"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!
Lol, everyone is asking at work if I hurt myself working out and when I tell them it's because I slipped and fell, they have a look like "WTF"? Really? Sucks when you get injured just doing normal stuff.
You've got to make up stories!
I've claimed to have been hit by a bus, and been injured in a skydiving accident. (Yes, skydiving, @robertw486 ! LOL)
I also once claimed that my quadriplegic family member was in a giant power wheelchair due to "an Irish dancing incident back in the '80's".
Have some fun with it!0 -
@ninerbuff my fingers are crossed on your knee!!!! Keep us posted!
Cardio: 5 min rowing machine as part of my warmup this morning and 10 min bike after weights.
Strength: 30 min calisthenics warmup including pushups, goblet squats, planks, prone jumping jacks on bosu ball, good mornings, back extensions, situps and side to sides w/10 lb ball, lat arm raise and rowing machine. 60 min weight lifting including bench press <2X6 65 lb warmup, 3X5 w/75 lbs and 1X5 w/80lbs>, Squats<2X6 w/65 lbs (warmup), 2X5 w/95lbs and 2X5w/115 lbs>, bent over row 5X5 w/75 lbs, 3X8 single arm bench row w/40 lbs, 3X10 seated bicep curls w/15/15 lbs, 2X10 glute master w/40 , 3X10 inner thigh w/90 lbs and 3X12 crunch machine w/100. 10 min bike.
Assessment: Looking good calorie and macro wise and hoping to nail it this week! I'm looking forward to a normal week and weekend!
Stay strong everyone..............and no more injuries!0 -
Cardio: 30 minutes (5.11 miles) on recumbent bike. Got in about 2700 steps. Not even going to attempt to meet my 5500 goal today (for the first time in forever). Have to be able to function for the next few days and can't afford to have a fibro flare or anything else go wrong till at least Saturday.
Foodwise I'm doing great, just over 1200 calories for the day. Proud of myself for not letting today's stress make me turn to food for comfort.
I'm tired and going to bed.0 -
Happy Tuesday!
Treadmill sprints 10 sets 1 min @ 14.0 kmph 2 min. @ 6.0 kmph
Barbell Front squat @ 125 lbs 6x3
Parallel grip pull-ups 5x6
Cable triceps pull down @ 30 lbs 4x10
Cable triceps extension @ 40 lbs 3x10
1 arm Cable triceps pull down underhand grip @ 20 lbs. 2x10
3 sets:
Trx plank 30 sec.
Side plank on ball 30 sec/side
Static 1 leg Trx hip raise 30 sec/side
Assessment: eggs, turkey bacon with sweet potato & greens for dinner.0 -
Lol, everyone is asking at work if I hurt myself working out and when I tell them it's because I slipped and fell, they have a look like "WTF"? Really? Sucks when you get injured just doing normal stuff.
You've got to make up stories!
I've claimed to have been hit by a bus, and been injured in a skydiving accident. (Yes, skydiving, @robertw486 ! LOL)
I also once claimed that my quadriplegic family member was in a giant power wheelchair due to "an Irish dancing incident back in the '80's".
Have some fun with it!
I could say it was from an MMA match.
0 -
HHD All,
Strength: Body Beast Bulk Arms, and Beast Abs done this morning, increasing the weight slowly but surely
Cardio: none scheduled
Nutrition: Was low on protein, fat and calories altogether. need to plan better.0 -
Cardio- not today folks
Strength- squat 10,10,8,5,2,2
Deadlift- 10, 7, 6x1
Bench- 10,7,5,3,3,2,1,1,1
Hanging Leg Raise- 2x25
Assessment- Was super lazy last night and had a frozen pizza so went over my target calories by 300.
And ninerbuff, I like the MMA match story.0 -
Hey gang
I like myself unconditionally!
Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Rainy day which usually means lots of people at the gym.
Cardio: boxing- 45 min (400 calories)
Strength: shoulder- military presses, side laterals, bent over rear laterals, front laterals. 4x12,10,8,6
Assessment: Steak last night.0 -
I won't be participating, except maybe once a week, on my newsfeed any longer but will still be logging food and exercise every day and working on my goals this year. I will also still be commenting and checking in here consistently. This group is more valuable to me right now with some of the time constraints I'm facing early this year.
Cardio: 40 min walk/run, mostly walk but I'll be working back up to mostly run over the next month or two. It felt good to run again and I'm not much of a runner.......LOL
Strength: None today, back to the gym in the morning.
Assessment: So far so good this week calorie wise. My fitbit told me to eat more carbs and less fat so I'm going to try that for awhile.
