Reboot Boogaloo, September - open group



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, I don't like dreams like that. They stress me out. Usually I find that they don't come true. Early this morning I had a dream that we went to go get Miss I and she gave me a hug and I started crying. Since she had no physical contact with us last time, then I will take a hug from her and probably cry about it too. :wink:

    V, I am having a hard time with our trip as well. I know ours is still a week off but I am usually planning by now and have lists done. I think I am still in shock that this is happening.

    Hello everyone else! Please check in! We would love to hear from you! Livi, how's the move going?

    I am back under 155 again! Yay! And I am two inches down. I can tell my waist is getting smaller. I had a major muffin top so this makes me happy! If only my hips and rear would shrink. That's where most of my problem is. But progress! I'll keep logging. I feel like having muffins this morning, but I am trying to keep my carbs down. They are gluten free though. We are going shopping this morning I think. We want to get gifts for the people in Russia that have helped us. We will look for that stuff today. And maybe a few little things for Miss I. I keep typing her name and have to backspace. :tongue: Soon I can say her name. I think we can post pictures and her name right after we pick her up from the orphanage but I think we are wanting to keep people in suspense a little longer. :laugh: We'll see.
    Alex is wanting to go on a walk this morning, so we will try to do that as well. The jetski thing did not work out. Long story but Steve was SOO disappointed. He found another place we could rent from one for 4 times the money, and I asked him if that was a good idea. So we pretty much argued and bickered all weekend. I don't know what we are doing on our date. We want to do something special since it could be the last one we have for a little while. Last night neither one of us wanted to do anything with each other. :laugh: We did get some issues talked out so I suppose that helped. We both needed to vent.

    Release boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    MM - if you complain to groupon, you can get your money back. I've done it before.

    Still waiting on other people to check in...

    Today is the start of "getting everything ready" to leave for a week. I have to keep reminding myself that it's only a week. Really, that much doesn't need to be done. It does help to write it all down, so I'm working on that this morning.
    I'm going to a yoga class this afternoon - some friends of the teacher lost everything in the nearby fire, so I'm bringing some extra yoga mats for them. I need to go through mine and pick 2-3 out (I have quite the collection). Need to see what condition they are in as well - I don't want to give them shredded mats, which is an issue in a house with cats.

    I think I'm doing the bike ride today and getting some errands done. I woke up a little late, but we are going out with friends tonight and tomorrow is our watering day (we are in stage 2 water restrictions, so we can only water once a week) - I think I may not get the bike ride in tomorrow.

    Getting ready, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Okay. We are going ice skating for an hour and then going to Medieval Times for dinner and a show. We both get to do something we want. :) I told Steve that the ice skating rule is that he can't leave my side. Last time he took off and left me holding on to the wall. Not so romantic. I'll get a good burn in before dinner. :)
    Finally a date night boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    OK, pebbs (and others?)

    NOW I am in manic planning/buzzing around getting ready mode. I realized yesterday that I hadn't even figured out how to get from the airport to my hotel (sometimes a major problem if you fly into a town where there's no taxi service, which I have done) so, I started doing that and then ordered a car here and then started my full scale FREAK OUT. (I don't think it sunk in until I hung up with the car company. . .) I know everything will be fine, I just wish I didn't have to go through six flights to get to one place, and have pretty major layovers. (although some airports nowadays are pretty fun) But, I will get there for mostly free. I don't know how much I'll be checking in when I'm away, but I will try to post when I can.

    Today is: packing, doing some last minute shopping for travel-size toiletries, and trying to get some sleep (I have to leave for the airport at 5:30). The roofers are still here, so the rest part won't happen until they leave.

    Congrats on date night, MM. . .that's good. Mary, that is terrible about the fires.

    Hey? Where my other pebbles (group members, new and old) at?, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Have a good flight, V.

    Did you enjoy ice skating, MM?

    I'm going through my list of things to do before I leave. I usually am more planned out than this (we will eat at this restaurant, etc), but we don't usually follow the plans anyway - so it will all work out. My solar still isn't on :angry: I hope it's turned on tomorrow so I can see it working before we leave. It's been two weeks!

    Anyway, today: bike this morning, yoga at home this afternoon, and a Chinese Moon Festival this afternoon as well. A friend of ours adopted a kid from China 10 years ago, and the kid is part of this festival. It's going to be hot.

    Planning, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, I hope they get your solar panels on soon! That's frustrating to spend that much money, and have to wait so long for it to be used.

