Swat Walking Group - September - New Members welcome!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did Leslie's Cardio Slimdown on exercisetv.tv yesterday morning. Nice quick workout--perfect for before work. I think I'll see what other quick workouts they have, too!

    I plan to take my grandson out for a walk this evening. It's been nice and there's no reason to hang around the house with nothing that I want to do (notice I did NOT say there's nothing to do--just nothing that I WANT to do!:laugh: )

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I am doing two miles a day this week and working my way out of this slump. Lymes is retreating, it has been ordered to leave!
    Frosty morning here second day. Have been hauling all the potted plants in for the night and back out after warm up. Hopefully they will be ok tonite.

    Arranging my exercise area for fall and winter, onset of inside workouts Hope we have a long fall!

    Off to work, Alice
  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Well, I started the week on a roll, but that has not continued. I haven't walked since Tuesday. That's part shingles and part busyness. I plan to do some hiking and walking this weekend. I am not making my exercise goal, but I'm not giving up either! :-)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've been trying some new workout routines this week (as well as walking) and found a 3 month workout plan that I am going to try to incorporate into my routine. I only have about a month of work left and I want to be sure I have a better routine going by then!

    I also tried a hip hop dance workout that was on exercisetv.tv. A lot of fun but I don't think I would EVER do that in public! LOL! What a sight I must have been! I think I'll do it again today.

    Keep going, everyone. It's better to try than to just give up!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Back from my weekend up north. Some good hikes in the woods and walking everywhere we went. My feet need a rest! Hope you all had a nice weekend!

  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Got an hour walk in yesterday at a relatively slow pace. I canceled my hike for today due to shingles pain. Hoping to walk most (if not all) days this week!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Fellow Walkers.

    I'm envious of the fall weather Alice and Jenny have shared; it's still triple digits here in Phoenix (although the evenings are cooling down to the low 90s, so the end is in sight!).

    Kathy, good for you for trying the hip-hop dance for your exercise. I saw another ad for Zumba and wonder if I'll ever have the speed and coordination to try it! I also saw your countdown for Fringe -- it is one of my favorite shows, too. Can't wait to see what happened to Peter.

    Suzanne, sorry to hear you're dealing with shingles. I hope it clears up soon.

    Sandy, so sorry to hear about your parent's car accident, but glad to hear they are going to be okay. It's good that you are close by to help out. I'm sorry to hear about your sister getting laid off, too. My sister's company closed down and she was with them for almost 30 years. She still hasn't found work, and the depression is really getting to her. She takes odd jobs here and there, but because they are all part time or temp work, she hasn't had health insurance.

    As I shared in my last post, I overindulged that week (curses to having that conference at a five-star resort -- and, of course, my lack of willpower), and I paid for it with a three pound weight gain (YIKES!). I had reset my goals from losing two pounds per week to losing a half a pound per week. Shame on me. I took advantage of the extra calories alloted, but didn't balance it with exercise. In fact, it wasn't until yesterday (and again today) that I was under my calorie allotment. Yesterday, I reset my goal back to the two pounds per week and will take the extra calories through eating back exercise calories. Here's hoping I can get back to steady losses.

    Good luck to everyone with your health goals! Have a great week!

  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Got a 50 min walk in today!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    :laugh: I'm finally back. It's been a rough week just dealing with everything and I think I just needed a break. My parents are recovering but there is just so much to deal with, insurance, rental car, doctors, etc. I'm really going to give it a good try and get back on track this week. My husband left for TX today and will be gone for 2 weeks so I should have plenty of time to get my exercise routine rolling again. I did the Jenny ford tonite to get me going again.

    Thank you all for the concern and well wishes about my parents and sister. It was a shock and I know so many people are dealing with lay-offs, and sub prime work. I've been there myself and still not back to where I once was.