Happy Hump Day!!!
0 -
Lol, everyone is asking at work if I hurt myself working out and when I tell them it's because I slipped and fell, they have a look like "WTF"? Really? Sucks when you get injured just doing normal stuff.
You've got to make up stories!
I've claimed to have been hit by a bus, and been injured in a skydiving accident. (Yes, skydiving, @robertw486 ! LOL)
I also once claimed that my quadriplegic family member was in a giant power wheelchair due to "an Irish dancing incident back in the '80's".
Have some fun with it!Lol, everyone is asking at work if I hurt myself working out and when I tell them it's because I slipped and fell, they have a look like "WTF"? Really? Sucks when you get injured just doing normal stuff.
You've got to make up stories!
I've claimed to have been hit by a bus, and been injured in a skydiving accident. (Yes, skydiving, @robertw486 ! LOL)
I also once claimed that my quadriplegic family member was in a giant power wheelchair due to "an Irish dancing incident back in the '80's".
Have some fun with it!
I could say it was from an MMA match.
Yesterday was supposed to be a break day for me, but I got in a little cardio laughing at both of these posts!0 -
@robertw486 I'm glad to help you burn a calorie or two!
Cardio: Walked all 5500 steps today, a mile of them in the c-c-cold outside. The brisk fresh air felt good!
Strength: 15-minute Beginner Weight Training with 3 lb dumbbells
Food: I ate so many delicious foods today. I don't understand how I came in at just over 1300 calories. No complaints here! Packed up enough good food for lunch and dinner tomorrow, so I don't have to buy garbage at the hospital cafeteria. It's going to be a long day there.
Depending on how I feel in the early morning, I will or won't go to the gym for some bike time.0 -
Happy Wednesday!
Practice makes perfect, bring on more many, many more roundhouse kicks.
Krav Maga class tonight. We practiced roundhouse kicks, I feel like a baby hippo trying to complete a figure 8 drill... One day I'll get the hang of these.
Strength/conditioning today
Barbell Shoulder press (power) @45 lbs 5x5
Conditioning circuit 5 rounds:
Double 12 kg kettlebell clean 5 reps
Single 12 kg KB clock lunge
Jump lunge 10 reps
Double 12 kg KB swing 10 reps
1 arm 12 kg KB row 5 reps/side
1 arm 12 kg KB chest press with hip thrust on ball 5 reps/side
Supine lower ab curl & crunch on ball 10 reps
L-sit 1 leg on ground 20 sec.
Dead bug 10 reps
Assessment: calories & macros on track. Halibut steak & Greek salad for dinner.0 -
Happy Wednesday, all!!
Monday was a rest day. Tuesday, I was lazy, so:
Cardio: 5 mile run, mostly easy pace with 1 mile at tempo. Skipped the strength training to get my missed run in, instead. Have two races in a week and a half, so the running is more important.
Food: on target all week.0 -
Strength: None... did something to my arm and thought it better to rest. My story will be that I was in an MMA match with @ninerbuff , and was then attacked by a cougar on the way to the car.
Cardio: 37 minutes, 4 calculated miles, 563 calculated calories on the elliptical
Assessment: Must have pulled something in my arm eating fairly well!0 -
Strength-body beast bulk shoulders: lateral raise 3 sets, Arnold press 4 sets (drop set), upright row progressive set of 5, alt front raises and plate twist 3 sets of each, reverse fly progressive set of 5, superman stretch 10 reps x2, and plank twist 30 sec x 2.
Cardio- was too sick from all the Christmas candy that I ate at work today to get on my stationary bike.
Assessment- less candy and more cardio. Almost at GW and hope to be able to up the weights more once I'm eating more.0 -
Good morning folks!
Cardio- 15 minutes treadmill ~3.5mph & 9.0 incline average
Strength- Squat 10,10,7,5,4,2,2 Bench-10,7,5,4,3,3,2,1 Wide grip lat pulldown & widegrip cable row 3x10 each
Assessment- under calories by ~200 hit on protein low on carbs/fat. that's ok, went over day before.
Hope your arm feels better soon robert! I like the story.0 -
Good Morning All,
Welcome @fiddletime good to see a fellow beasttete join
@robertw486 nice story! so nice of you to let the cougar walk away in one piece!
Strength: Bulk shoulders, did all that fiddletime did, increasing the weight on my medium weight and for all sets in reverse fly
Cardio: walking all the way down to the basement and then up, after the workout was done
Nutrition: I have not been making up any of my macros this week, and eating under my calorie limit, not intentionally, I feel it's effecting my strength, have to work on raising my calories0 -
Hey gang
I like myself unconditionally!