    Well, as I have said in another post we are indecisive. So we ended up not going ice skating last night. We are going this afternoon. Instead we took our best friends on a double date to the Medieval Times. It was a lot of fun! They really enjoyed it. They needed the date as badly as we did so I am glad they got to go. They are watching Alex this afternoon so we can go skate. I'm sorry to say that I will be glad when we are done. :tongue: It sounds mean. I may really like it but this will be my third time going. I didn't like it the first two times. :ohwell:
    My stomach is still torn up. I am wondering now if I have an ulcer. It just cramps from time to time and I feel queasy. It's very frustrating. I don't need an upset stomach when we go to Russia. It's just not good. So I am going to try to eat small meals this week, and foods that hopefully won't aggravate it. Yes, I am freaking out a bit about next week and I'm sure that is not helping. A friend reminded me at church that this would be the last Sunday at church and only having one child. Yeah, that kind of hit me. I am kind of sad that it will not longer be just me and Alex. And it may no longer be quiet and clean in my house. :laugh: Am I having regrets or second thoughts? No regrets, second thoughts maybe. :wink: But after a time we will adjust and it will be as if we have always been a family of four.

    Changes boogaloo.
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    checking in. colour me frustrated. I'm having to "weigh-in" to my Weight Watchers online tracker tomorrow and being on my period this week I've gained 5lbs (of water I hope). I've been walking so much, it just isn't fair!
    I hope that it goes away after this week. I hate the idea of marking it on the website though. Years ago, in the late 70's I went to a WW meeting and gained something like 1.25 lbs in my first week. The leader made a point of making me feel like crap in front of the group. I never went back again. I was 13 years old or something..these things last in our hearts! Anyway, I'm not going to meetings this time just have the voices in my head to contend with.

    Sorry I've not given any feedback to others....finding hard to have energy for others...very sorry...I'll try to do better.

    boogaloonew week comin'

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Sarah, that's awful that you went through that when you were thirteen! How awful. I don't think people should be weighed in front of each other. That's one of my problems with the Biggest Loser. Sure we all want to see how many pounds they lose, but when they first weigh in and they do it in front of friends and family, I don't think that's right. It's humiliating. Your weight gain could also be from walking. You are building muscle and some times it takes a while for the scale to start going back down again. I always see a gain when I start working out again. I don't know why but it always happens.
    Busy day today. A friend is dropping clothes off for Miss I this morning. I have to go get my thyroid checked, hopefully the last time for six months. Then I need to try to go shopping for the orphanage clothes donation. Alex has tumbling class. Then it's time to start packing(packing Miss I's clothes and digging out warmer clothes for me), making packing lists, and cleaning up the house. I have moments of confidence and moments of fear and anxiety. I hope I move to the more confident side as we get closer to the trip. I am going to try to walk today. I ate out twice this weekend and had frozen custard. I did not eat as much as I normally would have and I did not over eat, but still. Back to logging today as well. I wasn't able to get the whole week (Thursday to Thursday) logged, but it's okay.

    Just a few days left boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Odd that three of us are all going out of town the same time.

    Sarah - I was in WW when I was 14. I remember when they would clap for you and announce your weight loss/gain. I can't imagine that now.

    Today: hopefully the plumbers will be here soon (well, after my morning class). Our kitchen drain (which also drains the washing machine) backs up about once a year. I spent a good deal of time on Friday trying to fix it myself with a $30 auger before calling the plumber - and they couldn't come until today - so I haven't done any wash! I need to do wash, we are leaving tomorrow. I might have to run up to the laundry mat, sigh. As long as the problem isn't tree roots (which it could be, given our summer), I'm going to buy a real auger for next time.

    BTW - the $30 auger was totally worth it. I took it into my shower and cleaned a bit of hair out of the drain. I'm compiling a list of tools that you should have that are under $50, that you never knew you would use so much. This is now on it. A staple gun is also on it. Anyone have anything to add?

    Also today - teach and take yoga, get a walk in.

    Auger, boogaloo.
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    update... ok, so I took my bike out today. First walked to the gas station to blow up the tires a bit then into High Park for a slightly safer place to ride than on the streets. With the walking up the hills with the bike and riding around the park some, it was almost 4km. I'm exhausted..I'd forgotten how hard biking is. Anyway...I was scared to do it, but I did it. I hate the feeling of starting out at the beginning but I guess it has to be done.