    I'm so glad to see everyone hanging in there. Keep up the good work and kick me if I start whining again!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, all. I've been walking every day but just don't have a lot of time to come here as I have a number of projects that I am working in--some jewelry for a fund-raiser and also for gifts and some political activities that I am getting involved with. I do try to read the posts every day, though!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everybody! :happy:

    I did the 3-mile WATP Walk your belly flat today. Feels good to be moving again.
  • scrapperchick
    scrapperchick Posts: 13 Member
    I am having a hard time getting into my new routine since I am no longer working. I am hoping to start walking tonight. The weather is beautiful!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Hi still here! I had my first Step 'n Tone class last night which combines step aerobics, squats, weights, abs, and yoga stretches so far. Hard but felt good to be working out and having someone to motivate me.

    Busy weeks this fall so not doing so well on logging and consistent exercise. I need to schedule time I guess.

    Hope you are all well and enjoying the fall.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    It has been really nice here. I've been taking Isaac out on his 'leash' most days for a walk around the neighborhood, which is a lot of fun. He is fascinated by the weirdest things! He also has no fear (which is why I have to use the 'leash") and wants to meet everybody and everything we come across!
    Not a lot of exercise as we stop a lot, but it is good for the soul.

    I have also been walking with Leslie in the mornings and doing core exercises every other day, following the schedule set by the ACE Kickstart Workout Plan. I'm on Week 1 Day 5.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    So, where is everyone?

    I had a really good day yesterday and have already weeded my front yard this morning.

    I plan to get a walk in later but now need to start on a baby gift I am making for a friend at work.

    Hope you all are going well!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    I'm here just busy with football games and shopping for new shoes.

    I'm not much support on this thread this fall. Not doing what I need to be doing for my health and not able to cheer any one else on.

    Sandy-don't think I'm the right person to start the new thread since I'm not on track right now.

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Yes, we have seemed to slow down, with posts and members. Let's stay strong and support each other as we head into the holiday months (October, November, and December). I've read that from Halloween through the new year can be the biggest weight gain period. I used to log on mid-week and weekends, but lately have just been doing the weekend. I'll set my goal to post twice a week in October.

    On a good note, I did a 5K for Phoenix Children's Hospital yesterday. With the interval jogging that are in some of the Leslie Sansone walks, I actually did three intervals. Boy, were my legs sore today! It sure is different to walk in front of the TV and then to walk on terrain with slopes and such.

    Have a good week, everyone. The month is winding down, so don't forget your goal by Friday.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Got a lot of walking in over the weekend, though no 'formal' workouts.

    I don't know how much I'll be able to be here in October as I am helping to arrange an event or two here in the Olympia area (they are political in nature so I don't think I can talk about them here.)

    I do pop I when I can, though and I am still walking!

    AZChatterB--Good for you for doing the 5k! The Phoenix Children's Hospital is a great cause!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello all, sorry to be missing so much lately. Buggerey health issues and just a busy life. I will be on here more I promise. I will be here! Walked non stop all weekend, working at at pumpkin farm. Will start back on the scheduled walks today.

    2 miles with Leslie!
  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Hi All,

    I really have enjoyed chatting with you all this month, but it seems that the exercise challenge is having a negative effect on my weight loss efforts. I am nowhere near meeting my goal so I am starting to get down about it and tending to binge more because in my head "if I can't work out, I might as well just keep on eating like I have been." Which makes ZERO sense! I lost 9 lbs in my first 3 weeks here on MFP. Then Sept came and I joined two challenges and my weight loss has completely stalled. As odd as this sounds, I think I was doing better on my own, just being accountable to myself to make the best choices in each moment. For the first two weeks I didn't even tell my husband what I was doing. I just put my head down and worked hard. Now that more people are involved, I'm feeling more pressure and somehow that is setting me up for failure.

    Anyway, you are such a nice group and I really wish I was at a different place in my life where I could take advantage of the support. I have two small children and I work two jobs and I just have to walk any little time that I can without putting a whole lot of pressure on myself. Best of luck to you!