What are you looking forward to about losing weight?



  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    I'm most looking forward to being able to walk into a clothing store and picking out whatever I want and not having to look at the back of the rack or the bottom shelf for the largest sizes. I also would like to wear shorts, I live in So Cal and it's boiling here in the summer but I always have capri's or jeans on.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Getting rid of my gunt
    Not being winded walking up a few flights of stairs
    Seeing my collarbone again
    Shopping at any store in the mall
    Getting professional family photos taken
  • jamie117100
    I am looking forward to not automatically looking for large and x-large sizes, size 14s and size 16s at the store.

    I am looking forward to not grumbling because the only clothing left on the rack are sizes 8 and less.

    I am looking forward to having a tiny waist and looking sexy in lingerie, not like a large cow busting through a teddy.

    I am looking forward not having a rub burn in between my legs from constant rubbing when I walk.

    I am looking forward to wearing tank tops and sleeveless shirts and not feeling as if I should hide my arms.

    I am looking forward to stepping on the scale and reading 100 instead of my current weight.

    I am looking forward to feeling sexy and attractive and having my husband melt from my new hot bod.

    I am looking forward to being healthy, energetic, confident, and proud of my success. :bigsmile:
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    I am looking forward to feeling like I can put on anything and look great! And I am also looking forward to going wedding dress shopping!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    So many things!

    1) Wedding Dress Shopping
    2) Bikini!
    3) Denim shorts/skirts
    4) My thighs not to rub together and hurt when walking in a skirt
    5) To be smaller or the same size as my sister
    6) My fiance to be proud of my for loosing the weight
    7) To go and see my Aunty and Uncle and to prove to them that I can look good
    8) To prove to myself that I can be happy with the way i look

    ok to quite a few...lol
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    I'm looking forward to most of the things mentioned in the previous threads, especially

    1) being able to see my collarbone
    2) shop in a regular sized clothing store
    3) share clothes with my sisters (who are both smaller sizes than me)
    4) having a gap in between my legs
    5) being able to wear a clincher belt and not have rolls of fat hanging off it
    6) not having to 'work angles' also known as 'hide behind someone else to avoid looking like an elephant' when taking photographs!

    and so many more!
  • vizamy
    vizamy Posts: 60 Member
    Also, the day I stop feeling guilty everytime I ride because my poor horse is hauling around 60 extra pounds. She's not a young girl anymore. It may sound strange, but she's one of my prime motivations for losing weight.

    Very much agree with this. Although mine is quite a young girl (also have oldies). But ... losing weight will give me better balance as well, instead of being top-heavy. Be better on my horse. And be much healthier for me overall.

    I'm looking forward to seeing photos of myself and not cringing. Especially on my horse - hard to hide things when riding.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    my wedding next July! i'm starting dress shopping this month and I am hoping with the weight I've lost already i'll be able to find my perfect dress and then be in my ultimate goal weight by next spring to be ready for the wedding :)

    fitting into more clothes, not having to buy clothes bc nothing fits, but rather bc everything fits and i want a nice big wardrobe :)

    being a healthy person for the rest of my life!

    being comfortable on the beach in a bikini
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Getting into clothes I loved before I piled on the pounds.
    Not feeling fat and horrible any more.
  • davidtapley
    I cant wait to fit into my thong!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    1. To get off some of the medication I'm taking now.
    2. To show my doctor that I don't NEED her $550 12-week weight loss plan.
    3. To show my mother that I am disciplined in and of myself; I don't need to borrow motivation.
    4. To inspire my boyfriend to lose weight and be healthy.

    I'm not losing for looks (although it will be a benefit and when I reach my main goal I may decide to go further). I'm doing it for my BMI.

    My boyfriend likes me "big" because he is "big" so I'm only aiming for the veeeeery tippy-top of the healthy weight range for my height. I'm hoping that when he sees my change, he will want to change, too. (He is partially disabled and so can't do normal cardio exercises which has contributed to his weight.)

    Plus, when we get married whenever that is...he will be in MY kitchen and be forced to eat what I cook for him. Mwahaha!

    So....I'm looking forward to all of that!
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Actually feeling good and not embarrassed while wearing a swimming suit.
    Wearing all the skinny clothes that taunt me in my closet and hopefully even bypassing those.
    Being able to buy and wear CUTE stuff instead of whatever I can fit into.