Reboot Boogaloo, September - open group



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sorry for all you have been going through, MM! I am really sorry your landlady is getting nasty. I still think it's crazy to try and keep grass green in a drought. :huh: Good luck on your trip - I hope everything goes well for you.

    I haven't checked in because I've just been so busy focusing on work, and still struggling with depression the rest of the time. I went to the doctor on Monday, and they said my x-ray looked almost exactly the same as the first one did - 3 weeks earlier! So now I am really worried about my thumb not healing properly. He switched me from a cast to a weird molded plastic splint, which is good and bad: good because it's lighter, but bad because it's plastic and doesn't breathe well, so I have to take it off to wash it and my arm, which makes me worry about moving my thumb on accident and making it worse. I almost had a panic attack the other night after showering and washing my hair, all without any immobilization for the thumb, and finally had to get my husband to help me wash the splint itself because I was getting so anxious (I also started thinking that my thumb looked crooked, though Gabe didn't see it). Ack! So my goal this week - other than surviving work - has been to just eat as healthfully as I can (getting extra protein, calcium, and vitamin D, and reducing caffeine). I don't go back to the doctor until the week after next... I really hope that it shows better healing by then (that will have been 5 weeks). They have warned me that it's not great to have it immobilized for too long, because the joint may always be stiff now. :frown:

    Mary, hope you have a great time on your trip, too. And you too, V! Sarah, keep it up with the exercise - I usually gain some water weight when I start exercising harder. It's frustrating, but it will pass. :flowerforyou:

    Trying not to be broken, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    My poor pebbs!

    Sarah, didn't you just lose 4 lbs? That's a heck of a lot.

    CP - I hope you get a break, you need one,

    MM - almost there!

    Woke up so tired. We had a three hour, 9 course (not kidding) meal last night. It was paired with fruit drinks - a nice option for those that don't drink - but we got in late and are now up at the crack of dawn. I considered skipping the first morning class, but Charlie was already awake. We may nap this afternoon.

    Tired, boogaloo

    Oh, and 4 of the courses were dessert courses - then they gave you cookies to go as you left!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Sarah, keep it up! You're doing good!
    CP I sure hope your thumb shows improvement soon. Seems like you've been through a lot.
    Mary that sounds like a lot of food!
    V, I miss you!

    We are about 60-90 minutes out from the airport. I'm feeling pretty good besides lady time and a hormone headache. Better now than on the way home. I haven't been able to eat much but I am eating which is better than two years ago on the first flight. I'm getting more excited now. In fact I've been downright chatty and laughing! Maybe seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is what I've needed. I will miss Moscow. I intend to go back someday.

    Bittersweet boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Happy travels, MM!

    Today is the last day of the conference. I think I'm ready to be back home. I woke up all worried about my cats.
    After morning class, we are going to a farmer's market in one of the neighborhoods and spending the afternoon out there.

    Last day, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I hope you kitties are okay Mary!

    Hello from Moscow! We just arrived at the apartment. It's 7:15 am your time and it's 4:15 pm here. So glad bed time is around the corner! I've only slept maybe two hours in the last 36 with the flight and all. We will get our daughter tomorrow! Excited and nervous. Praying for a smooth transition!
    Exercise will include walking to a grocery store and shopping. We will try to get to bed early tonight because our day starts at 8am. Well we have to be out the door by 8.
    It is gorgeous here! Everything is green still and the gardens are still here. So excited to show my mom around! I am really going to miss Moscow. I am going to come back someday. I just don't know when.

    Nervous and excited boogaloo!
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    good sunday morning boogaloo sisters!

    what a week! energy up and down down seems to be coming back up. Such delicate, fragile flowers we humans are. I think I overdid it the other day walking 5.85 I was really sore the last two days and did minimal activity. In fact, I slept most of yesterday. I'm going to try to stick to a 2.5-3 km walk each day to see if I can build up more endurance.
    The trouble with overdoing it, is that nothing else (laundry, cleaning, practice) gets done when you are down and out. and learn.

