Women and Body Image...What is your input?



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Thank you everyone!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I think sometimes people have a hard time imagining what weight looks like. Everyone seems to carry it differently. So when you tell them I want to lose X amount of weight, they think about it in comparison to themselves and cant really imagine it.

    And sometimes when people who need to lose weight are confronted with someone who has been doing an awesome job LOSING it, they feel a little bad about themselves and try to justify how they feel about THEMSELF by telling you that you would be too skinny and you already look great.

    Honestly, my family is the same way. When I am fat they tell me I am fat. When I get to a healthy BMI they tell me I'm too skinny and am I eating and am I being healthy. Especially my mom (who is weighs more than I do now and she HATES that--she used to always tell me 'when I was your age I weighed 103, why dont you?'. I think she secretly wants me to stop losing weight because it makes HER feel better about herself.

    Anyway, I'm super proud of you and how well you've been doing! I say Go For It!!! You've got this far, why not see if you can get to that weight you want to be!