    We miss you Vivia...hope you are resisting all the southern cooking!

    Hope everyone is having a good first day of the week.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hey Ya'll!!

    Super-duper quick check in.

    Today is road-trip day, as I'm renting a car to go to the "Cane Ridge" meeting site. It's an old revival site where there's a museum. It's about a four hour drive round trip. This is sort of a slow performance day at the convention, so I decided to go for it.

    The convention is, well, mind-blowing. The music is just a teeny part of it. The marketing/money making aspect of it is unbelievable. So. big.

    That's all I have time for.

    I'm resisting the southern cooking, as this city doesn't really seem to have any of it. (although today, I am stopping for BBQ if I find any.) Also, enculturation/confession: I had "sweet tea" with breakfast. All the sodium is making me thirsty. Also, walking like crazy, as much as I can (as evenings involve sitting for four hours at concerts). Scored a "media pass", so getting tons of interviews.

    Ya'll come back now, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    How do I know Texas is a divided state? East Texas has sweet tea. We do not. Really, you could divide the south based on what type of tea is served. What deep southern state are you in V?

    Way to go on your bike ride, Sarah!

    I'm off to Chicago today. I don't know if I'll be able to check in while I'm gone - there's no wifi in the rooms. I'll try to check in using my husband's phone. I will also try to get a walk in this morning.

    Off I go, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good to hear from you V! Sweet tea is a weakness for me. I don't typically drink tea any other way. Some times I am good and I drink it unsweet. :tongue:

    Sarah, good job on getting the bike out! That's great!

    Mary, did you get the plumbing fixed yet? You are having washer problems, I am having dryer problems. The dryer problem has been there awhile but either it's getting worse or I am getting more paranoid. DH seems to have the attitude "I don't know how to fix it so I will just ignore it." I am going to have to take it into my own hands I guess. :ohwell:

    I woke up a little grouchy this morning. Stomach started cramping early with a little nausea mixed in. :grumble: Then I got an email from the landlady, second one in two days. We sent in the form listing all the "problems" with the house like dents etc. I wrote down everything I could find. Of course she's nitpicking on them. One. At. A. Time. Really? I don't have time for this. I don't want to let on that we will be out of the country next week because I don't want her coming over while we are gone. My back still hurts, in fact I'm sure my pillow is aggravating it. Debating on buying a new one even though we don't have the money. Will a new one really help? I will have to adjust to that one then.
    Whew. Complain session over.
    I think that time of the month is coming and that would explain a lot. Every time there has been a major thing happening AF has decided to celebrate with me. Was that another complaint? Anyway, yesterday was an okay day. I bought clothes for the orphan donation, took Alex to class, swept and mopped the floors, cleaned, and started getting Alex's school schedule together. It seems like when Steve or Alex get hurt it's because I've asked them to do something for me. I asked Alex to check the time left on the oven. Next thing I hear is a loud slap on the floor and crying. He busted his lip. I'm gonna have to quit asking for help. :laugh:
    Today is the usual Tuesday madness. I may try to open the dryer up and see if there's a blockage somewhere. Otherwise I have no idea what to do. I have got to start getting things together. Steve and I both are feeling less motivated to prepare for this trip than for other ones. I think it's because we are overwhelmed and start shutting down. We still haven't gotten an apartment booked. Hope to have taken care of today or tomorrow. It's not for lack of trying! I will try to log food today. I didn't finish yesterday. Not sure what exercise I will get in today. It's going to be 106 again today. It should start cooling off again tomorrow.

    Attitude adjustment boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I don't like it when my Pebbs are out traveling at the same time! It leaves me talking to myself. :wink:
    I hope everyone is safe and having a good time!

