HCG...what do you think?!



  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    If you havent lost weight eating nothing already I dont think trying HCG will help. Not being hungry is a sign of an already slowed metabolism. When I first started I couldnt eat breakfast either....but slowly I added a little until now, I cant live without it. It may be a challenge for you to eat 1200 cals a day but weight loss is always challenging. Wouldnt you rather actually eat and do it the healthy way? Plus exercise is good for you...there are many you can do that are easy on your joints. You dont have to wait to lose weight to exercise.
  • AlwaysSarah87
    I've done the HCG diet, and honestly it works really well, a pound a day just like they said. HOWEVER, what they don't tell you is that you is that it's extremely hard to keep off the weight even with the maintenance program. I've known 8 people that have done it, and they all gained back the weight (or more) in less than 6 months. Which means goodbye skinny jeans, hello stretch marks!

    I think the reason you gain the weight back is that you really didn't work all that hard to lose it. Yeah 500 calories a day is hard, but you get used to it, sometimes even have a hard time eating all 500, but you didn't sweat it out, You didn't have mental fights to get your butt on that treadmill. It's the easy way out.

    I've done it both ways, and I'm sad to say all 32lbs I lost on HCG were found right away, and now back on my butt where they started, but the 9 I've lost so far are gone for good because I WORKED to lose them. I WORKED 1hr a day to drop them. I know 100% that I will never go back.

    So my advice, if you really and truly want to lose weight and keep it off, skip the HCG and head to gym. It feels so much better to exercise the weight off than it ever did to starve it off.

    GREAT advice!!!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Rapid weight loss IS NOT BAD! There are many advantages including incredibly improved glide times when you jump off the house!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    so, one of the trainers at my gym was telling me that one of his clients did the HCG (Hungry Crazy Girl) Diet and trained with him and worked out regularly and ended up in a coma. So..... there's that, if you're into that sexy stuff. Then, by all means...
  • CindiBryce
    btw it doesnt kill your metabolism it makes it faster like it did to mine and you learn so much from this diet

    What, exactly, did you learn? How to starve?
    And please tell me how eating so little doesn't kill your metabolism.
    Sorry if I'm being harsh, but I strongly oppose fad diets.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I saw stuff about this on Dr Oz and The Doctors (~Doctors, Doctors, Give me the news~!).

    From what they said, it isn't the safest idea...But it's your choice obv. >_< Make sure you do your own research, only you can decide what is right for you!
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I never used to eat breakfast or lunch sometimes, most days I would be hungry by about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and would binge. For the past couple of months I have forced myself into eating both breakfast and lunch and the weight has started to come off, nothing fancy,complicated or expensive, just eating. Who would have thought it. I have retrained my body into needing food in the morning now and am feeling hungry if I have been up for half an hour and not had my breakfast yet.
  • angtodaycounts
    angtodaycounts Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I know alot of people that have done this diet with success long term. I have not thought of it as healthy but I was just looking for opinions. I will NOT be doing it just because I want to say it did it the "healthy way" and I want to learn to eat healthy and properly on the way through the weight loss journey so that I can maintain it on the other side of this battle.

    Thanks so again for all your replies!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    there is a real and distinct probablity that this will not work for you, if you're already eating low calories I would suspect that continuing to eat low calories will continue your issue. My mom has been overweight for as long as I can remember, no appetite. I started making her log and reach 1200 calories per day. Since then she's lost 5 pounds, I'm very proud of her. Her metabolism was so low from eating so little. There are many theories about how much time it takes to hit starvation mode, and no matter what resource you look at she'd been eating like that for so long that there is little doubt in my mind that was her issue. If this has been the state of your food plan for a long time I would suggest trying to slowly up those calories and see if you can't get that metabolism kicked into high gear.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    the HCG actually doesn't do anything, you lose weight due to restricting calories

    in case you were wondering...

    Stein et al Ineffectiv­eness of human chorionic gonadotrop­in in weight reduction: a double-bli­nd study American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 29, 940-948

    "HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiven­ess of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction"

    Lijesen et al The effect of human chorionic gonadotrop­in (HCG) in the treatment of obesity by means of the Simeons therapy: a criteria-b­ased meta-analy­sis Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1995 Sep;40(3):­237-43

    "there is no scientific evidence that hCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-los­s of fat-redist­ribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being­.""