    It's bright and sunny here in Toronto, not hot and it will be a good walking day. I hope you all have a great Sunday wherever you are!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Good luck tomorrow, MM! Can you even believe how far you've come?? :flowerforyou:
    Mary and V, hope you make it home safely and with minimal drama!

    My husband is going to be traveling most of this week. He's such a sweetheart, though - he spent the afternoon cooking so I wouldn't have worry about cooking while he's away! He usually does the cooking, but I thought that was over the top sweet. :love: Maybe he still feels guilty about my thumb. :wink: It was our anniversary yesterday, and we had a really nice day - went to a "Greentopia" festival down by the falls, which was pretty cool. And we saw some little deer down by the river! They must have been adolescents, one had the cutest tiny antlers. It's definitely feeling like fall now, but it's been nice and sunny here, too. We also went out to a really nice dinner. I've been doing pretty well with my "nutrition for healing" diet - let's hope it's working. <thinking healing thoughts>

    New week, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    What an exciting day for you, MM!

    Hope your thumb starts to heal, CP

    Keep up the walking, Sarah

    We are heading back home today - I'm ready, though I'm going down to Corpus on Thursday, then I have my first bike ride on Saturday - whew!
    The shirt I'm wearing smells like my house - a mixture of cat food and cat. Have I ever mentioned that I have a rather strong sense of smell? It's not always a blessing :)

    Hopefully, some walking today.

    Back home, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Quick check in! It's going well here. Miss I is with us now and she's doing well. She seems to be getting over a cold. But she's having fun dressing up some dolls. :) I slept pretty good last night but still have jet lag. Doctor appt in morning then I have to go alone with Andrei to the American Embassy to sign papers. Then wednesday we have to go back to the embassy for an interview. I think we are done after that. So we may possibly come home on Thursday or Friday.
    So that's the plan for now but it's Russia and plans change very quickly.
    So we are doing good. :)
    Hope you all are well!

    Sweet daughter boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm back, Ya'll~~!!!!

    Wow, what a crazy trip. I befriended some locals so I could decompress after days/eves full of concerts and interviews. I learned more about bourbon than I probably should have, but was very good with my food choices, and walked a ton. I am extremely tired, as I was running on pure adrenalin and slept very, very little. Now I am writing to a November first deadline to submit a journal article about the experience. Whoo.

    I brought home a pair of kick-butt cowboy boots (hand stitched in Lexington, high horse country) as a souvenir, as well as a few bottles of single barrel, which I will nurse, like a lady.

    My goals/plans for the week are:
    to sleep and write as much as possible.
    to ease back into exercise with lots of walking and the gorilla trainer, as well as look over a plan to start more hard core exercising back next week.
    eat well (it was lots of grab whatever you can on the trip. I did pretty well sticking to proteins and fruit/veg, but I know my sodium was way high and the best choices were often just plain not available)

    and that's enough.

    A million congrats, MM. I will catch up on all the postings I missed a little later. Now I think it's time for a bit more unpacking and another nap.

    Missed mah pebbs, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yeah for MM!
    Welcome back V!

    We are running on time so far - hopefully we will continue to do so.

    My schedule this week is crazy: we get in at 6:30 tonight of we are on time. Have to find dinner somehow, get to the grocery store, unpack etc. Tomorrow: teach yoga, allergy testing, wash. Thursday go to Corpus. Comeback Friday, possibly see my nephews band. Saturday: first bike ride. Sunday teach yoga again. It's stressing me a little just thinking about it.
    Sorry if I've posted this before. On Charlie's phone.

    Hope to get a walk in today.

    Busy stress, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs, far and near.

    Quick post, as it is busy times, but that seems to be going around with all of us. . .hooray for the good kind of stress!:wink:

    Goals for the day:

    hydrate (still feeling the after-effects of allergy medications, air travel and too much sodium)
    go for a walk (the sun is out, and rain is in the forecast tomorrow)
    get my work area organized, finish any additional unpacking, outline my article. (including getting my receipts/field notes organized)
    eat vegetables and fruits (actual quote from the trip "is there any salad in Kentucky?)

    Back in the groove, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Chaosdrone
    I want in
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning from Moscow!

