Swat Walking Group - September - New Members welcome!

The SWaT Walking Group is starting their September challenge and celebrating its one-year anniversary. Yay Us! ! This is a great group if you’re looking for friends and support and new members are always welcome.

Congratulations to all of you that met your October goal! That shows awesome dedication and you have much to be proud of. For those of you that didn’t make your September goal (including me), the fact that you are still here and working is a victory too. We are all going to have our ups and downs and not giving up when your down is half the battle.

The Swat group originally started out as a walking group but we’ve kind of evolved into a very open, free-style support group. Some of us walk, some do strength training and some of us mix it up. Everyone has different schedules and is at varying levels on their weight loss journey so you set your own goals. The only one you are competing against is yourself.

If you’d like to join us just introduce yourself and / or post your goals for the month and you are set. We all just check in as often as we can, daily, weekly, whatever works for you.

If anyone would like a ticker check out www.tickerfactory.com and I think there are some others too.

:flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread Sandy! My goal will be 800 exercise minutes again this month which shall include hot yoga, walking, volleyball, step aerobics, biking, and weights.

    How do you start a new thread? If it's no big deal I could do October.:flowerforyou:

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Thanks Jenny, That would be great! I think we need some fresh thoughts when we start. It's real easy. You just go to the message board Home Page and then go into the Motivation and Support board. At the top of the page you will see a button that says New Topic. Then you enter the Topic and post just like you would a reply to any other thread! Then I just post a link on the old thread so everyone can find it. I can help out if you have any problem when the time comes, but I'm sure you'll do just fine. :happy:
  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne and I will join you for September. I am on my 3rd week here at MFP and have lost 7lbs so far. I used to work out quite regularly, but have slacked off in the last couple of years. I just went back to work full-time after being a work-at-home mom and I am taking advantage of my lunch hours to get some walking in. My goal is to walk or bike ride 4 hours a week each week in September. Looking forward to getting to know you better!
  • Lesliet05
    Welcome Suzanne, :flowerforyou:

    well keeping my goal at 50 miles this month also and this month I will make it.
    And a bigger goal for Sept is not to get hurt :bigsmile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: Be back later (or tomorrow!)

    Happy September!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Welcome Suzanne! We've had a lot of new members in the past month so it's great to get to know some new people.

    Today I have a football game to attend and the heat is in the 90's with over 70% humidity here in MN. Ugh! So I won't get any exercise in today other than shopping for school supplies after school!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Sick Grandson today, heat in the 90s.
    Think I'll workout now!
    Thanks for starting the thread Sandy!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I've going to stick to my same goal as last month too. I've just changed it from hours to minutes. Maybe it will be easier to keep up with that way. I started the month off today with the Jenny Ford workout. I plan to get back to doing some of the walk away the pounds workouts too. I also want to set a secondary goal for myself this month to get back to logging my food on a regular basis. I've let myself get way to slack lately. I'd like to log everything on the weekdays at least, even if I take a break on the weekends.

    Hopefully September will be a better month for me! :smile:

    Glad to see everyone back!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I spent the morning working in my yard and garden. Just need to get the bark/mulch now but that will have to wait for a car (I am not about to bring bags of bark home on my bike! LOL!)

    Relaxing a bit right now and plan on finishing some jewelry pieces later.

    It is feeling like fall here right now but temps are supposed to get quite warm this weekend and into next week.

    I have a couple of new workouts that I got from Exercise TV for participating in some surveys that I hope to try out this weekend. One is another Chris Freytag walking workout and the other is a conditioning workout by Paul Vincent. I don't know much about him or his workouts so I hope it is something I can do or at least adapt.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Brisk 45 minute walk today with a friend and shopping at half priced books and The Goodwill for our book club reads. Nice walk at the farmer's market today too but didn't count those minutes, too slow of pace!

  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    Hello! My name is Simone. I'm going to be 38 soon. I have 5 boys Trent 17, Ty 15, twins Peyton and Eli 5 and Lennox 2 on Thursday. I have been married to my dh, Chad, since January 16th, 1997 and we have been together since January 16th, 1992. Both days were also Thursdays!

    I was in a Christmas Challenge, but the woman who started it deleted her account so I have been looking for a group that looks like something that I feel comfortable joining. My goals are to walk 125 miles this month, do strength training 3 times a week and lose 10 pounds. I've walked 8 miles so far! I'm going to make a new ticker as that one is obsolete!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Simone, Welcome to the group! We sometimes get a little slack about posting on the weekends but I assure you that we are all still around. We're glad you've joined us. :flowerforyou:

    I meant to get in a workout today but ended up doing some much needed yard work before we get hit with the rain that is coming our way. I'll have to make mysellf get a good one in tomorrow.

    Sounds like everyone else is moving right along! I hope you all enjoy your labor day tomorrow. I'm going to try and keep it fun but mostly healthy. :laugh:
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone.

    Glad to join in for September. Sandy, I couldn't believe when you said this was the one year anniversary of the group. Where did the time (and hopefully for all of us, the pounds!) go? Last September, I walked 23 miles. After the first of the year, I was setting my goal at 60 miles, going off of the two miles per day for "heart health" as Leslie Sansone notes in her walks for the American Heart Association. :wink: My goal is to get my 14 miles per week done early so that I can add some strength training workouts.

    Jenny, I hope you had some good finds at Half Price Books! I love going there, too. For the Labor Day weekend, they were offering an additional 20% off here in Phoenix (not sure if it was at all locations).

    Welcome, Suzanne and Simone. And, congratulations on your seven pound weight loss, Suzanne! :drinker:

    Hope everyone is enjoying the Labor Day weekend with good friends, good times, and healthy eating and walking. :bigsmile:

  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. Thanks for the welcomes! Weekends are always tougher for me to stay on track, but I did take my daughter to a family festival yesterday and walked around there for over 2 hours. I counted it as an hour since we did some stopping along the way. I have a brisk 3 mile walk planned with a friend for this afternoon. I've lost a total of 9lbs now and that is such a motivator to me. However, we did have company this weekend so it was tougher to stay strong, but I think I did pretty well overall.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I hope everyone enjoyed the labor day holiday. It was a rainy, lazy day here. One of those days where you just don't want to do anything, :yawn: but I did get off my butt for a little while and managed the WATP 4 mile punch up your walk. I still enjoy that one. I"m going to try and mix it up a bit more and not do the same workout over and over.

    I was slack in the food area though, I made bbq ribs in the crock pot. :noway: So easy and perfect since it was too rainy for the grill. I did try to keep my portions in check.

    At least it will be a short work week. YAY! Everyone keep up the good work!
  • Lesliet05
    getting off to a slow start this month. 4 miles today
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, all!

    I'm still here--been walking and/or other exercise most days. Still struggling with wanting junky food in the evening but I am getting a handle on that!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Slow start for me this month too! I have some kind of stomach bug that started on the weekend. Upset stomach, fatigue and body aches...Hate when I feel like this.

    So cheers to all of you who are active and doing well. I'll get there when I'm feeling better!

  • Lesliet05
    got 3 miles in this morning
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm still here too, just had some personal things going on. Hopefully I'll be back on track by the weekend.