HCG...what do you think?!



  • MrsPhan11
    MrsPhan11 Posts: 2,502 Member
    And here we go...

    My thoughts exactly....
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I love how people can have opinions about things they know almost nothing about and have spent next to no time researching. They see "500 calories" and think OMG instant STARVATION. FIrst of all the diet works in phases and the 500 calories is for three or four weeks only. I've done fasts and cleanses that were longer than that. In maintenance, most people can eat 2000+ calories per day without gaining (my personal experience). Secondly, obesity KILLS people and the current logic of "eat less/exercise more" isn't helping many of them. This diet has been available at weight loss clinics for over 60 years. I am 40 (not 14) and my husband is 43, and we have lost 20 and 29 pounds respectively in a ittle over a month and kept it off after going back to a healthy 2000+ calorie paleo type diet. No side effects, no long term damage to our metabolisms, no comas and no regrets!

    A month of 500 calorie a day eating is NOT a safe thing for people to do. JUST SAYIN.
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