Breastfeeding & cloth diapering mamas!



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I was a cloth diapered baby. I was allergic to the dyes in disposables. I still have to use dye free detergent. I can remember the little rubber bloomers I wore over them. The elastic irritated my chubby little legs.

    I did not nurse, however. My mom was in the air force and worked a hectic schedule. I can remember chewing on those plastic nipples on my bottle. I never was into pacifiers. I preferred to just let my bottle hang from my mouth. Usually, it was empty. Or it was filled with water. The doctor suggested filling it with water b/c I was getting very chubby from the constant drinking milk. I never went anywhere without my bottle.

    Now, it's simply filled with vodka.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I use green mountain diapers' prefolds and thirsties are my favorite covers. I also have 3 BumGenius pocket diapers that I used when people other than DH or I changed her like at the church nursery.

    I wanted the GMD prefolds initally, but they seemed more expensive so we settled with unbleached indian PFs from Little Lions website or something like that.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Don't know if you know but has a HUGE BF/CD community. Might find a lot of support and info there. Don't get me wrong, pretty sure there are a lot of women here who do BF/CD but you might find more success there.

    Oh been there, but work blocked me. Yes, I know I should be WORKING anyway. :) I miss those ladies.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    My son is 2.5 and stopped breastfeeding about 4 months ago, but is still cloth diapered. My 6 year-old was exclusively breastfed and cloth diapered as well with the exception of one unfortunate road trip where we bought disposables. Yeah. We call that the blow-out trip. lol

    We have used the same Motherease one-size diapers and airflow covers for both children, and I recommend cloth diapering to pretty much anyone who mentions diapers. Annoying but true.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    My son is 2.5 and stopped breastfeeding about 4 months ago, but is still cloth diapered. My 6 year-old was exclusively breastfed and cloth diapered as well with the exception of one unfortunate road trip where we bought disposables. Yeah. We call that the blow-out trip. lol

    We have used the same Motherease one-size diapers and airflow covers for both children, and I recommend cloth diapering to pretty much anyone who mentions diapers. Annoying but true.

    I feel like a broken record talking about cloth to all of my mama friends, but I'm simply that passionate about it too!! LMAO @ the blowout trip. When DD was 3mo old we went on vacation that included 5 hours in a plane and 2 hours in the car. We used the biodegradable GroVia inserts with the cloth shells. They were okay, but still annoying. I would recommend those as a disposable before any other disposable.
  • rachel1496
    Our stash has a little bit of everything in it, bamboo fitteds and fleece soakers or longies for night, prefolds and covers for when we're out, pockets for when my husband does the diapering...

    We're going on vacation in October and I talked my mom into renting a house instead of hotel rooms just so that I would have the washer and dryer available. :)
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    My youngest son will be 23mths old tomorrow and i bf him from the time he was born till 18mths old and started cd'ing at 4mths old! I also use his cd on my 4yr whos still wets the bed. my stash consist of. bg 4.0s,rumparoozs,happy heinys and fuzzi bunz! Been using disposables the past week becuz of the hurricane and hes had an upset stomack:( I also babywear as u can tell from my profile pic..its a beco butterfly 2(aiden)!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Aw, my youngest is ten now. But I miss cloth diapers and breastfeeding so I clicked on this thread. :laugh:
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    I breastfeed my 13month old and cloth nappy her! we used one life nappys for the first few months but they werent absorbant enough for our pee monster!

    We now use tots bots bamboozles and the one life wraps as they are BOMBPROOF!

    We do use a disposable at night but they are the non chemcal recycled ones, so just paper mulch etc unbleached i think....cloth just wasnt absorbant enough over night no matter how much we boosted and as Ellie suffers from exema patches in the nappy area, we couldnt leave her that wet for that long :(

    I love the softness of cloth nappy compared to the crinkly paper sound of disp and i love love LOVE our bf cuddles! its so lovely! its the only time she sits still for one!

  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    My youngest son will be 23mths old tomorrow and i bf him from the time he was born till 18mths old and started cd'ing at 4mths old! I also use his cd on my 4yr whos still wets the bed. my stash consist of. bg 4.0s,rumparoozs,happy heinys and fuzzi bunz! Been using disposables the past week becuz of the hurricane and hes had an upset stomack:( I also babywear as u can tell from my profile pic..its a beco butterfly 2(aiden)!

    I hope you and your family are doing okay after the hurricane!! I babywear too. Used a Mobi while DD was ittybitty and now we love our Ergobaby Performance carrier.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Our stash has a little bit of everything in it, bamboo fitteds and fleece soakers or longies for night, prefolds and covers for when we're out, pockets for when my husband does the diapering...