    also see; JAMA 236:2495–2­497, 1976, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 29:940–948­, 1976, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 12:230–234­, 1963, S Afr Med J. 1990 Feb 17;77(4):1­85-9, West Journal of Medicine 127:461–46­3, 1977, Archives of Internal Medicine 137:151-15­5, 1977
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    ididnt starve myself if i dont get hungry u should i eat?
    it teaches u to eat healthy like im doing right i havent gained a single pound after losing 120lbs on hcg and the hcg drops protect u in some sort of way from gaining it back
    most people after hcg have a higher rmr than before the diet m y metabolism if faster than before and i have been esting everything i want

  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    ididnt starve myself if i dont get hungry u should i eat?
    it teaches u to eat healthy like im doing right i havent gained a single pound after losing 120lbs on hcg and the hcg drops protect u in some sort of way from gaining it back
    most people after hcg have a higher rmr than before the diet m y metabolism if faster than before and i have been esting everything i want

    There should be a rule of only allowing people who know grammar on the internet -_-
    I dn't understand have o y say.

    It's good that you have had success, so far, though.

    I still rather lose weight the old fashion way. Then I can be proud of all the hard work I've done :)
  • RangerSteve

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is called an opinion, not fact. And just because it doesn't agree with yours, you don't have to attack it.

    No one on here is condemning anyone for asking questions, we are giving our opinions, which is what she asked for.

    Regardless of what your politically correct teachers taught you in middle school, not everyone is entitled to their opinion and people should be ridiculed for stupid ones. If I came in here saying X skin-colored people were evil then I would be banned and people would tell me (hopefully) that I'm an idiot.

    The same goes for HCG. If someone comes in here saying it's healthy, good for losing weight and there's nothing wrong with it then they should be ridiculed and laughed off the metaphorical stage. This diet is dangerous, it's stupid, it's irresponsible and anyone who supports it is not entitled to a civil discussion about it. I can chop my legs off to lose weight but that does't mean it's smart. If anyone thinks a diet where you eat 500 calories a day is smart then that I have a bridge in Alaska to sell to them.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I know alot of people that have done this diet with success long term. I have not thought of it as healthy but I was just looking for opinions. I will NOT be doing it just because I want to say it did it the "healthy way" and I want to learn to eat healthy and properly on the way through the weight loss journey so that I can maintain it on the other side of this battle.

    Thanks so again for all your replies!!
    Good for you! Being that you want to inspire your kids on a better life, this is the choice that will make a better impact.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    ididnt starve myself if i dont get hungry u should i eat?
    it teaches u to eat healthy like im doing right i havent gained a single pound after losing 120lbs on hcg and the hcg drops protect u in some sort of way from gaining it back
    most people after hcg have a higher rmr than before the diet m y metabolism if faster than before and i have been esting everything i want
    Anecdotal evidence isn't evidence. How can you have a higher RMR when ALL science shows that reduced intake slows metabolism? Don't post opinions, post proof.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    so, one of the trainers at my gym was telling me that one of his clients did the HCG (Hungry Crazy Girl) Diet and trained with him and worked out regularly and ended up in a coma. So..... there's that, if you're into that sexy stuff. Then, by all means...

    comas are very sexy.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    i was 14 when i started and now 15 lbs and kept the weight off

    Umm rofl....wow.
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    Good luck to everyone who blows off maitenance on their current diet! That's what people do with HCG and that's why they gain it back. All diets require a life change, there is other phases to the diet other than 500 cals... do your research before you form an opinion.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is called an opinion, not fact. And just because it doesn't agree with yours, you don't have to attack it.

    No one on here is condemning anyone for asking questions, we are giving our opinions, which is what she asked for.

    Glad you said it!
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    I have never been a fan of diets/program that are extreme. Also, I think it is about your health.. not just being thin. Your heart, your bones, etc. I did hear what you were saying about your joints. I am the same weight as you are (give or take a pound).. I am sure you know.. there are many excercises that will not be hard on your joints. Swimming and biking --(stationary or not :))

    Good luck with your choice. We are all here for support.. :)
  • KDavies29
    KDavies29 Posts: 2 Member
    I love how people can have opinions about things they know almost nothing about and have spent next to no time researching. They see "500 calories" and think OMG instant STARVATION. FIrst of all the diet works in phases and the 500 calories is for three or four weeks only. I've done fasts and cleanses that were longer than that. In maintenance, most people can eat 2000+ calories per day without gaining (my personal experience). Secondly, obesity KILLS people and the current logic of "eat less/exercise more" isn't helping many of them. This diet has been available at weight loss clinics for over 60 years. I am 40 (not 14) and my husband is 43, and we have lost 20 and 29 pounds respectively in a ittle over a month and kept it off after going back to a healthy 2000+ calorie paleo type diet. No side effects, no long term damage to our metabolisms, no comas and no regrets!
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