Accountability Increases Your Success: Check in Daily!



  • kriskreations
    i did a turbo kickboxing class.
  • DWolf
    great workout today 45 minutes karate and 45 minutes of judo training!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Legs are suuuuuuper sore today, had a crack at the 30ds two days ago and worked for an AV company yesterday (requiring a small amount of heavy lifting using muscles which were not happy about the situation). So, today, sporadic stretching only but starting tomorrow, back into it. Brilliant thread idea.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Yipes! I did lots of walking today but my pedometer reset itself at midnight so I can't tell you how many steps or miles I completed. Tomorrow (actuallly later today), I will aim for some kickboxing. Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! Be safe, have fun, and please, don't wander too far from this thread (if possible).

    (BTW, I saw a bumpersticker this morning that put a smile on my face: ' I ran out of sick days so I called in dead.')
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I did 30 mins on the treadmill, 10 mins of strength training, and 26 min aerobics DVD
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    89 min of walking the dog!! :smile:

    Going out to lunch today so I looked up the nutrition facts and logged lunch already!

    Wishing everyone a safe great holiday weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    I'd love to join you guys!

    I'm at work right now, but tonight I will be doing 90 mins of interval walking on the treadmill (various speeds and inclines) and then 30 minutes of Billy Blank's PT 24/7, just the basic DVD today.
  • shesblossoming
    Another 45 minutes on the elliptical. I also did some major grocery shopping and purchased almost fifty pounds of produce! It's juice time!
  • kungfurockchick
    Yesterday, I did 10 minutes on the rower, 10 minutes stationary cycling, 30 minutes strength training and 30 minutes Wing Chun block/strike training. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm having to build up slowly. (I've only been out of a full leg brace for a week after badly breaking my knee in a motorbike accident back in June, and am still on crutches).
    Today, I did nothing!!....I was aching so damn much after yesterday lol.....I did study a lot of Wing Chun theory tho so it's not been a totally wasted day............This topic is a great idea btw, Accountability certainly does increase success.
    I always find I try a lot harder at my physiotherapy sessions than I do at home, because I don't have a physiotherapist here watching if its ok with you all, you are now my honorary therapists! :D
  • DWolf
    Hiked a few miles into the forest today with a hunting blind on my back, climbed up in the trees to secure the blinds and hiked out. Total workout time 90 minutes and its 94 degrees here today so I definitely had a good sweat going...
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    kungfurockchick and futurehockey mom, welcome! I think you'll like it here and hope you return often.

    drunkwithwords, wow, 50 lbs of fruit! You're going to be drinking juice for a long time! Great work on that elliptical!

    DWolf, you blow me away! Could not work out that long in that heat! You are such a trooper! I admire your stamina.

    theba2il, 89 minutes - whoa! Your determination really shows. Who came back more tired, you or your dog? Great work!

    It's 10:47 and I only walked 3.6 miles today. I wanted to get in some kickboxing. I'll see if I am up to squeezing in something a little extra before I hit the sack tonight.
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Whoops, forgot to post yesterday! I did the fitness test for Insanity (which has made me really nervous about what the actually workouts will be like), and then just miscellaneous active-y things (walking to run errands, biking to a friend's house, bouncing on a trampoline...) Didn't eat that well at the end of the day (curse you, pizza with friends!), but I was satisfied with my physical activity level. :)

    @DWolf: That sounds beautiful! And boiling and exhausting but beautiful nonetheless!
    @Kungfurockchick: Doesn't sound like much? o_o I beg to differ!
    @Peschuntz: 3.6 miles is still great! How long does that take you?
  • zoodalia
    Cycled 11 miles or 18 km depending on where you're from (be it on a stationary bike)!
  • BCxBonnie
    sooooo true!!!
    There are two things of which I am certain regarding fitness: (1) I like a variety of workouts - walking, kickboxing, strength training, etc. and (2) Unless I am accountable, it is relatively easy for me to lose motivation and slide off of the proverbial wagon. Can you relate?

    This is what I propose - a thread where members can check in daily and report on their day's fitness activities, regardless of how much or how little you workout on a given day. Walking, running, weight lifting, yoga, dancing, gardening and so much more - it's all good and it all counts. Anything that gets you moving and increases strength, flexibility or cardiovascular endurance is well worth reporting.

    Permit me to get the ball rolling . . . I walked approximately 11, 500 steps today (as measured by my pedometer.) What did you do? :drinker: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • kungfurockchick
    Just got back from a trade show where I spent 5 long. long. long hours walking round the ENORMOUS Birmingham NEC. Stopped every now and then to chat with wholesalers and only had 2 cup of tea stops.......and all this on crutches! Sooooo I think that's more than enough for today lol................Back home now, feet on fire, knee killing me, cup of tea in hand and a lovely warm feeling of accomplishment lol
    Got physiotherapy at the hospital in the morning....hope I can move my poor worn out old carcass when I wake up! lol
  • mags2504
    jogged 3k, 1 hour zumba, then jogged another 3.5k
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Hope everyone is well. Took a rest day today due to my sinuses:sad: But I'm still eating well:smile:

    Take everyone!!
  • DWolf
    i am so glad to see all the ways to keep busy and active. Holiday weekends can be tough but I got in a 45 minute dog walk . A little too leisurely so I may try to get a little more in later...lets keep this thread going strong!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Today's been a good day. Did 60 minutes on the treadmill... Started week 8 of the run your butt off program.. Only four more weeks to go.. Yay! Did 30 minutes of Billy Blank's PT 24/7.. That is exhausting! Finished it off with 30 minutes of yoga with my husband. Now to watch a movie and relax... Hope everyone is having a good long weekend!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Checking in... I've been cleaning my house and haven't had much time on MFP (or the computer in general). I've done really well, except Saturday night I had some drinks with my friend at her apartment and due to that I went over on my calories by 700cal! I am taking that out of the rest of the week's calories so that it evens out at the end of the week! Hope everyone's doing well.