    So yesterday was the worst day I've had in awhile. I guess since we are doing a good thing, then bad things are going to hit. Yesterday there was a battle all day long. I did not feel good all day. My stomach was hurting even worse. The car started making a weird noise on the way to horse therapy. The dryer is not working great so it takes several hours to do two loads of laundry. We have been having trouble getting an apartment booked which has never been hard before. Then last night, it hit hard. The landlady went off on us because her grass is dying. I won't go into details, but I will say we wrote her back. We, politely yet very firmly, said we are doing everything she said to do. Everything. We are even going out and hand watering to try to get the grass back. We told her if she wanted to help pay the water bill then we would water more. She wrote back another nasty email basically saying that was our responsibility and that if we want to get out of the lease just to let her know. Wow. You're kidding right? She told us in her first email that she spent $170 and $130 on her water bill the first two months of the summer and the grass was so green. She told us we would spend about $75 a month. So for her to expect us to pay $150 for water is ridiculous. Anyway, I said I wasn't going to go into details. So I am not sure we will make it 11 more months here, which is unfortunate. We love the house. We just can't stand her. I really did not need all this piled on all the stress I am already dealing with. So "someone" is out to get me and steal my joy.
    My goals today: stop thinking about the landlady (every time I do my stomach cramps. :grumble:), get a grocery list made, maybe take a look at the dryer, and I'm not sure what else. I feel quite lost on packing and readying the house. I got Miss I's stuff ready yesterday.
    Crazy things boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hope today is better for you MM.

    We are pulling into St Louis right now, and it's raining! Maybe Texas will get some this week and the battle with you landlady will be over.

    If we get to Chicago at a reasonable time, we'll get walking in - otherwise it will be a day off.

    St Louis, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I miss everyone! Mary, thanks for checking in! I know it's hard to do on a phone.

    Things are still south with the landlady. I would really like try to get things somewhat resolved before we leave but I don't know if that's possible. We're both at a loss. :frown: I just know I don't want to come home and still have this to deal with.
    I have been reminded that I lose weight when I am stressed out. I just can not eat as much. I am eating but not as much. I know it's not enough either because I have been really hungry at night. I will have to eat more today because I will need the energy.
    Things to do today: mow the front yard (yes it is growing enough to be mowed before we leave), go grocery shopping (I sort of have a list), eat, start packing, start cleaning. Leave it to me to wait until the last two days to do everything. :ohwell: I will have time tomorrow morning to clean before we leave so if I don't get it all done today then that's okay. Steve's parents are picking up Alex tomorrow mid day and then we are leaving in the afternoon some time.
    I had hoped to be more excited about the trip but with all the health issues and crazy people I haven't had much time to think about what we are actually doing. I think I will be more excited when we see Miss I again. :smile:

    Almost there boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    We got to Chicago at a reasonable time - but we had to wait for our room, so day off. We should make up for it today - starting off at the farmers market, then some yoga (probably in the room), art museum, and some other walking around.

    Chicago, boogaloo
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Up early ready the conference. Got lots of walking in yesterday but no yoga. Ah well, I'll be stiff today.

    Hey pebbs! Check in!

    Conference starting, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hope you have a good day Mary!

    Lots to do this morning. I tried to get a bunch done yesterday so I would just have to clean this morning but I was crashing at 8 last night. Got the yard mowed, kids' stuff packed, swept/mopped, went shopping for last minute stuff which took a couple of hours because I had to go to different stores.
    This morning: pack my stuff and hubby's stuff, vacuum, bathe Alex, put everything away that I can, and hopefully get done so I can visit with the in laws a bit.
    I have been able to eat a little more the last 24 hours and my stomach has stopped cramping, but I have no appetite. I am eating what sounds good, healthy or not, at this point. I don't know if I had a bug of some sort or if the was from the medicines I was taking. But I am feeling a little better. AF started this morning so that's nice. (Sarcasm) I have been nervous about eating airplane food because I don't really like the Asian food they have on the Singapore flights. So we were looking at the special meals last night and you can get a bunch of different options! Gluten free, low fat, ulcer diet, vegetarian, etc. Probably about 20 meals to choose from. I can usually tolerate fruit on a flight and that's usually what I want so we changed mine to the fruit platter. :bigsmile: That makes me feel better. They bring like three meals, so I wonder if they will be all fruit....

    Other people need to check in! Where did you all go?

    Airplane food boogaloo.
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    Hi friends....hope you are still fighting the good fight this week. I've had a good week exercise wise. Two big walks an getting longer each time. Yesterday almost 6 km and I can still walk today LOL! I say that means I'm getting stronger. However, the scale is not reflecting my progress with eating and walking yet. I guess it's a combo of water and muscle growth, but it is kind of heart breaking too.
    After my big walk yesterday I confessed to my hubby that I thought it was all such a dreadfully slow process and heartbreaking. You'd think I'd be celebrating...but I guess I am impatient.

    MM. I sympathise with you about your's weird how the most unstable and wacko people tend to be landlords. I've had my share of nightmares. It won't last forever.

    Take care everyone....don't give up!