Happy Thursday!!! 4 clients this morning, then 3 this evening. Knee is slowly feeling better, but still discomfort. Expect that for at least another week or so.
Cardio: boxing- 45 min (300 calories)
Strength: arms- barbell curl, preacher curl, close grip bench, lying tricep extensions. 4x12,10,8,6
Assessment: Taco Bell last night.0 -
Looks like we're all having a great week!!!
Cardio: 3.25 mile walk/run with the dog on the bike path again. Planned on going to the gym but it rained so hard last night that the streets were flooded this morning and so I waited and went for a walk instead once the roads here cleared. Gym tomorrow! A little more running than yesterday............trying to get back into the groove!
Strength: Zip
Assessment: Still haven't really increased my calories but will by next week. I need to be in the 1750 range and right now I'm still around 1600 which isn't enough for my goals. Working on it!0 -
Shoot. Forgot to star this thread and forgot about it after vacation. This is the 3rd workout since being back.
Cardio: none
531 Cycle 7, week 1
235x9 (5+) <--so wanted 10 but wasn't happening. Still 9 reps at 235 is a rep pr for me
185x7 <-- had nothing left
125xF <- big fail. Barely got the last 2 reps on set 4. Set 5 was not happening today.
T-bar rows
Assessment: A lot weaker today. Chalking it up to first week back in the gym for almost 2 weeks and getting used to the higher weight. Had to be saved on the attempted 10 rep at 235. Luckily there was someone in there to help out, otherwise would have been the roll of shame...lol
3000 cals a day has been awesome but I've got to closely monitor my weight as there has been a slight downward trend. If it continues, time to add an extra 100 cals for a couple weeks and see if that starts bumping my weight back up.0 -
Awesome work piperdown!
235x9! I can't wait for 235x1. lol
0 -
Happy Thursday! Welcome @fiddletime
@robertw486 I heard that you lifted the tiger up, spun it in circles by its tail then it walked drunkenly away fearfully of the He-man that tackled it!
Cardio: 2.5 mile jog easy pace
Barbell military press 6x3 65 lbs
Barbell front squat 5x5 115 lbs
Pull-ups 5 x 20 -
@fiddletime , it's nice to see you here!
Cardio: almost 5700 steps. Managed to get my 1+ mile walk in today, in hospital corridors, while mom was in surgery.
Strength: nothing
Food/calories: Under my goal. My weight loss has stalled for several days. Not sure why, but I keep reading about people eating more to get the weight loss restarted. I may try that if things don't change in a few more days. I'm eating 1200-1400 now. Any advice on that?
(I'm doing 101% of the amount of cardio and strength I can handle every day)0 -
Mmmmmm seems we have an amazing bunch of strength training story tellers here! WTG peeps!0
Hey everyone!
Strength: body beast bulk chest: incline fly reps 15,12,8- 8/12/15#, incline press drop set reps 15,12,8,8- 10/15/20/15#, force set chest press with rotation 5 reps x 20 # (had to drop to 15#). Progressive set incline press- reps 15,12,8,8,12,15-weight 12#/15/20 (failed)/15/10/8#
Combo set close grip press to fly 3 sets reps- 15,12,8 @ 10/12/15#
Decline push up 3 sets reps- 15,12,8
Cobra to airplane 1x10
Russian twist- 30 sec w/10#
Cardio- 1 hour stationary bike 13 miles varying resistance- 320 cal
Food/calories- under.
0 -
Happy Thursday!
Hmmm, there needs to be some sort of cardio story in here. Ahem: I ran faster than a speeding train once, briefly (actual true story, depending on how one defines "speeding" train).
Cardio: 6 mile run, mix of easy, race pace, and tempo. 65 minutes.
Food: on target.
0 -
Late Happy Thursday everyone. Glad the thread is busy!
I had to do a whole lotta late in the day eating today!
Strength: none, giving the arm another day or two to be safe
Cardio: some pace work on the elliptical, just over 6 miles, 855 calories, 1 hour
Assessment: On track with food, made a slight adjustment to my intake goals.0 -
Good Morning and Happy Friday people!
@brandiuntz WOW!!!!! i saw the dust and was wondering what the heck! didn't know you were racing the train!!!!!
Rest day today, how boring is THAT???? so, I got nothing to report!
Oh, except, I purchased a new workout program, it's called Hammer and Chisel, will be delivered this weekend. can't wait! I will be adding it here and there to this round of Body Beast that I'm currently doing. so excited!
Nutrition: protein intake was decent enough, but fat too low, Carb? that's the only one I should try to keep it from creeping up!0
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