or exercise. But I think you would be fine either way, you just have to train your body and mind to get use to doing it how yo want to do it.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I only have a shake for breakfast if I have big calorie plans for the rest of the day (like today I'm going out to lunch). I usually have 3 scrambled eggs and coffee for breakfast.

    Great idea!
    Trying to build up my muscle mass so I can burn more fat, down to the last 10 pounds...It's hard!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I drink a shake everyday. Have been for almost 2 years now.

    I drink herbalife. 1 scoop of protein, 1 scoop of fiber, 1 scoop of the shake mix! Keeps me going until 10am then I eat a yogurt and I'm good until lunch.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I love a shake for breakfast...I make it with protein powder, skim milk and a frozen banana. It is frosty and creamy and delish. It is especially good before a run. I ran yesterday and am out of bananas so I ate a protein bar instead and that didn't go down as well. I eat after a run too.
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I can't drink a meal and stay satisfied for any length of time. A protein shake is a snack for me after I work out so I don't eat dessert :-D

    That's a great idea, but since I work out after 7, I can't do that, at least not on the nights I have school!
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I drink a shake everyday. Have been for almost 2 years now.

    I drink herbalife. 1 scoop of protein, 1 scoop of fiber, 1 scoop of the shake mix! Keeps me going until 10am then I eat a yogurt and I'm good until lunch.

    I love it!
    It's like you are giving me permission to only last until snack time, I think I may be able to do that with a banana! if I could follow up with a greek yogurt that would be great!
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I love a shake for breakfast...I make it with protein powder, skim milk and a frozen banana. It is frosty and creamy and delish. It is especially good before a run. I ran yesterday and am out of bananas so I ate a protein bar instead and that didn't go down as well. I eat after a run too.

    Thanks for the input! Everyone seems to use the banana, I think I'll give it a try next week!
    Thank you!
  • JamesPridgen
    Also, you might want to change your protien source, Body fortress is better good for just getting the job done, but there are some other that just taste way way way better. Syntha 6 and optimium ptainum whey ( you have to get the platinium the other tast like crap) both taste extremely well. I'd go as far to to say the best I've ever tasted. They are both a little pricey but I get them for a reasonalbe price on Give it some thought!!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    I have tried shakes for brekkie as well - was not good!

    Eat a bigger breakfast, and a tad bit smaller lunch and a smaller dinner is what I do :) x

    Diddo. That seems to work for me as well.
    More power to those who can drink those shakes and make it till lunch but I am not one of those people
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Bahaha, no. If I had a shake for breakfast I'd be eating lunch at 9AM.

    The delicious breakfast I am literally currently eating.
    -bagel thin
    -two fried eggs
    -two slices turkey bacon
    Total calories: 350, and worth every single one.
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I believe the optimal choice would be a combination of both. Eat a small sensible breakfast with a half of a shake. Your body has gone several hours with out food or nutrition during the hours you were sleep, therefore using whey protein in your first meal is a good idea due to its fast absorption rate ( which we all know is whey's main purpose). If you choose to do just a shake, I would eat about an hour or so again afterwards. I think shakes should be used as a meal replacement or if you r trying to squeeze isome extra grams of protein into your day, don't get me wrong, I use them. As a matter of a fact I use them three to four times a day, depending on schedule and or exercise. But I think you would be fine either way, you just have to train your body and mind to get use to doing it how yo want to do it.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Thanks James!
    I guess I just needed to know that I don't have to survive on a shake alone all morning. My ultimate reason for using a shake is too help build up my muscle mass, so you have answered my question very thoroughly! Thank you!
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I have tried shakes for brekkie as well - was not good!

    Eat a bigger breakfast, and a tad bit smaller lunch and a smaller dinner is what I do :) x

    Diddo. That seems to work for me as well.
    More power to those who can drink those shakes and make it till lunch but I am not one of those people

    So glad to know I am not alone!