You are more fit, are you attracted to "fit people" more so



  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I don't think its solely about looks...rather I have a total appreciation and respect for females who obviously are on a healthier path and dedicated to a healthier lifestyle and improving fitness. This is obvious not just by physical appearances, but by their lifestyle habits, eating habits, energy levels and outgoingness, some personality, etc. (the looks is just part of the outward perks of the whole package). Its tough to get on the healthy lifestyle path and its tougher to maintain that course long term...kudos to those that are champions of it! Hope to get there too.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I agree, the more educated I become about fitness and proper diet the more I am able to appreciate different parts of a woman's body and understand how hard that it is for her to acheive that phisique. I have always been attracted to slim women but now I feel more attracted to an athletic type with just a bit of muscle definition that it takes work to get to not just someone with great genetics.

    I love this. I love that you recognize how HARD it is to eat healthy, work out, and stay slim and shapely. THANK YOU. I just needed to hear that ONE guy out there recognizes how hard this is.

    As for me, I like to be around like-minded people for the simple fact that it makes eating healthy and exercising easier. My SO encourages me to do these things because he wants me to be healthy. Not skinny...healthy.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I've always been more attracted to a man that makes me laugh than a man that makes me wet. BUT, my boyfriend is quite good looking and reasonbly fit (more fit and good looking than my ex, or most any guys I dated before), and since spending more time taking care of ME, I am more attracted to people (in general) that are fit. I mean, I definitely have a thing for muscular guys now, regardless of what their personality is like (not that it matters, really, because the boyfriend is the total package)... But I still look!!

    And same goes for friends - I like spending time with people that share the same interest in taking care of themselves and being active. Didn't always care, but now I do.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    No I've always been pretty superficial.
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    No I've always been pretty superficial.

    So True!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Yeah. Unfortunatly, I think this very thing played a very big hand in my recent break up with my girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend). We're both very obese, and unhealthy. And then earlier this year I decided that I was done being like this so I started getting in shape (well, better shape, still working on it...) And she not only had no interest in her own health, but did little to support me in my efforts. We got memberships together, but she never wanted to go. After a while, many of her unhealthy habits started to bother me. Her excessive soda drinking, her laziness, the food that she and her sister would prepare, and towards the very end of our relationship I became a lot less sexually attracted to her. I'm not sure if this is a result of what I'm attracted to changing, or if maybe (as my sister in laws says) I'm raising my standards, but yeah... me being healthy, and her not played a huge role in our eventual end.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    As far as attractiveness, I think that has stayed about the same. But what is different now is how I look at people. Formerly, I would see fit people and either think something like, "oh they're lucky", or "oh that can never be me". But now that I know what it takes to achieve and maintain a level of fitness, I have a new respect. So whereas in the past I had no way to relate to "fit people", now I do. I'm finally in their club, and I like it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Not necessarily, but Ive found Im now looking for a guy who I can share my interest for fitness with. He dosent have to be fit, but be interested in fitness and in training. But I do have a thing for big biceps, cant be a guy who has thin arms, like being with a boy.
    How about these tri's!
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Yep I couldn't agree more. When I met my husband he was so in shape, 10 years later not so much. I think it is a major problem in our relationship, nothing to get divorced over obviously but I would love it if he had the passion and drive that I do about exercise and fitness. I believe it would just add to the relationship.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I think I've always been attracted to the same thing, but now that I am more fit I find I have more in common with other endurance athletes and I hang out with more triathletes and runners now.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member

    Yes, for two reasons.

    One, I know how hard it is to get and stay physically fit, so I have massive respect and appreciation for men who dedicate themselves to it.

    Two, I am much more comfortable with my sexuality now that I actually see myself as a sexually desirable person, so I no longer shy away from my more primal, atavistic reactions to seeing a muscular, attractive man. I used to try really hard to put those thoughts out of my head. Now I try really hard to stop myself from saying "DAMN" out loud.

    This is me, for sure. (Except for women, obviously)

    However, when I voice my primal reactions, thats called obscene. When a girl does it its sexy. Go figure ;)
  • iamrobyn
    iamrobyn Posts: 85
    I would love to find someone to date who also enjoys going to the gym. I see a lot of couples working out and I think thats cool. Where he is in his fitness process wouldn't matter much to me (says the girl who still is in the starting phase).
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Nah, I've always been judgmental, it wasn't just something that happened with weightloss ;-)

  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    My superficial side got to me yesterday as I was admiring a personal trainer... His arms, his back, his traps........ then I realized... oh yea I'm sitting in the probation and parole office (waiting for my ex to get done) FAIL..... bahahaha, I mean sure he's probably a nice guy and all... but I can't seem to find a single one without a record lately :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    Lol, I like it that my husbands starts to get ripped as A&F model :)) But I loved him even when he had little bit beer belly situation going on
  • BellySoonGone
    I have always liked guys who are over 6 foot and slender/athletic. mmm 6ft 3 and 190 or less is ideal! lol

    6'3" under 190 = skinny dudes with no *kitten* - LOL
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Yes. Once I started to care more about my fitness, I found I had more in common with people who care about theirs as well.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I've never been attracted to men for their looks, no matter what my fitness level. Sure, a fit guy makes a good wall poster, but o does a ferari, doesn't mean I'd want one. Feraris are so low to the ground they can rarely get over speed bumps, wide so they can't really go down alleys, forget 4 wheel drive, so going to my parent in the winter is out of the question...They look nice, give you bragging rights and go fast...but even that, where in England could I max the speed out? I'd have to pay for laptime! And they're greedy fuel guzzling hogs whos value starts decreasing the moment you get one. Fit men are just the same, different words that's all. Sure I like a guy who takes care of himself, but my fiancé has 100lbs on me, maybe more actually, but I know without a doubt that I'm the centre of his world. Not some diet or fitness plan.

    I've been there, dated a football player (Not anything major like man U or anything, but still very much into his fitness), and the guy bored me to death. I'd rather have my old reliable Toyota Hi-Lux than a flash Ferari....And for those not familier with the Hi-Lux...Top gear drowned it in the sea, attacked it with a wrecking ball, set it on fire and then parked it ontop of a high rise set of flats and blew it up...still drives! No replacement parts.

    My man is not asthetic, he's not fit, he's not got muscles, but he'll stand the test of time. He's my hi-lux and that's what attracts me.

    Oh and yes, I am well aware that I can turn any conversation towards cars. It's a talent.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    What is with this stereotype that fit and ripped guys are boring and jerks?? I've met plenty of obese boring jerks..... I've seen it multiple times on this site from the ladies and I don't get it. I never associate them being ripped with being an *kitten* hole, if they are an *kitten* they are going to be an *kitten* regardless of what their body looks like.... I think that's a bit unfair to the guys!!!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Nah, I'm still attracted to losers!! :laugh:

    But seriously, I'm not turned off by guys that eat McDonalds. I've never eaten it so it makes no difference to me. I tend to do the influencing in terms of food anyhow, and I cook healthy. And I wouldnt expect him to do P90X or turbofire with me.......but he might want to when I rave about it :bigsmile:

    There are more important things to worry about :bigsmile: So basically, my list of desireables has not changed.