    Welcome Chaosdrone! I am in Moscow Russia finishing up an adoption that has taken three years. We are bringing home our girl this week!

    Yesterday was not a good day. Part of it was my attitude, part of it was not knowing our way around, not getting enough food or sleep, and dealing with a child who I hardly know and hardly speaks any kind of language. It has happened. She has "attached" to my mom. I knew she would. I say attached, but she really just likes my mom better. I was really mad about it yesterday. If my mom wasn't here she would have been hanging on me instead. They kept reassuring me that she doesn't know yadda yadda. Whatever. She clearly wants my mom more than me. So needless to say my feelings toward either of them were very positive yesterday. We also went out to the Bible college where Steve started his mission trip. It was a nightmare journey. Started around two and didn't get back till 11 last night. Ugh. In the middle of the night a light bulb randomly fell out of the light fixture in the hall and woke us up. Other than that sleep was decent so maybe I will have a better attitude today.
    Last bit of business starts at 11 and continues to who knows how long. You never know in Moscow. I hope it's early enough to go to Red Square. We may try to leave tomorrow (which I am hoping for) or Friday. If not, it will be Saturday. I'm ready to be home.
    On the bright side, over all Miss I is a good girl. She is VERY strong willed though. Not used to that at all. Exercise today will be walking around Red Square and that is enough. Eating goal: to make sure I get food in me today. Errands will be run during lunch. :(
    Can't wait to be home boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Welcome Chaosdrone, let us know a bit about you.

    I'm sure everything will work out, MM. Just give it time.

    I'm back home on the computer where it is easy to type. I don't see how those young folks do it :wink:
    We are now going to Corpus today! I have a few million things to do to get ready. Hoping for a walk in as well.

    On the road again, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, super pebbs! (I've decided to promote us)

    Today's goals are:

    Continuing to type like a champ. I'm up to 3 pages, only 17ish to go, then editing. No problem. I am an academic powerhouse, Roar!

    A walk if the rain stays away, yoga at home this eve if it doesn't. I have a cough this morning, which I am ignoring, as I am performing this weekend, and sick is not an option.

    Vegetables. Fruits. Real food. Staying out of the way of sugar and refined things, which are not my friends.

    And, that's enough.

    Just enough for a super-pebb, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • everytimeifeelthespirit

    Rain in Toronto

    choir rehearsal tonight

    hopped up on caffeine oh dear

    clothes a little looser today

    could it be?

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I walked in the rain today, and broke in my new cowboy boots a bit. Now I'm trying to calm down enough to eat dinner. I'm just stuck in a bit of a manic rut since my trip. I'll calm down in a bit.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    I'm really stressed. My new boss is a total bully, and is asking me to do stuff that is way out of my job description and pay grade (sample: substitute for him next week). When I protested, he continued to push, so I gave in. So, now I'm sort of depressed that I gave in, even though I told him in NO uncertain terms I would NEVER do this kind of work for him again. I cried almost all the way through yoga. I hate to feel like I've been taken advantage of, especially when I feel like I've stood up for myself and failed at that. Ah well, onward anyways.

    Today I also signed up for a "foundations" active practice at yoga, so that felt very positive. The current fall workout goals are as follows: To try to do Zumba on Sundays (I just don't think I can fit another dance class into my sched. right now. . .bummer, but that's how it is.) New Yoga class on Mon. eve, "special" yoga class on Thurs. a.m., and walking or elliptical at gym on other days. I'm also going to try to keep up with the "gorilla" on days that I'm stuck at the desk. I think it's a very important thing to try to get stronger and to get up from the desk.

    Other goals: to continue to stand up for my rights consistently, and to stay organized. The work goal for today is to re-organize the work. Essentially, everything's just in a big, huge, overwhelming pile, and I feel like I'm under it. . .so, without further ado. . .

    Baby steps, boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Free verse boogaloos?

    Don't be so hard on yourself, V. It's really hard to say no.

    Back from Corpus and ready to stay at home for awhile. I'm going through the laundry now and generally catching up on everything. Bike ride on Saturday - gasp.

    Today: walk, I'm really craving this.

    Catch up, boogaloo.