    We're going on vacation in October and I talked my mom into renting a house instead of hotel rooms just so that I would have the washer and dryer available. :)

    Smart thinking! We just got back from vacation, but went to my parent's house so the w/d wasn't an issue. Just made sure I packed the Rockin' Green and wool dryer balls!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Aw, my youngest is ten now. But I miss cloth diapers and breastfeeding so I clicked on this thread. :laugh:

    See we all flock together even when the LOs are grown!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I breastfeed my 13month old and cloth nappy her! we used one life nappys for the first few months but they werent absorbant enough for our pee monster!

    We now use tots bots bamboozles and the one life wraps as they are BOMBPROOF!

    We do use a disposable at night but they are the non chemcal recycled ones, so just paper mulch etc unbleached i think....cloth just wasnt absorbant enough over night no matter how much we boosted and as Ellie suffers from exema patches in the nappy area, we couldnt leave her that wet for that long :(

    I love the softness of cloth nappy compared to the crinkly paper sound of disp and i love love LOVE our bf cuddles! its so lovely! its the only time she sits still for one!


    Ellie! My DD is Elizabeth, but we call her Ellie 90% of the time. Have you tried Stay Dry boosters? GroVia carries them and they are used as an extra absorbent layer, but also wick the moisture away from baby! We use those at night if she didn't have a wet diaper prior to bedtime, so if she does pee she won't feel wet.
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    My youngest son will be 23mths old tomorrow and i bf him from the time he was born till 18mths old and started cd'ing at 4mths old! I also use his cd on my 4yr whos still wets the bed. my stash consist of. bg 4.0s,rumparoozs,happy heinys and fuzzi bunz! Been using disposables the past week becuz of the hurricane and hes had an upset stomack:( I also babywear as u can tell from my profile pic..its a beco butterfly 2(aiden)!

    I hope you and your family are doing okay after the hurricane!! I babywear too. Used a Mobi while DD was ittybitty and now we love our Ergobaby Performance carrier.

    Were doing good..was out of power for maybe 2 days and only small branches fell from the trees around me. I wanna try the performance but my only friend that owns one lives across the country:( Cant wait to do the Great Cloth Diaper Change again next yr..we went to Diaper Junction this yr in va beach,va since its just 15mins away from my house:)
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    Ellie! My DD is Elizabeth, but we call her Ellie 90% of the time. Have you tried Stay Dry boosters? GroVia carries them and they are used as an extra absorbent layer, but also wick the moisture away from baby! We use those at night if she didn't have a wet diaper prior to bedtime, so if she does pee she won't feel wet.

    ah! mine is an Eleanor....I have never heard of Grovia!!! are they US only or in the UK too? We were using tots bots fluffles and booster, with two x triple layer bamboo boosters AND a silk or fleece liner ans she was still waking up with raw patches... :(
  • DancinSMartiPants
    Ellie! My DD is Elizabeth, but we call her Ellie 90% of the time. Have you tried Stay Dry boosters? GroVia carries them and they are used as an extra absorbent layer, but also wick the moisture away from baby! We use those at night if she didn't have a wet diaper prior to bedtime, so if she does pee she won't feel wet.

    ah! mine is an Eleanor....I have never heard of Grovia!!! are they US only or in the UK too? We were using tots bots fluffles and booster, with two x triple layer bamboo boosters AND a silk or fleece liner ans she was still waking up with raw patches... :(

    Are you sure it's the diaper? We had the same problem with my daughter for a few weeks and subsequently realized it was because she wasn't metabolizing lactose properly. Switching her to soy and lactose reduced milk cured her right up!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I breatfed #1 for over two years, and am still breastfeeding #2, and she is now 2.
    I CDed both kidlets. My main love is motherease dipes with airflows, as another mama mentioned.

  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I breastfed my son until my daughter was born (he was 18 months old) and weaned himself when she was born. Made me so sad....sniff sniff
    I've been nursing her and have no plans on stopping until she is ready...

    I LOVE cloth diapers and use the BumGenius ones..LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!! I think people would CD more if they knew how easy it is! And is there really anything cuter than a cloth-diapered little booty?? This mama thinks not! :)
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    Yes it was, i had already cut out dairy, egg, soy, gluten and wheat as she was reacting to them when she was about 4-7 months old vomiting etc so i had to cut it out whilst breasfeeding her at that time, she is fine with it all now.

    The doctor (who happily is pro-cloth) has put it down to the dampness and her sensitive patches. We use weleda;s calendula cream as a barrier but its just something wwe have to keep an eye on..
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm an ex breast feeder :) My youngest is now 20 months. She self weaned (no attempt from me as I was a bit gutted it was so early) at 17 months. She occasionally 'asks' in the same ways she did before so obviously still remembers.
    I also have used cloth nappies successfully but will be honest that I gave up as didn't have the money to extend my collection so toddler and limited nappies didn't mix.

    Well done to you all - must say there is a great community on Birth centre too I learnt about Hypno Birthing on there and had a wonderful home birth because of it.