"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! 3 clients this morning and then 4 tonight. Not much to do today. 9ers play tonight though! Go 9ers!!!!

    Cardio: walk/jog- 30 minutes (250 calories)

    Strength: arms- barbell curl, preacher curl, close grip bench, lying tricep extensions. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Taco Bell last night.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Cardio: 30 min walk

    Strength: none- rest day

    Assessment: Shoulder feeling great after yesterday's workout, neutral grip lat pulldowns worked really well. DH's homemade chili for dinner.
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    Cardio: 25min cycling HIIT

    - Lateral pulldowns (2x20)
    - Barbell bent over rows (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Seated cable rows (3x12)
    - Close grip pulldowns (3x12)

    Assesment: Chipotle chicken lettuce boats with mango salsa tonight.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Cardio: 20 min walk, 20 min run

    Strength: seated leg press (3x10), seated row (3x10, light weight), hyperextensions (3x10)

    Assessment: Ready for the weekend! Gaming event will mean largely sedentary, but I will still try to hit steps each day. Tacos for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW!!! 4 clients this morning then the rest of the day off! DD plays with the high school band tonight and DW gets home from DC trip. 9ers lost last night, but it was a very entertaining game and I had Carlos Hyde doing well for my FFL team.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: legs- leg press, ATG squats, leg extensions, lying leg curls, seated leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts. 4 x12,10,8, 6

    Assessment: Ribs last night.
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    Cardio: 25min incline walk

    - Pec deck (2x20)
    - Incline dumbbell bench press (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Seated dumbbell bench press (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Lying tricep extensions (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Standing cable pressdowns (3x12)

    Assesment: confused about the different between Standing Cable Pressdown and Close Grip Pulldown, so gonna reaearch more.

    Turkey meatballs, mushrooms, broccoli, tomato sauce for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! 4 clients this morning. DD played well last night at the football game. I hope we don't have to move because she really wants to go to highschool here.

    Cardio: walking- 30 min (150 calories)

    Strength: core- crunches, leg lifts

    Assessment: Chik Fil A last night.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Zeuggma wrote: »
    Cardio: 25min incline walk

    - Pec deck (2x20)
    - Incline dumbbell bench press (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Seated dumbbell bench press (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Lying tricep extensions (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Standing cable pressdowns (3x12)

    Assesment: confused about the different between Standing Cable Pressdown and Close Grip Pulldown, so gonna reaearch more.

    Turkey meatballs, mushrooms, broccoli, tomato sauce for dinner.
    A pressdown works the triceps. A pulldown works the lower lats.

  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    Cardio: 25min run (9:13 pace)

    - Standing dumbbell curls (2x20)
    - Standing barbell curls (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Seated alternate dumbbell curls (3x12)
    - Hammer curls (2x12)
    - Wrist curls (4x20)
    - Roman chair sit up (4x12)

    Assesment: First time htting the gym 5days in a row. Body is working hard but feeling good.

    Chicken taco bowl for dinner.
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Zeuggma wrote: »
    Cardio: 25min incline walk

    - Pec deck (2x20)
    - Incline dumbbell bench press (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Seated dumbbell bench press (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Lying tricep extensions (1x20; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Standing cable pressdowns (3x12)

    Assesment: confused about the different between Standing Cable Pressdown and Close Grip Pulldown, so gonna reaearch more.

    Turkey meatballs, mushrooms, broccoli, tomato sauce for dinner.
    A pressdown works the triceps. A pulldown works the lower lats.

    Thanks! I forgot the difference between machines/motions between the two this week, and had a feeling something was wrong.
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    Cardio: 25 min jog + 15min walk

    Strength: pushups, sit ups, squats (3x20)

    Assesment: supposed to be an active test but the body-resistance strength felt good.

    Sesame shrimp and spinach for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 4 clients this morning then 5 this evening. Won 3 out of 4 FFL leagues this weekend, but got eliminated in a survivor pool.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 30 minutes (200 calories)

    Strength: shoulders- front shoulder press, rear cable laterals, side cable laterals, shrugs. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Got a lot done this weekend, but eating wasn't my greatest.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 4 clients this morning then 3 this evening! Did well on all my FFL teams this week!

    Cardio: jog/walk- 30 minutes (250 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, machine flat bench, cable crossovers, dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Taco salad last night.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Hey folks-

    Cardio: walking

    : none

    Assessment: I have been sick the last couple days, will be back in the gym tomorrow; light pressing exercises will be added slowly as I test out my shoulder.
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    Cardio: 45min UrbanKick class (cardio kickboxing + HIIT intervals)

    - Leg extension (2x20)
    - Seated leg press (1x20; 1x15; 2x12)
    - Barbell squat (1x20; 1x12; 2x10)
    - Lying leg curls (1x20; 1x15; 1x12; 1x10; 1x8)
    - Standing calf raises (4x20)
    - Crunches (4x20)

    Assesment: extra squats during urbankick were rough.

    Turkey burger and green beans tonight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 5 tonight. Working on trimming trees to meet city ordinance. Snore.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 30 minutes (250 calories)

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, dumbell pullovers. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and vegetables.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Cardio: 20 min walk, 20 min run

    Strength: RDL (1x7), lat pulldown (3x10, lighter weight), dumbbell OHP (3x10, lightest weight possible), crunches (3x10)

    Assessment: Shoulder okay, will see how the day progresses. Felt blah coming back from being sick, but that's to be expected. Pot roast with green beans and potatoes for dinner (I <3 slow cooker weather)
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    Cardio: 25min incline walk

    - Lateral pulldowns (2x20)
    - Barbell bent over rows (1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10)
    - Seated cable rows (3x12)
    - Close grip pulldowns (3x12)

    Assesment: Correctly performed the close grip pulldowns as opposed to the standing cable rows. Definitely felt the difference.

    Stuffed peppers for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! 3 clients this morning and then 4 tonight. New client today. And boxing tonight.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 30 minutes (250 calories)

    Strength: arms- barbell curl, preacher curl, close grip bench, lying tricep extensions. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: In and Out last night.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    edited September 2017
    Cardio: 30 min walk

    Strength: none- rest day.

    Assessment: Feeling extra drained today, still recovering from being sick, maybe pushed myself a little too hard yesterday. I have a big trip next week so maybe just keep it overall pretty light leading into a walking intensive trip. Leftovers for dinner.